170+ Best Kenyan Names With Meanings
Kenya is a diverse country made up of many ethnic groups with their own languages.
The people of Kenya place significant importance on the names of their children. They believe that the name that a child is given will show through their personality later in life.
Traditional Kenyan names often involve naming children after the circumstances in which they were born. The weather, the time of day and the geographic location that they were born in can influence the name that they are given.
Read on to find a list of the best Kenyan boy names and girl names with meanings. You might also want to look at these fantastic African boy names and these Jamaican names for more name ideas.
Popular Boy Names
Boy names in Kenya are meaningful and beautiful. Here is a list of popular boy names from various cultures within Kenya.
1. Aasir, one of the Kenyan boys' names that mean “fascinating personality”.
2. Absko, one of the Kenyan names that mean “power and strength”.
3. Adamu, the name of a Kenyan boy that means “father of mankind”.
4. Alamini, one of the names that means “trustworthy”.
5. Alhaadi, one of the names for a boy that means “guide”.
6. Chiumbo, among the cute Kenyan boy names that mean “little”.
7. Darweshi, one of the Kenyan names of Swahili origin that means “holy”.
8. Fadhili, one of the names for a boy that means “favor and compassion”.
9. Feruzi, a unique Kenyan name of Swahili origin that means “turquoise”.
10. Feye, a Kenyan name that means “the beginning”.
11. Gathee, a name for a boy that means “elderly”.
12. Gathii, a name in Kenya that means “traveler”.
13. Gatimu, a Kenyan name that means “a spear”.
14. Geteye, a powerful name for a boy that means “my master”.
15. Gichinga, a Kikuyu name that means “a firebrand”.
16. Gicicio, a unique name for boys that means “mirror”.
17. Githinji, a name that has the meaning “a butcher”.
18. Gitonga, a Kenyan name for a boy that means “wealthy person”.
19. Jaali, a Kenyan name of Swahili origin that means “powerful”.
20. John, a name for a boy that is currently the most popular name in Kenya.
21. Mukami, an occupational Kenyan name that means “the one who milks cows”.
22. Natori, a name for an African born boy that means “bird”.
23. Naiponi, one of the Kenyan names that mean “the big one”.
24. Ndwiga, a name for your boy that gives the meaning “giraffe”.
25. Obama, a famous Luo last name for a boy that means “to lean”.
26. Obuya, a great name of Luo origin that means “born inan overgrown garden”.
27. Odongo, a name of Luo origin that gives the meaning “second of twins”.
28. Odour, an African name of Luo origin that means “born after midnight”.
29. Ojwang, a Kenyan name for a tough boy that means “survivor”.
30. Okello, a Kenyan name meaning “born after twins”.
31. Okeyo, a nice name for an African boy that means “born during harvest”.
32. Olouch, an African name that means “born on a cloudy day”.
33. Omariba, is a name in Kenyan that means “clay”.
34. Omoni, a name given to a boy that means “born at dawn”.
35. Omwancha, a sweet name for an African boy that means “he who loves people”.
36. Reth, a royal African name for a boy that means “the King”.
37. Ruhiu, an African name of Kikuyu origin that means “sword”.
38. Sarki, a powerful African name meaning “chief”.
39. Tuwile, a name that gives the meaning “death is invincible”.
40. Wamai, a name for a boy who is “born of water”.
41. Wambua, a name given to a boy who is “born during rain”.
42. Wamugunda, a unique name for a boy that means “born of the land”.
43. Wamukota, a name given to a boy that means “born left handed”.
44. Wamwarav, a name for boys in Kenya that means “intelligent”.
45. Waruhiu, a unique name for boys in Kenya that means “bears a weapon”.
46. Warui, a beautiful African name that means “born of the river”.
47. Wasaki, a name that gives the meaning “the enemy”.
48. Waweru, a nature name for boys that means “born of the plains”.
49. Zuberi, a Swahili name for a boy which means “one who is strong”.
Unique Names Of Kenyan Boys
Some names sound more different than others. Here is a list of unique boy names.
50. Amara, a British name that means “immortal being”.
51. Barasa, among the African names that mean “meeting site”.
52. Chane, an African name of Swahili origin that means “strong oak-heart”.
53. Chege, a Kikuyu tribe name for a firstborn boy. The name is common among Kikuyu.
54. Chilemba, among the names for a boy that means “turban”.
55. Chitundu, one of the African first names for a boy that means “birds nest”.
56. Gacoki, a Kikuyu name that gives the meaning “he returns”.
57. Gakere, a Kenyan name of Kikuyu origin that means “muscular form”.
58. Gichinga, a Kikuyu name that means “a firebrand”.
59. Gicicio, a unique African name for boys that means “mirror”.
60. Keanjaho, a unique Kenyan name that means “a mountain of bears”.
61. Kipsigei, a Kenyan surname given to a baby who is born without help.
62. Makalani, a Kenyan word that means “clerk”.
63. Mpenda, a name that gives the meaning “lover”.
64. Ochieng, a good African name of Luo origin that means “born during daytime”.
65. Odikinyi, a Kenyan name for a baby boy that means “born during an early morning”.
66. Onkwwani, a name for a boy born talkative that means “one who talks a lot”.
67. Opiyo, an African name that gives the meaning “first of twins”.
68. Othenio, an African name for a boy born at night.
69. Othiambo, an African name that means “born during the evening”.
70. Owiti, a hopeful African name that means “born after misfortune”.
71. Owuor, a name for a boy that means “born mid-morning”.
72. Pili, an African name meaning “born as the second child”.
73. Riitho, a Kenyan word that means “to see eye to eye with”.
74. Ruguru, a Kikuyu name for a boy who “comes from the west”.
75. Sokoro, a name for boys born in Kenya that means “lucky one”.
76. Thabiti, a name for Kenyan born boys that mean “a true man”.
77. Tumaini, a name for boys born in Kenya that means “hope”.
78. Wachiru, a name for a boy in Kenya that means “born of a judge”.
79. Waitimu, a name for a boy that means “born of a spear”.
80. Wathaika, a name for boys that gives the meaning “born of the land”.
81. Wangombe, a unique name that is given to boys that means “of the cattle”.
82. Wangondu, a name for boys that means “of the sheep”.
83. Wanjala, an African name that means “brewer”.
84. Wekesa, a nature inspired name that means “born during harvest”.
85. Yaro, a rare African name for a boy that means “son”.
Popular Kenyan Girl Names
Here is a list of popular girl names that are taken from various cultures within Kenya.
86. Absco, one of the girl names that mean “inventive mind”.
87. Abuya, among the Kenyan girls' names which means “born in an overgrown garden”.
88. Achieng, an African name for girls that means “born during the day”.
89. Adimu, a unique name for girls that means “rare”.
90. Adongo, a name that is given to a girl who is the “second of twins”.
91. Akinyi, a name of Luo origin that means “born during the morning”.
92. Almasi, a pretty and shining name for girls that means “diamond”.
93. Aluoch, a name that is given to girls who are born during an overcast morning.
94. Aminifu, is a Kenyan name of Swahili origin that gives the meaning “faithful”.
95. Angavu, a perfect name for girls born in Kenya that means “shining one”.
96. Asilia, a short and pretty name for girls in Kenya that means “honest”.
97. Atieno, a name inspired by nature for girls in Kenya that means “born at night”.
98. Barongo, a name that is given to girls which means “the youngest of twins”.
99. Bishara, a positive name for a girl that means “good tidings”.
100. Chausiku, a name given to a baby girl who is born during the night”.
101. Chineye, this is an African game that means “God lives”.
102. Dabiku, a pretty and positive name for a girl that means “offering”.
103. Dhakiya, the perfect name for an intelligent girl that means “smart”.
104. Durah, a pretty name for your baby that means “pearl”.
105. Eidi, a Kenyan name for girls that mean “feast”.
106. Elinah, a good name for a girl that means “shining light”.
107. Farashuu, is a Kenyan term that means “butterfly”.
108. Felistats, a joyful name for your baby girl that means “happiness”.
109. Firyali, is a Kenyan name for a girl that means “unusual”.
110. Gasira, a Kenyan name for a girl that gives the meaning “brave”.
111. Genevieve, a name that means “tribe woman”.
112. Gheche, a cute name for a baby girl that means “small”.
113. Hamisi, is a Kenyan name or a girl that means “born on Thursday”.
114. Hanuni, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl that means “happy and cheerful”.
115. Ingumba, an African name for a girl that means “easy going”.
116. Jumapili, a Kenyan term that means “born on a Sunday”.
117. Keruba, a name given to girls who are born on the plains.
118. Kenya, a name that is mostly given to girls all around the world and means “animal horn” in Hebrew.
119. Kiwi, a unique nickname for Kenya.
120. Mukondi, a name to give your artistic baby girl, means “dancer”.
121. Mumbi, a beautiful African term that means “mother of people”.
122. Nafula, the name for a girl inspired by nature that means “born during the rainy season”.
123. Nduta, a Kenyan word that can be used as a name that means “teach me”.
124. Ngendo, a Kenyan word that is translated to “traveler”.
125. Sikudhanai, a name for a happy African girl that means “a pleasant surprise”.
126. Visola, an African name that carries the meaning “longings are waterfalls”.
127. Walta, the name given to a strong girl that, meaning “shield”.
128. Wambui, the melodic name of a girl which means “singer of songs”.
129. Wanjeri, a name that means “born of Njeri”.
130. Yumna, a prosperous African name that means “lucky and fortunate child”.
131. Yusra, an African name for girls that mean “blessed with good fortune”.
132. Zaafrani, a beautiful name that means “saffron”.
133. Zahra, a bright African name to give a girl that means “shining”.
134. Zuwena, a unique African name for girls that carries the meaning “good”.
Unique Kenyan Names For Girls
Here is a list of unique and special names of Kenyan girls.
135. Afaafa, a pretty African name for girls that gives the meaning “virtue”.
136. Akello, a name that is given to girls who are born after twins.
137. Akeyo, a very pretty name inspired by nature that means “born during harvest”.
138. Angweng, a unique and pretty name that means “born during the time of white ants”.
139. Anyango, an African name inspired by nature that means “born during the mid morning”.
140. Apiyo, a cute and short African name for girls that means “the first of twins”.
141. Arogo, a name for girls that means “one who gave trouble during pregnancy”.
142. Ducha, a cute name for your baby girl that gives the meaning “small”, or “humble”.
143. Duni, one of the cute Kenya names that mean “small”.
144. Esiankiki, an African name for girls that mean “young maiden”.
145. Eucabeth, a good name for girls born in Kenya that means “the one who is great”.
146. Fanaka, a lovely name for girls that means “prosperity”.
147. Faraja, a unique and beautiful name for a girl that means “comfort”.
148. Hashiki, a strong feminine name for a girl that means “passion”.
149. Hawla, a unique African name that gives the meaning “graceful like an antelope.”
150. Hiari, a cute name and a Kenyan term that means “free will”.
151. Kwamboka, a unique name that means “born while crossing a river”.
152. Machupa, a name to give a hungry baby girl that means “one who likes to drink”.
153. Mandere, a nice Kenyan name that means “beautiful beads”.
154. Muthoni, a name to give your quiet girl, means “the shy one”.
155. Mwassaa, is a Kenyan term that gives the meaning “everywhere”.
156. Njeri, a strong name to give your girl, it means “daughter of a warrior”.
157. Nyaguthii, another name that gives the meaning “a traveler”.
158. Nyambura, a name inspired by the weather, means “born of the rain”.
159. Nyawira, a name for an African girl that means “hard working”.
160. Nyokabi, among the east African names that mean “of the Massai tribe”.
161. Waceera, a name of an adventurous girl that means “the wanderer”.
162. Wairimu, the name of one of the founders of the Gikuyu tribe.
163. Waitherero, a unique name that carries the meaning “the better one”.
164. Wakiuru, the name of a founder of the Gikuyu tribe.
165. Wamuhu, a name that means “born of ashes”.
166. Wamuiru, a beautiful African name that carries the meaning “dark skinned beauty”.
167. Wamweru, a Kenyan name that means “one who is light skinned”.
168. Wangai, a powerful name for girls that mean “born of God”.
169. Wangari, a strong name for girls in Kenya that means “a leopard”.
170. Wangera, an adventurous name for girls that means “a traveler”.
171. Wanja, a mystical name that means “born from without”.
172. Winta, a nice name for a girl that gives the meaning “desire”.
173. Wokabi, a name for girls from the Massai tribe which means “of the Massai”.
174. Xinavane, a unique name that carries the meaning “to propagate”.
175. Xolani, a Kenyan word that means “to be at peace”.
176. Zalika, a name that means “well born”.
177. Zarifa, a beautiful Kenyan name for girls that mean “destined to be successful”.
178. Zawadi, the word that means “gift”.
179. Zera, a Swahili name for African girls that mean “dawn”.
Kidadl has a lot of great name articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Kenyan names, then why not look at these South African names, or for soemthing different try these unique American girl names.
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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art
Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.
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