Lambchop rasbora (Trigonostigma espei) is a small tropical fish originally found in South East Asia in the regions of Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Singapore. It is a member of the genus Trigonostigma in the family Cyprinidae. These species are inhabitants of softly weak acidic freshwaters, usually found in pools, ponds, marshes, and swamps where the temperature is relatively warm.
Lambchop rasbora is often confused with a closely related species, harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha). But, the Trigonostigma espei has a distinct bright red-orange color and a dark band that is shaped like a lamb chop. Its peaceful behavior has made the Trigonostigma espei, lambchop rasbora, greatly popular among fish enthusiasts.
It is an adaptable aquarium fish. They are often seen in various levels of tanks where plants serve as comfort and hiding spaces. They are also notably easy to feed and would savor on any kind of food.
This fish species is also known as Espe's rasbora, rasbora espei, slim harlequin rasbora and false harlequin rasbora.
If you like reading this article on Trigonostigma espei (lambchop rasbora) fish, you may also want to check out facts about pin-tailed whydah and southern royal albatross.
Lambchop Rasbora Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a lambchop rasbora?
lambchop rasbora is a tiny ray-finned fish in the genus Trigonostigma.
What class of animal does a lambchop rasbora belong to?
Lambchop rasbora is a tropical fish and one of the 100 true rasboras' species. They belong to the family Cyprinid together with barbs, danios, freshwater sharks, goldfish, minnows, and other freshwater species.
How many lambchop rasboras are there in the world?
Although there is no specific record of how many lambchop rasboras are there in the world, it is safe to say that their population is abundant across the globe with no possible threat of extinction. In fact, it is one of the top 10 most popular rasboras among fish breeders.
Where does a lambchop rasbora live?
Lambchop rasboras are native to South East Asia where the temperature is warmer. They were originally found in Cambodia and Thailand. At the present, they are also seen in various aquarium tanks of countless fish owners across the globe.
What is a lambchop rasbora's habitat?
Lambchop rasbora is natural inhabitants of soft acidic and well-planted bodies of water. They live around pools, ponds, marshes, and swamps where the temperature range is at 73–82 °F (23 – 28 °C). In Thailand, this species is found living in neutral to alkaline limestone sinkholes and pools where the pH level is 7.0-7.4.
Who do lambchop rasboras live with?
Lambchop rasbora lives in a small to medium size school of fish. They can only survive in groups.
How long does a lambchop rasbora live?
Lambchop rasbora can live up to 3-5 years.
How do they reproduce?
Like other rasboras, lambchop rasbora (Trigonostigma espei) is an egg-scattering species. When breeding, you would see the males chasing the females followed by a simultaneous ejection of sperm and laying of eggs.
The spawning occurs for a few hours or so, within 15-20 cm of depth. It requires a very soft acidic and higher temperature water that ranges from 73 to 82 F (23 to 28 C). This makes aquarium breeding quite hard but still can be successful if done right.
Here are some tips on how to breed lambchop rasbora (Trigonostigma espei) in a tank. Gather a school of fish where both males and females are present. Feed them live food for a few weeks before breeding.
Cover the bottom of the aquarium with gravel and marbles to grow live roots. Regions with colder temperatures may also opt to use a heater.
Put in a variety of leafed plants where they can deposit their eggs. Dim lights every now and then to provoke the fish to breed . After spawning, remove the adult fish from the aquarium to protect the eggs and the fry
The female fish may lay a few hundred eggs at once, mostly attaching on plants or dropping on the gravel floor areas of the aquarium. It is important to remove the adult fish after spawning because cannibalism is apparent among egg-scattering species.
What is their conservation status?
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies the lambchop rasbora (Espe's rasbora) as a species of Least Concern. Its population remains stable with no major threats of extinction.
Lambchop Rasbora Fun Facts
What do lambchop rasboras look like?

lambchop rasbora (Trigonostigma espei) is a brightly colored fish, with a bold red and orange body. Its name is derived from its unique dark markings that resemble the shape of a lamb chop.
The color of this fish would pop out more if placed in a tank of plants! Males are generally more colorful than females, while females have rounder and fuller bodies. The eggs and the fry appear to be very tiny and are almost invisible to the naked eye.
How cute are they?
Lambchop rasboras can be very cute, especially if you like small fishes. Seeing them swim and play peacefully in a school is also quite relaxing.
How do they communicate?
There is not much information on how this species communicates aside from its peaceful behavior. Like other fish species in general, lambchop rasbora may exhibit a variety of sounds, smells, colorations, motions, bioluminescences, and electric impulses to communicate.
How big is a lambchop rasbora?
Lambchop rasbora size only measures around 1.57 - 1.97 in (4-5 cm). It has a very small body structure that is just as big as an average human thumb!
How fast can a lambchop rasbora swim?
With its tiny structure, lambchop rasbora fish cannot really swim fast. In fact, they cannot be housed with other fast-swimming fish. If kept properly, you will often see them swimming peacefully at slow to moderate speed around the midsection of an aquarium tank.
How much does a lambchop rasbora weigh?
Lambchop rasbora is so tiny that it wouldn't exceed the weight of 0.1-0.2 lb (5-10 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no particular names for the males and females lambchop rasbora species.
What would you call a baby lambchop rasbora?
Like any other juvenile fish species, we can call the baby lambchop rasbora 'fry'.
What do they eat?
Being omnivores, lambchop rasboras are not so picky eaters. They basically eat anything that is given to them but it is best to offer them a varying diet in order to increase the chances of breeding.
Their diet may include flake foods, algae wafers, white worms, and brine shrimp. Aside from live and frozen foods, experienced owners also recommend feeding lettuce, kale, and other blanched vegetables to bring out the best and brightest colors of these species.
Smaller food like infusorians and vinegar eels are given to lambchop rasbora fry until they are big enough for their regular diet of flakes and brine shrimp. Feeding is usually done once or twice a day.
Are they eaten by humans?
No, lambchop rasboras are not a popular food for humans.
Would they make a good pet?
If you are into fishes, lambchop rasboras may be a good choice for you! This species does make a good pet. They are easy to feed and are safe with plants. You will love them not just for their unique bright colors but also for their peaceful behavior.
Did you know...
This fish species is also called the 'false harlequin rasbora' because of its common confusion with the harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha), a closely related species. Their fry is particularly very similar and hard to distinguish from one another.
But, comparing lambchop rasbora vs. harlequin rasbora adult is a lot easier because of the differences in their size and color. The adult false harlequin rasbora is smaller and brighter in color, while the actual harlequin rasbora is seen a bit larger with a light pinkish color.
The dark markings also differ. The harlequin rasbora has larger marks that are almost triangular in shape rather than a lamb chop figure.
Nevertheless, these species share several characteristics including their behavior and diet. They are both very peaceful and can be housed together in the same aquarium tank, preferably with soft acidic water. They are also both omnivorous and would feed on all sorts of foods.
Where to buy lambchop rasboras
You may find lambchop rasboras for sale at your local pet fish market or from your local fish breeders.
Keeping lambchop rasboras
Lambchop rasbora care methods are quite easy for these are very friendly species. Though it is not recommended to keep just one individual but a minimum school size of 8-10 fish in a tank.
They can be placed in an aquarium with other peaceful species like other rasboras, danios, or even small shrimp. Recommended tank size is at least 50 liters (10 gallons).
Since this species lives in freshwater, you can easily substitute tap water with de-chlorinator, a certain chemical that removes chlorine from the water.
This fish hides and rests in shaded areas, usually under the plants where there is less light. So, it is best to have a planted tank set-up that has a mix of fine and wide-leafed plants.
Lambchop rasbora (Trigonostigma espei) are active fish species that are often swimming and playing in school inside an aquarium tank. However, they tend to be shy and would hide in plants if housed with bigger tank mates.
Instead, you may house them with non-predatory species like cardinal tetras, bettas, neon tetras, small barbs, dwarf gouramis, danios, other small rasboras, and cory catfish. Nevertheless, as long as you have a well-planted tank, perfect temperature, and good water quality, then you can keep these peaceful fish at ease.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our rainbow trout facts and Florida pompano facts pages.
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