One of the most delicious fish found in Baja Mexico and southern California, the baqueta fish (Epinephelus acanthistius) is quite delicate in flavor and has a firm texture when cooked. The species is known by several names such as Gulf coney, rooster hind, Colorado coney, grouper, brown baqueta, pink baqueta, rose coney, cabrilla rosa, and many more.
The Gulf coney or baqueta fish possesses a firmer texture compared to the east coast grouper. An adult baqueta fish generally has a brown or rosy red body, while a juvenile fish has a dark brown body with multiple blue spots.
The body is robust, relatively deep, and oval in shape, while a thin black mustache can be seen at the side of the top jaw.
An adult baqueta fish has elevated dorsal fins. While talking about its size, the average weight and length of the species are around 5-20 lb (2-9 kg) and 51 in (130 cm), respectively.
The range of the species generally includes southern California through the Gulf of California to Peru. An adult baqueta fish inhabits rocky reefs and sandy patches, while juveniles are found in shallow waters. These groupers spawn year-round.
The IUCN has not evaluated the status of the species, but the population seems to be stable. However, overfishing and predation both pose threats to the fish.
People in North America generally like the sweet and mild flavor of the fish and its flesh is white when cooked. Also, in Baja Mexico, the commercial fishery industry generally includes small boats and lines.
Let's read more new and interesting facts about the baqueta fish, and if you found this article insightful, don't forget to check out exciting facts about different animals like the monkfish and the bonito fish.
Baqueta Fish Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a baqueta fish?
The baqueta fish (Epinephelus acanthistius) is a ray-finned predatory species that is found primarily in Baja Mexico, southern California, and Peru. The fish is known for its texture and its sweet and mild flavor. Several names such as Gulf coney, rooster hind, Colorado coney, grouper, brown baqueta, pink baqueta, pink grouper, and rose coney are used for the species.
What class of animal does a baqueta fish belong to?
The Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) belongs to the class of Actinopterygii, the family of Serranidae, and the Epinephelus genus. The mild and sweet flavor is somewhere between the taste of bass and halibut. Also, the cooking process of this fish is quite easy.
How many baqueta fish are there in the world?
The exact population of Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) fish is not known as of now.
Where does a baqueta fish live?
The Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) is native to Baja Mexico and southern California, and its range includes southern California through the Gulf of California to Peru.
What is a baqueta fish's habitat?
The typical adult baqueta fish habitat includes rocky reefs and sandy patches, while juveniles are found in both deep and shallow waters.
Who do baqueta fish live with?
The social behavior of the Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) is not known as of now, but since it is a predatory fish, Gulf coney are unlikely to get along with other fish.
How long does a baqueta fish live?
The life span of the Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) species is not known as of now, but other coney fish have a life span of over 11 years.
How do they reproduce?
Very little information regarding the reproduction pattern of the Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) is known as of now. However, it is known that groupers spawn year-round, so this species may spawn year-round as well.
The courtship behaviors performed by baqueta fish (male and female) are also not known. Several species of the Epinephelus family generally spawn deep, at least 1,722 ft (522 m) below the surface of the water. Also, the average litter size laid by a baqueta fish female is not known.
What is their conservation status?
The IUCN has not evaluated the status of the Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius), but the population seems to be stable across their range and they are not endangered. However, overfishing and predation can both pose threats to this fish.
A population assessment is generally done by the commercial fishery industry, but in Baja Mexico the commercial fishery industry generally includes small boats and lines, and this lack of infrastructure may affect the population of baqueta fish.
Baqueta Fish Fun Facts
What do baqueta fish look like?
The Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) possesses a firmer texture compared to the east coast grouper. An adult baqueta fish generally has a brown or rosy red body, while a juvenile fish has a dark brown body with multiple blue spots.
The body is large, relatively deep, and oval in shape while a thin black mustache can be seen at the side of the top jaw. An adult baqueta fish has elevated dorsal fins.

*Please note that this image is of coney fish, not a baqueta fish. If you have an image of a baqueta fish, please let us know at
How cute are they?
Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) fish are really large. Their distinctive names are super cute, but people generally shy away from them in reality due to their slightly creepy appearance.
How do they communicate?
The Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) generally communicates the same way as other fish. This fish uses its sense of smell and tactile cues to perceive the environment around it within its habitat range. Also, the Gulf coney suddenly attacks invertebrates that come too close to its habitat range.
How big is a baqueta fish?
The average weight and length of Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) are around 5-20 lb (2-9 kg) and 51 in (130 cm), respectively. The species is twice the size of a longhorn cowfish and a fluke fish.
How fast can a baqueta fish swim?
The exact speed of Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) fish is not known as of now.
How much does a baqueta fish weigh?
The average weight of a Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) is around 5-20 lb (2-9 kg). A specimen caught in San Carlos weighed around 34 lb (15 kg), while another fish weighed only 6 lb (2.7 kg).
What are their male and female names of the species?
No particular names are given to male and female Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) fish. People generally call the fish either a Gulf coney or a baqueta fish.
What would you call a baby baqueta fish?
No specific names are used to refer to the babies of Gulf coney (Epinephelus acanthistius) fish. People generally call them juveniles or young fish.
What do they eat?
The species is a carnivore and the average baqueta fish diet generally includes small invertebrates such as shrimps and crabs. They are known for their exceptional predatory skills, and these fish often prey on small oily fish.
Are they dangerous?
Yes, these fish can really be dangerous if not handled properly.
Would they make a good pet?
No, people generally do not consider Gulf coney fish as pets but generally use them in cooking. They have a mild and sweet taste and a firm texture. Also, these fish may not get along with other fish if kept in captivity so it is best to leave them in their natural habitat range.
Did you know...
The rasbora baqueta fish is only 2 in (5 cm) long.
The baqueta fish bladder is quite hard to clean.
Groupers are predatory fish.
Epinephelus groupers are known for changing gender.
The texture of baqueta fish is firm, forming large flakes.
To make soup using this fish, you should add this fish in the last five minutes of cooking.
Red groupers are found in San Carlos and Mexico. In addition to San Carlo and Mexico, a yield of this fish is also found in the western Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts, and south to Brazil.
How did baqueta fish get their name?
Baqueta fish get their name because of their large size and delicious flavor. Their mild and sweet flavor is somewhere between the flavors of bass and halibut. Also, the species has a firm texture. The cooking process is also quite easy, their flesh is generally white, and their yield in the fishery industry is also high.
How do baqueta fish defend themselves?
The species has a large body and is quite predatory as well. To avoid predation, these fish generally hide in coral and rocky reefs.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our African lungfish facts and spotted sunfish facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable baqueta coloring pages.
*Please note that the main image is of coney fish, not a baqueta fish. If you have an image of a baqueta fish, please let us know at