Fun Pool Frog Facts For Kids

Akinwalere Olaleye
Apr 25, 2023 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Pool frog facts about the Northern pool frog species

The pool frog is also known by its scientific name Pelophylax lessonae. It is an amphibian present in European countries like Norway and Sweden.

They adapt to different climate zones as well. The frog is predominantly brown with darker blotches and a light yellow or green stripe along the back.

They have distinguished features like long legs and a pointed head as compared to other frog species.

Pool frogs consume invertebrates, and other insects like spiders, moths, and others. Their population was considered under threat hence efforts of conservation have been made to ensure the preservation of this category of animals to prevent extinction.

This was done through the installation of preservation sites where they maintain a pool frog mineral sanitizing system which makes use of a mixture of chemicals to destroy bacteria and algae that can cause harm to the reservoir for the frog.

This is an essential part of conservation since they spend most of their time in the water body and leave the water body only to bathe in the sun for some time.

Their life cycle begins as a tadpole after which they gradually develop legs and then over time transform into young frogs finally developing into adult frogs. In this article, we will take a look at some cool facts about pool frogs, so read on.

If you like this article, you can also check out, common frog and Goliath frog facts.

Pool Frog Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a pool frog?

Pool frogs are types of frogs that reside in waterbody mostly which includes ponds.

What class of animal does a pool frog belong to?

Pool frogs classify under the amphibian animals class. The extinction of one species in the food chain causes an imbalance in the environment which in turn affects the lives of other species.

How many pool frogs are there in the world?

A rapid decrease in the population of pool frogs was noted from the 19th century till the end of the 20th century.  The exact number of species is not determined but scientists estimate that there exist approximately more than 4000 different kinds of amphibians on Earth.

Where does a pool frog live?

Pool frogs live in rivers, ponds, lakes, and wetlands as well. They survive only in freshwater regions. Their physical appearance makes it difficult to spot a pool frog however if you pay attention and look real close, you can spot them.  

What is a pool frog's habitat?

Pool frogs mainly live in water bodies that flow at a slow pace. This includes calm rivers, ponds, or even marshes. Since they were introduced into the UK, during seasons of winter they reside and hibernate on land. The areas they inhabit are usually damp and in densely vegetated states.

Who do pool frogs live with?

Pool frogs have characteristics similar to that of other frogs and live in their own pack to be able to sustain themselves.  

How long does a pool frog live?

A pool frog has a lifespan of up to one to six years depending on the geographical location that they inhabit.

How do they reproduce?

Their breeding season is from the May to June months. The male among the breed possesses the ability to create mating sounds through a pair of inflatable pouches/vocal sacs present on either side of their head. The sound resembles something similar to that of a duck quacking.

The female pool frogs lay eggs in clumps post-mating. They lay close to 1500 eggs.

The eggs laid are brown on top and pale on the bottom. The clumps of the egg resemble a table tennis ball. The eggs then hatch five days later and baby tadpoles come out of them and gradually become adult frogs.

What is their conservation status?

Pool frogs can be classified under the Least Concern category by the IUCN. However, efforts have been made by Forest Commissions like the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC) to preserve and protect them.  

Pool Frog Fun Facts

What do pool frogs look like?

Pool frogs have unique features and immense capabilities for survival in the wild. They belong to a family of frogs which also include marsh frogs and edible frogs and have colors like brown, yellow, black, and green.

Their eyes are predominantly black in color and their skin is slimy in nature. Pool frogs have more pointed heads and long legs as compared to other frog species. They have a more brightly colored, usually green or yellow, stripe down their back (dorsal stripe) which is one of their distinguishing features.

How cute are they?

They are immensely appealing and cute creatures and possess unique prints and patterns on their body. They are hard to spot in some instances as they are hidden between flora that exists near water bodies, hence you need a keen sense of view to be able to spot them.

How do they communicate?

Pool frog's major form of communication is through sound wherein they make use of different variations of these sounds in different patterns to communicate. Not only pool frogs but all the other variants in the frog family communicate with each other through the use of cracking sounds i.e. ribbit.

How big is a pool frog?

Pool frogs are 1.9-3.5 in (5-9cm) which is five times bigger than a spider which is 0.02-3.5 in (0.5 to about 90 mm) in length.

How far can a pool frog leap?

A pool frog can travel at a speed of five mph depending on its surrounding's needs and environment. This is roughly about 130 in per leap which is 44 times its body strength.

They leap by shortening their leg muscles and loading the energy into the tendon causing it to flinch like a spring moving forward in the same way.

How much does a pool frog weigh?

Pool frogs can weigh from 0.7-2.8 oz which is also 20-80 g. Their weight can vary slightly depending on other external factors as well.

What are their male and female names of the species?

They are not named differently and it is most common to address them as pool frogs. Pool frogs are more or less similar in appearance with the only distinguishable feature being that the male frogs are slightly smaller in size compared to the female pool frogs.

Male pool frogs also have the ability to call out loud when they make the mating call.

What would you call a baby pool frog?

A baby pool frog would be initially referred to as an egg and once it hatches from the same it would be referred to as a tadpole and then eventually as a frog.

What do they eat?

Pool frogs are carnivores and consume invertebrates like insects like spiders, moths, and flies all of which are available in their habitat.

Are they poisonous?

Pool frogs have poison in their skin but the toxins in their body are weak. However, it can affect humans and other predators equally hence you should be careful before considering holding or touching them.

Would they make a good pet?

You surely would not consider keeping them as pets since it would lead to problems with regard to ensuring they get a proper habitat and in many instances shorten their lifespan if the necessary conditions are not met.

A large part of the life of a pool frog constitutes living in the wild with adequate space for locomotion and other activities.

It is, therefore, not advisable to keep them as pets.

Did you know...

The last captured pool frog was in Norfolk and the frog was named 'Lucky' and died in the year 1999. Conservationists are still trying to institute a new population of the species at a specifically prepared site to give them a comfortable environment to grow and populate.

In many cultures, frogs are considered to be a symbol of good luck and good temperature or climate and various other meanings. The killing of a frog is considered a bad omen too by Maori people. This however is just a belief and might not necessarily be true.

Frogs cannot survive in the sea or ocean since the water contains salt levels. Pool frogs can, however, adapt themselves to the climate in Europe and they do this by preparing for it.

For example, adult frogs prepare for winter months by feeding on more invertebrates during summer since it's difficult to find them in winter. The only region where they cannot survive is Antarctica.

Pool frogs can travel at 5 mph. The longest lifespan of a pool frog that lives in the wild can be up to the age of 12 years and they are known as the rarest Amphibian in the UK.

It's the rarest amphibian in the UK

The pool frog was extinct in 1995 but has been reintroduced in the UK through extensive studies conducted in the field along with necessary conservation practices set in place to ensure a secure habitat for them there was a lack of it earlier.

In the UK it's now an offense to kill, trade, or sell such tiny creatures in order to preserve their species.


Pool frogs are primarily a combination of brown, yellow, black, and green. Apart from this they also have strips and patterns on their bodies that give them a unique look.

This once-extinct species is definitely a species that we all should know about in order to recognize and understand the impacts of climate change, water pollution, and impacts of global warming and the harm they cause to such animals.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other amphibians including Mantella, or horned frog.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Pool Frog coloring pages.

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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