Fun Impressed Tortoise Facts For Kids

Devangana Rathore
May 08, 2023 By Devangana Rathore
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Fact-checked by Sapna Sinha
There are so many fun Impressed Tortoise facts to know about! Make sure you share your favorite ones with friends!

If there is one tortoise you can be impressed by, then the Impressed Tortoise is one on the list! They are found in many a country, such as Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, China, Malaysia, Thailand, and many more.

Due to their limited population, they are intentionally kept in captivity where they can be supplied with adequate food and breeding environments. This is to help them in breeding, with the hope that one day their population problem can be resolved with human intervention.

This has been only a moderately successful endeavor in countries like Thailand and Malaysia, while many others are still developing plans. In the wild, however, they are found spending most of their time around water bodies, foraging for all kinds of food.

Few exist outside captivity, but those who do, are not nearly enough for scientists to gain information about their lifestyle habits in the forests, their population, and other social behavior.

If you want to know more about their life, skin, scutes, their life in captivity, as well as their color and common names, then make sure you read on. If you want to know more about such interesting animals, do read our facts articles on Leatherback Sea Turtles and the radiated tortoise too.

Impressed Tortoise Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an Impressed Tortoise?

The Impressed Tortoise (Manouria impressa) is a type of tortoise.

What class of animal does an Impressed Tortoise belong to?

The Impressed Tortoise (Manouria impressa) belongs to a class of reptiles.

How many Impressed Tortoises are there in the world?

There is little information available about the occurrence of this species due to a lack of research. In addition, their lack of population, as well as their shy nature, keeps them hidden from the eyes of most scientists.

Where does an Impressed Tortoise live?

The Langbian Plateau and Tonkin in Vietnam and Thailand, and, Karenni Hills in Myanmar, are all places where we can find Impressed Tortoises. They've also been discovered in Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, and China. The Asian forest tortoise is another species that belong to the same genus (Manouria).

What is an Impressed Tortoise's habitat?

Most of the time the Impressed Tortoise lives in the woods. These Impressed Tortoises are known to live in bamboo evergreen forests in southeastern Asia's hills and mountains in the wild. Most tortoises (Testudines) spend significant amounts of time hiding underneath leaves on the forest floor areas.

They favor dense evergreen mountain forests and bamboo tree thickets. Researchers face difficulties to study the Impressed Tortoises since they live in a cold, dark, and thick forest. They tend to live at altitudes of at least 1300 m above sea level.

To survive in captivity, these species need a lot of space.

Who do Impressed Tortoises live with?

Due to the limited known population and less research, little is known about its activities and social behavior.

How long does an Impressed Tortoise live?

The life cycle of most of the Impressed Tortoise is about 100-150 years.

How do they reproduce?

The breeding pattern of the Impressed Tortoise is less known because of its shy nature. In addition, captive breeding has had limited success. According to what is known, mating occurs during the rainy season in southeast Asia. From March through September months, this is the case.

The female Impressed Tortoise deposits about 17 eggs in a hollow cavity, which she conceals with vegetation. Adult females have been observed guarding the eggs and providing nesting material till they emerge. The shells of hatchlings are two inches long.

What is their conservation status?

The IUCN Red List classifies this tortoise species as Vulnerable to extinction.

Impressed Tortoise Fun Facts

What do Impressed Tortoises look like?

Tortoises of this species are known to be native to Malaysia's Malay Peninsula. The shell color of the Impressed Tortoise (Manouria impressa) is pale yellowish-brown.

Their shell carapace scutes are recessed or impressed rather than the typical dome shape observed in most tortoises, earning their name. These species' front side scutes are extended to provide protection, and the back end of these shells is jagged. This species' tail and limbs are golden darkish brown in hue, with a yellowish tint to their forehead.

*Please note, this is an image of a different tortoise species. If you have a royalty-free image of an Impressed Tortoise, please get in touch at 

How cute are they?

The tint of the carapace of Impressed Turtle is dim orange to light horn color with pale yellowish-brown and uniquely impressed scutes. The species has golden-brown skin and shell, and it is known as the Impressed Tortoise, so because of its spectacular look they are cute.

How do they communicate?

To communicate with other tortoises, these species of tortoises employ a combination of vocalizations, visual elements, and odors. They may also interact by investigating with their tongues, banging into something, or walking on it to sense beneath their feet.

How big is an Impressed Tortoise?

The size of an adult Impressed Tortoise (Testudines) is 14 in. Their carapace length is about 13.8 in. The length of the Asian Forest turtle is 19.7 in. The Impressed Tortoise is quite smaller in size than their close species (genus Manouria) the Asian Forest Tortoise.

How fast can an Impressed Tortoise move?

Due to the lack of research on this reptile, there is no data on speed available for these wild turtles.

How much does an Impressed Tortoise weigh?

The weight of the Impressed Tortoise is 7.04 lb in favorable conditions.

What are the male and female names of the species?

There is not any special name for male and female species of Impressed Tortoise.

What would you call a baby Impressed Tortoise?

A baby Impressed Tortoise doesn't have a specific name.

What do they eat?

Most of the time these tortoises eat solely mushrooms in the wild. Grass, bamboo, leaves, bamboo shoots, and other types of vegetation are thought to be eaten by this wild Impressed Tortoise as their food.

Sometimes mixed greens and pallets are also eaten by them. Manouria impressa that have been kept in a zoo or a pet will nearly exclusively eat oyster mushrooms.

Are they dangerous?

This reptile is mostly found in areas of hills forest in Southeast Asia commonly in Burma, Myanmar, Laos, South China, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia,  Vietnam, and Northeast India. These species are not dangerous for humans.

Would they make a good pet?

The Impressed Tortoise is a fragile creature with specialized requirements. Being in captivity causes them exceptional difficulty to keep healthy and procreate.

Because there is little information on this Manouria impressa, Impressed Tortoise species, it is notorious for being hard to keep alive and healthy in captivity. So it is not advisable to keep this tortoise species as a pet.

Did you know...

The Impressed Tortoise species is native to Southeast Asia, where it lives in high-altitude forests.

The carapace length of these types of tortoises can exceed a foot, and their shell has serrated sides.

Their name Impressed Tortoise comes from the fact that their shell is impressed or flat.

Are Impressed Tortoises Endangered?

They are considered endangered in their native place Thailand. This species (Manouria impressa) is threatened with extinction in Laos and Vietnam. Hunting and loss of habitat are both factors contributing to their extinction.

Hunted for the pet trade, traditional medicinal needs, and food, they are killed. Agricultural practices are causing their habitats to diminish. The greatest method to safeguard these species is to guarantee that their natural habitats are preserved.

What is the difference between an Impressed Tortoise and an Elongated Tortoise?

The major difference between an elongated tortoise and the Impressed Tortoise is its shell. The Impressed tortoise has a flattened dome, which looks like an 'impression'. This gives it its name.

The Elongated Tortoise on the other hand, while also having a flattened dome, is significantly larger than the former, and broader too. The Elongated Tortoise has a shell that is broad, and serrated, which tends to become weaker as they age. This is not true for the impressed tortoise, who retains its shell's strength long into old age.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other reptiles from our Giant Tortoise fun facts for kids and gopher tortoise surprising facts.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Impressed Tortoise coloring pages.

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Written by Devangana Rathore

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Language, Master of Philosophy

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Devangana RathoreBachelor of Arts specializing in English Language, Master of Philosophy

Devangana is a highly accomplished content writer and a deep thinker with a Master's degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin. With a wealth of experience in copywriting, she has worked with The Career Coach in Dublin and is constantly looking to enhance her skills through online courses from some of the world's leading universities. Devangana has a strong background in computer science and is also an accomplished editor and social media manager. Her leadership skills were honed during her time as the literacy society president and student president at the University of Delhi.

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Fact-checked by Sapna Sinha

Bachelor of Business Management specializing in Financial Management

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Sapna SinhaBachelor of Business Management specializing in Financial Management

Sapna has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Poornima University, Rajasthan. She has writing experience from working for a news agency as a writer, interning at various companies, and writing and editing articles on education.

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