Fun Apis Florea Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Nov 16, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Sep 13, 2021
Find amazing Apis florea facts to learn more about these dwarf honey bees.

Honey bees have always played an integral role in the environment as an agent of pollination. However, the usefulness of honeybees is not limited to pollination as human beings procure products like wax and honey which have served various purposes since time immemorial.

The study of the genus, Apis, conveys how many different kinds of honey bees there are and how they are distinct from each other.

It is believed that Asia and Southeast Asia are their lands of origin because all existing species, excluding Apis mellifera (or the western honeybee), can be found here.

Both Apis florea and Apis andreniformis are specimens of the earliest variety. There are over 20,000 bee species that exist, out of which only eight species of honey bees are acknowledged.

Honey bee species have been subjected to human exploitation because of their ability to produce honey and beeswax, products that have high economic importance. The Apis florea is also known as the red dwarf honey bee or just the dwarf honeybee.

It is considered to be a species of small honeybee along with Apis andreniformis.

Want to learn more about dwarf honey bees? Then keep reading this article because more interesting facts are stated below.

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Apis Florea Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an Apis florea?

One of two small honey bee species is the Apis florea, also labeled as the red dwarf honey bee.

What class of animal does an Apis florea belong to?

The red dwarf honey bee belongs to the class of Insecta, the order Hymenoptera, and the family Apidae. The family Apidae consists of various types of bees, including honey bees, cuckoo bees, carpenter bees, bumblebees, stingless bees, and orchid bees. It is believed that the Apis mellifera evolved from the Apis flora and then migrated to Europe.

How many Apis floreas are there in the world?

The total number of red dwarf honey bees present in the world is not listed.

Where does an Apis florea live?

The geographical distribution range of the red dwarf honey bee (Apis florea) is stretched across the Asian continent. It is primarily found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand. It is an inhabitant of northeast India, and forested areas of the Middle East and China, Cambodia, and Vietnam. In 1985, these Asian honey bees were found in Sudan also.

What is an Apis florea's habitat?

The forest is the ideal habitat of the red dwarf honey bee. These bees are the crucial agent of the pollination of tropical fruits in Thailand and these bees have a unique method of selecting a nesting site by dancing.

An Apis florea nest is exposed, with a single comb on a branch. The Apis florea salvages the wax from their old comb if they are building a new single comb near it; this peculiar behavior is not present in other bees.

The Apis florea migrates too. This process of seasonal migration to different habitats ensures colony fitness. The warmth of the summer season enables these bees to forage and reproduce more.

But, during winter, the size of the colony decreases as they solely depend on the stored food. Workers of the colony search for new sites before the emergence of new Queens.

After that, these bees get to determine who is going to stay or leave the colony. Due to their absconding behavior, the old Queen will leave the comb while the new Queen will become in charge.

Who do Apis floreas live with?

These red dwarf honey bees live in a colony with numerous honeybees divided on the basis of the work that they carry out. There is a Queen in every colony, then male drones and female worker bees.

How long does an Apis florea live?

The approximate lifespan of the drone is 15 days, ranging from 6-41 days. However, the longevity of the Queen is more than that of other bees present in the colony.

How do they reproduce?

There can be only one Queen in a single comb. The method of reproduction is sexual.

Unlike the Queen of the Apis mellifera species, which mates with 25-26 male drones, the Queen of the Apis florea species mates with three to four male drones. Male bees hold the Queen's legs with their clasper that is present in their hind legs. Sperm is transferred directly to the spermatheca.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of this dwarf honey bee species is Not Listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Apis Florea Fun Facts

What do Apis floreas look like?

The Apis florea honey bee is a dwarf species that is reddish-brown and is identified for its small size. However, sometimes it becomes difficult to distinguish the Apis florea from the Apis andreniformis.

The Apis florea has longer bifurcated basitursus of posterior legs of drones than the Apis andreniformis. The forewing length of worker bees is typically 0.2-0.3 in (0.6-0.8 cm).

How cute are they?

Dwarf honey bees such as the Apis florea and Apis andreniformis can appear really cute because of their small size.

How do they communicate?

Bees are widely known for their usual method of communication. These honey bees dance to communicate.

Even while selecting a nest, a huge swarm of bees dances together towards the direction of the new site. If a predator is nearby, Apis florea bees exhibit different behavior such as hissing and shimmering. They even attempt to camouflage to protect themselves from predators.

How big is an Apis florea?

Both the Apis florea and Apis anderniformis are species of small honey bees. The approximate size of the male drone is 0.3-0.4 in (0.8-1 cm). Africanized bees are almost or more than twice their size at 0.8-0.8 in (1.9-2 cm). However, solitary bees are 0.3-0.8 in (0.8-2 cm), which is almost the same size.

How fast can Apis floreas move?

An accurate speed of the Apis florea or Apis andreniformis is not yet acknowledged. However, they are more active in summer than in winter.

How much does an Apis florea weigh?

The weight of the Apis florea is not yet listed.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The colony of Apis florea bees consists of a Queen bee; males are known as male drones while other females are primarily workers.

What would you call a baby Apis florea?

Honey bees go through various stages. A baby honeybee is called a brood or larvae in general. However, the exact term for a baby Apis florea is not listed.

What do they eat?

The diet of honey bees consists of honey, nectar, and pollen. To prepare the future Queen, they are fed royal jelly to make them larger.

Are they harmful?

Honey bees are economically very important for the production of honey and beeswax. Other than this, they enable pollination, which plays a crucial role in the ecosystem. This honeybee (Apis florea) does not cause any significant harm to humans.

Would they make a good pet?

The dwarf honey bee Apis florea is predominantly found in forests and not in a man-made habitat. They are not accustomed to the domestic environment. Thus, it is better not to have them as pets and leave them in their natural habitat.

Did you know...

‘Apis’ is a Latin word that means 'bee', and ‘florea’ is of Romanian lineage.

The Apis florea species was first acknowledged in 1787 by Johan Christian Fabricius.

Do Apis floreas sting?

More or less, this species of bees tends to sting. The Apis florea or dwarf honey bee stings using its two stylet barbs. It is advisable not to disturb their habitat.

However, if a honey bee stings, there are a few steps that you can follow. First, withdraw the stinger, then wash the affected area with water and soap. Next, apply a cold compress on the affected area for the swelling and take prescribed medicine to reduce the pain and swelling.

How much honey do they produce?

The Apis florea is a dwarf species; hence, their capacity to produce honey is comparatively less than that of other species of honey bees. Therefore, only 0.4-2 lb (200-900 g) of honey can be obtained from each colony.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other insects from our brown recluse spider and morpho butterfly pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable bee coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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