Fun Hairy Fly Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Nov 14, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Sep 17, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Hairy fly facts talk about an insect that is incapable of flying.

The hairy fly (Mormotomyia hirsuta) is a rare insect that can only be found in Kenya, Africa. It belongs to the order Diptera, family Mormotomyiidae and superfamily Ephydroidea.

The species was first discovered by scientist Ernard Edward Austen in a remote cave of the mountain Ukasi Hill. Since then many expeditions have been carried out to find more of the species, but the creature has become increasingly difficult to track down.

It is known to live and breed in bat feces. It is also dependent on bats for food resources. The incapacity of the fly to use its wings for flight has restricted the migration of the species to different parts of the world.

There is still much to be discovered about this strange and elusive species but its rarity makes the process very complicated. Keep reading to know more about the hairy fly!

If you want to keep learning, do check out some interesting information in the ailanthus webworm moth facts and fall webworm moth facts for kids.

Hairy Fly Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a hairy fly?

The hairy fly or 'terrible hairy fly' is an insect. Its scientific name is Mormotomyia hirsuta, genus Mormotomyia, and order Diptera.

What class of animal does a hairy fly belong to?

The species belongs to the Insecta class of animals, just like the purple emperor butterfly.

How many hairy flies are there in the world?

An accurate estimate of the number of adult hairy flies in the world is unavailable primarily due to its sheer rarity.

Where does a hairy fly live?

The terrible hairy fly has a restricted geographical distribution and habitat. They can only be discovered in the dank, remote caves of Ukasi Hill, Kenya. The species is confined to this tiny area because their wings are non-functional. Scientists also believe that they are incapable of latching on to other animals to migrate from one place to another.

What is a hairy fly's habitat?

The flies can be found living in remote caves near bat roosts. They survive on bat guano or waste so it is imperative they dwell in places that are crowded with bats.

Who do hairy flies live with?

It lives in close quarters with the bat since they are codependent on the animal. Also, since the insect is restricted within a tiny space, it can be assumed that the members of the species cluster together.

How long does a hairy fly live?

It is common knowledge that flies do not lead a very long life. After studying and identifying different species of flies in various places it can be concluded that their lifespan ranges between 30-45 days at most. It can therefore be deduced that the hairy fly, too, lives a short life.

How do they reproduce?

In general, the life cycle of flies includes four distinct phases - eggs, larval stage, pupa, and maturity. The female of the species makes it a point to lay their eggs near a bat roost since the larvae need to feed as soon as the eggs hatch.

The females lay approximately 50-200 eggs, each egg as small as 0.03 in (1 mm). Once these eggs hatch to reveal larvae or maggots they begin feeding on bat feces or excrement for sustenance and also to accumulate energy.

After the larvae reach maturity, they move to a suitable place where they can pupate.

The entire process of pupation may take close to 9-12 days after which the adult fly comes into existence. Since the exact reproductive processes are yet to be studied in the hairy flies, it can be inferred that these flies have a similar reproductive pattern to common flies.

What is their conservation status?

The hairy fly is one of the rarest creatures in the world with their distribution confined to Africa only. Their conservation status is yet to be confirmed since they are Not Listed by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature or IUCN. Their main threats are lizards and jumping-spiders.

Hairy Fly Fun Facts

What do hairy flies look like?

Hairy flies are small insects. Identifying this bizarre species is relatively easy because they are entirely covered in fine, spiky, yellow hair including their legs, abdomen, and head. The anterior is honey-colored while the posterior is black and brown.

Their non-functional wings look like small belt-straps. The eyes are tiny and yellow. It is said that these insects resemble a 'spider with hairy legs'.

We've been unable to source an image of a hairy fly and have used an image of a flesh fly instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a hairy fly, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How cute are they?

The species has the common name 'terrible hairy fly' for a reason. These insects may be quite unique and strange due to the presence of hair on their body.

But they cannot be called cute in any sense of the word. In fact, they are rather ugly. There is a good chance that even the most devout animal lovers would find themselves disgusted at the sight of the fly.

How do they communicate?

Common flies can communicate by making vibrations via their legs and wings. They can also make contact by creating different sound effects and releasing pheromones. The same methods of communication can be assumed to occur in the hairy fly.

How big is a hairy fly?

Adult hairy flies are tiny insects with an average length of 0.4 in (1 cm). In comparison to adults belonging to the mayfly species, which have a length range between 0.2–1.1 in (0.6–2.8 cm), the hairy flies are clearly smaller.

How fast can a hairy fly move?

Flies have an extremely fast reflex which is what makes them so hard to catch, but this is only possible because most of these insects can use their wings to escape. However, such is not the case with the hairy fly since the species cannot use its wings for flight.

So, it is yet to be confirmed how fast this rare creature can move.

How much does a hairy fly weigh?

The exact weight of the hairy fly is not available but based on the size of the species, it can be deduced that the fly is lightweight.

What are the male and female names of the species?

No specific name has been assigned to the adult male and female hairy flies. They are simply referred to as male and female hairy flies.

What would you call a baby hairy fly?

Depending on their phase or stage, baby hairy flies are called maggots or larvae.

What do they eat?

The species is restricted to the caves of Kenya for multiple reasons which are inclusive of their food resources. Both larvae and adults are exclusively dependent on the bat for food. The larvae or maggots feed on bat guano which is the accumulated excrement of the creature. The adults of the species feed on the body secretions of bats.

Are they harmful?

Although labeled as pests, flies are not exactly harmful in nature. There is also no evidence to suggest that this particular species is harmful or poisonous.

Would they make a good pet?

The species has nicknames such as 'frightful hairy fly' or 'terrible hairy fly' so it would be safe to assume that they would not make very good house pets.

Did you know...

Hairy flies are among the rarest creatures in the world. The first specimen of the species was collected way back in 1933. Intrigued by its uniqueness many scientists set out to discover more of the insects.

They were again found in 1948. But the research soon took a hit when the fly disappeared for 62 years. It was later rediscovered in 2010 once again.

Houseflies have three eyes (ocelli), similar to a hairy fly.

The hairy fly name

The name of the species can be attributed to the presence of fine, spiky, yellow hairs or setae covering its physique. The presence of hair on flies is quite unique hence the name. Thanks to its peculiar physical feature, the hairy fly is also known as the big hairy fly, terrible hairy fly, or frightful hairy fly.

Why are they hairy?

In general, flies are covered in hairs or setae to act as a signal to the insect when there are dust particles, mold, or pollen stuck to their body. The same cause can be assumed for the hairy flies.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these American lady butterfly interesting facts and luna moth fun facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable I is for Insect coloring pages.

*We've been unable to source an image of a hairy fly and have used an image of a flesh fly instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a hairy fly, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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