How Long Do Poodles Live? Find Out About This Pup's Life Expectancy

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 19, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Oct 30, 2021
Cute dog out side in the park.

The poodle is an outstanding dog, as seen by the numerous best-in-show winners in this dog breed.

However, underneath the blue ribbons, magnificent hairdos, and regal demeanor, you'll discover a loving family puppy with a long history and a variety of skills. They may wind up in shelters or rescue groups, despite the fact that they are purebred dogs.

Poodles are renowned to be one of the world's most intelligent breeds. They're easy to train and adapt to almost any task you offer them. You'll want to give them chores to complete. If they aren't physically and intellectually occupied, bored poodles might become destructive.

Active owners, on the other hand, will discover a loving, intelligent, trainable, and devoted family member if they can satisfy their dog's demands. Regardless of whether a poodle has captured your heart, it should thrive on a portion of high-quality dog food, whether purchased or cooked at home, with the supervision of a veterinarian and their consent.

Any food should be tailored by the vet based on the stages of the dog (puppy, adult, or senior).

Some dogs are subject to becoming overweight, so keep an eye on their calorie intake and weight by booking regular visits to the vet. A vet recommends that treats may be a useful training tool, but providing too many might lead to obesity.

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The Average Lifespan Of Poodles

The average lifespan of poodles ranges from 10-14 years. Some dogs live to be 10 years, while others live to be 13 or even 14 years old.

The poodle ranks above shorter-lived breeds and among the average to longer-lived breeds in this lifetime category. An average life expectancy of the poodle is influenced by its size. Small dogs live longer than giant dogs, and this is true across all poodle classifications.

As they become smaller, the average lifetime of a poodle rises. Surprisingly, the oldest poodles of all sizes lived to be the same age. As a result, many illnesses, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, will attack a larger dog, years before they strike a smaller dog.

Large and enormous dog breeds have the lowest lifespans, whereas medium and tiny dogs have the longest. This is related to the fact that huge dogs physically age more quickly than tiny canines.

This guideline applies to the poodle as well. But what poodle has lived the longest? According to one source, Chichi, the oldest toy Poodle, lived to be 24 years!

Other variables, in addition to size, can influence longevity. These factors include your dog's health as well as the breed's general genetic health. The poodle, like other purebred dogs, is susceptible to hereditary health problems.

These things might lower a dog's quality of life and reduce its longevity. Male canines who have been neutered live 18% longer than their non-neutered counterparts. Female canines that have been spayed live 23 % longer than those who have not been spayed.

Types Of Poodles And Their Lifespans

The size of a poodle, whether standard, miniature, or toy, has a big influence on how long they live. Surprisingly, the oldest poodles of all sizes live to be the same age!

Breeding dogs with good care and health tests can help a poodle puppy become one of the lucky ones. The average lifetime of a miniature poodle is 15 years, with a range of 14 -16 years considered typical. The fairly healthy breed of standard size poodle lifespan is 12-15 years.

The expected lifespan of a Klein/Moyen poodle is 13.5 years, with a range of 12-15 years considered typical. The lifespan of a toy poodle is 15 years, with a range of 14-16 years considered typical.

Standard poodles are known to be the biggest of the poodle dog breeds, weighing up to 70 lb (32 kg) for tall and hefty males when fully grown. Miniature poodles are in between standard and toy poodles in terms of size.

A miniature poodle weighs about 10-15 lb (5-7 kg) when fully developed. They live longer than standard poodles due to their smaller size, which follows the norm that smaller dogs live longer.

In order of size, standard poodles have the loudest bark, followed by miniature and toy poodles. Despite being a reasonably healthy breed, these poodle dogs tend to have hip dysplasia, allergies, skin infections, and cataracts are all frequent problems.

Lady, the first oldest standard poodle that lived to be 28 years was born in 1908 and lived a life until 1937.

Miniature poodles are calm canines who like to play with children and get along with other animals. Because of their delicate nature, physical play from little children can overwhelm and terrify them.

Therefore, they are best suited to a quiet environment with older children or adults. A miniature poodle will want to snuggle up to you at night, even if it is very busy during the day, demanding plenty of walks, physical, and mental stimulation.

Toy poodles are predicted to live the longest out of the breeds. Toy poodles, like other poodles, are easy to train and are clever. They're really lovely and charming.

If you can take good care of your toy Poodle, it will live a long time. They are tiny, robust dogs who, even in old age, love regular exercise and retrieve activities.

Your adorable little breed is not only typically healthy, but the average life expectancy of tiny toy poodles is 16 years. Of course, the toy poodle, like other purebred canines, has its share of inheritable health issues.

However, they are not always in good health at that period. Joint issues, eye illnesses, disc disease, and cardiac/bronchial diseases are examples of chronic difficulties.

Fear-based aggressiveness is especially common in toy and miniature poodles. Because of their tiny stature, toy and miniature poodles are especially vulnerable to harsh treatment and taunting by children. Adult miniature poodles with fear issues are more difficult to socialize, but a qualified dog trainer may assist you in doing so.

What do poodles usually die from?

Health problems and cancer are the most common cause of death in poodles. They, like many other breeds, acquire these problems later in life and frequently succumb to them. Not just when it comes to looks such as particular hues like the Parti poodle, but also temperament, health, life expectancy, and genetics are powerful!

Knowing how long your dog's grandparents, aunts, and uncles lived will help you estimate how long your poodle will live. If you bought your poodle from a breeder, ask about the lifespan of your dog's ancestors.

The majority of poodles will give in to heart disease or cancer in their later years. While you won't be able to prevent it, regular vet visits and good life choices will help you extend the lifespan of your poodle.

Although there is some disagreement over the topic of spaying and neutering, it is undeniably obvious that spaying reduces the risk of a female poodle acquiring ovarian cancer, which is deadly in 50% of dogs, and spaying removes the risk of a female poodle developing breast cancer.

A male poodle that is neutered is less likely to get testicular cancer, if done before the age of six months.

Bloat is also a cause of death that affects large, deep-chested dogs such as poodles, particularly if they are fed one large meal per day, eat quickly, drink huge amounts of water after eating, and move actively after eating. When the stomach is bloated with gas or air, it twists, causing bloat.

Because the dog can't belch or vomit to get rid of the extra air in the poodle's stomach, the usual flow of blood to the heart is slowed.

Its blood pressure falls, and the dog slips into shock. The dog may die if it does not receive prompt medical attention.

Another cause of death is genetics and they have a role in determining life expectancy. A hereditary disease is difficult to identify and is frequently misdiagnosed as hypothyroidism, allergies, or other illnesses.

Evan's syndrome, immune pancytopenia, chronic thyroiditis, temporal-mandibular myositis, and chronic active hepatitis are examples of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, which are all common autoimmune disorders in standard poodles. Some poodles live to be as young as 10 years, while others live to be 13-14 years old.

Toy poodles, despite their small size, enjoy a long lifespan if properly cared for. They are tiny, robust dogs who, even in old age, love regular exercise and playing fetch.

While it is difficult to prevent your poodle from developing cancer or heart disease, a healthy lifestyle, daily exercise, and frequent vet appointments can help it live a longer and healthier life. Visits to your veterinarian on a yearly or semi-annual basis will detect any possible problems early and make them easier to treat.

How to improve the lifespan of poodles?

It is important that you offer physical exercise and activities to your poodle on a daily basis in order to ensure that it lives a long and healthy life. While you may believe that a poodle is 'simply a show dog', you couldn't be more wrong!

Poodles were developed as water dogs and have the same high levels of activity and intelligence as their forefathers. You must exercise your poodle on a regular basis.

This holds true for miniature and toy variants as well. It's best if you can keep your poodle as active and fit as possible.

Standard poodles, in particular, are prone to stomach problems. While they are rarely deadly, it is critical to keep your poodle at a healthy weight and free of parasites to ensure its longevity.

The coat of a poodle must be groomed on a regular basis. If your poodle's hair becomes matted, it might develop unpleasant skin problems. Infections and, in the worst-case scenario, systemic illnesses might occur.

Brushing is required for most poodles once a day. Bathing with a poodle-specific shampoo and conditioner on a regular basis will help keep the coat clean and lustrous. If you don't think you'll be able to keep up with your poodle's grooming demands, give it a short and manageable haircut with grooming clippers.

It will be a lot happy, and you'll be too! Naturally, you want to indulge your poodle, but don't let goodies shorten its life!

Treats should not be consumed in big amounts by your poodle. Treats should be a minor part of their diet, with the majority of their meals coming from high-quality, healthy dog food.

Flour, preservatives, fillers, and even sugar tend to be common ingredients in store-bought poodle food and treats. Treats should be saved for exceptional occasions. Many bones are also harmful to dogs.

They have the potential to splinter and become stuck in their throats. To avoid having rawhide, chicken bones, or deer antlers trapped in your Poodle's throat or intestines, don't feed them to your poodle dog.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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