Here at Kidadl we love cool bug facts.
Ladybug insects are one of our favorite cool bugs because they are just so cute. These ladybug facts for kids will let you get to know the ladybug insect in detail.
Have you ever wondered why a ladybug is called a ladybug? Or why most ladybugs are red but some are yellow? Are there blue ladybugs? We will answer all of your ladybug questions and more in this article.
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Ladybug Factfile
These quick facts about ladybugs for kids have all of the basics about these spotty bugs.
1. The scientific name for ladybug is the coccinellidae septempunctata, it's quite a mouthful!
2. Coccinellidae septempunctata means "seven spot ladybug".
3. Ladybugs are classed as insects.
4. Sometimes ladybugs are called ladybird beetles or lady beetles.
5. There are around 5,000 different types of ladybug.
6. Ladybugs grow up to one centimetre long.
7. The fastest speed a ladybug can fly is 24 kilometers per hour, wow!
8. Ladybugs are mostly carnivores which means they eat other insects such as aphids and fruit flies.
9. Ladybugs are harmless to humans.
10. In a year, a single ladybug can eat more than 5000 aphids.
11. Ladybug predators are usually birds, but they are also eaten by wasps, spiders, dragonflies and frogs.

Ladybug Life Cycle Facts
Learn about how a ladybug egg turns into a ladybug, and what a ladybug eats to stay alive.
12. On average a ladybug lifespan is one year long.
13. The maximum lifespan of a ladybug is two years.
14. A ladybug will lay eggs in rows or clusters underneath a leaf.
15. Each egg will turn into larvae within a few days.
16. The larvae of the seven spot ladybug is long, spiky and black with yellow and orange spots.
17. The larvae of the ladybug shed their skin a few times and grow very quickly into full size.
18. When the larvae is full size they will attach to a leaf using their tail and become a pupa ladybug.
19. After a week or two, the pupa becomes a full grown ladybug.
Ladybug Features Facts
Mostly we know the red ladybug, but in this section we'll let you know what else to look for to identify a ladybug. We'll help you recognise a poisonous ladybug, and learn about the different species of ladybugs.
20. Ladybug colors are bright as a defence mechanism. They warn predators not to eat them because of their weird color.
21. There are lots of different color ladybugs, and ladybugs with different spots.
22. Ladybug eyes are called compound eyes. They can see in lots of different directions at once.
23. Most ladybugs are oval shaped.
24. They usually have six legs that are quite short.
25. Some ladybug types have stripes instead of spots.
26. The common ladybug is the seven spotted ladybug, which is usually red or orange colored with black spots.
27. The seven spotted ladybug has a black head with white spots on the side.
28. Ladybugs come in lots of different colors including the black and white ladybug, white ladybugs, yellow ladybugs, blue and gray ladybugs.
29. The different colors of ladybugs are due to different species.
30. Poisonous ladybugs are actually not poisonous to humans, but they are dangerous to their enemies, like other animals.
31. Yellow ladybugs are not all one species. You can tell the different types of yellow ladybug by the pattern of black spots on the insects.
Where To Find Ladybugs
If you're looking for a ladybird beetle, we have all the details about where to find the ladybug species with these ladybug facts.
32. The seven spotted ladybug is native to Europe.
33. They were brought to North America in the '90s so that Americans could control the amount of aphids there were.
34. The ladybug habitat is forests and grasslands, as well as in cities and suburbs, and near to rivers.
35. Ladybugs live almost all over the world, except from in the north and south pole and the top part of North America and Russia where it is very cold.
36. Ladybugs are happy in lots of different habitats.
37. When the weather gets colder ladybugs hibernate in warm places, like under rocks and logs and inside people's houses.
38. Ladybugs like to hibernate in big groups to stay warm and safe.

Interesting Facts About Ladybugs
These fun facts about ladybugs will give you some funny information for when you see one of the bugs next. Feel free to share these ladybug facts with your friends!
39. In most cultures a ladybug is known as a symbol of good luck.
40. Farmers like ladybugs because they eat the pests that eat plants, so ladybugs keep the farm crops healthy.
41. When they are threatened a ladybug will leak an oily yellow fluid from their legs. The yellow color is designed to make predators think they taste bad.
42. When they are in danger ladybugs play dead.
43. The twice stabbed ladybug is black and has two big red spots.
44. Ladybugs are not actually bugs. They are actually beetles. That is why people often call them lady beetles.
45. In Russia, the spotted lady beetles are called 'bozhya korovka', which means "God's little cow".
46. English people originally called ladybird beetles the ladycow, before they called the insects ladybirds.
47. Ladybugs are named after the Virgin Mary. The seven marks of the common seven-spot ladybug reminded people of the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary.
48. Germans used to call ladybugs Mary's beetles.
49. Ladybugs lay extra eggs so their babies can snack on them.
50. The 22 spot ladybug has, you guessed it, a whopping 22 spots on it.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our ladybug facts for kids, then why not take a look at these awesome mitochondria facts, or learn some pretty cool facts about the seaside.