Fun Pot Belly Pig Facts For Kids

Martha Martins
Nov 03, 2022 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Pot belly pig facts about a clever and caring domestic pig.

Potbellied pigs are also referred to as Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. They are clever and caring companions.

A major characteristic feature of the pig is its unending need to constantly eat making it difficult to curb their diet. They also require ample space outdoors to move around. Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs should, therefore, not necessarily be classified as ideal pets since they require more care and dedication as compared to other pet animals.

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are dangerous when they are bored and can snout around in search of food and end up destroying things like electric sockets, carpets, or rugs. They also have tendencies to get involved in fights or become violent.

This does not mean that they have no affection at all, if trained, they can be great pet pigs.

They don't mind cuddling with humans and also have the capability to form a strong bond with humans and only react negatively if they are placed in a position of threat/danger.

Other species of pig animals include mini pot belly pig, a miniature potbellied pig, royal dandies, mini Juliana pigs, teacup potbellied, and the Chinese pig who weighs somewhere around 125-200 lb. Read on to learn about Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, and visit bighorn sheep and mountain goat once you're done.

Pot Belly Pig Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Pot Belly pig?

The Vietnamese pot-bellied pig is a type of pig animal. Pigs similar to the pot-bellied pigs are the ferret and chinchilla pigs.

What class of animal does a Pot Belly pig belong to?

The pot-bellied pigs are mammals. They have wild instincts, however, in recent years they have been adopted as pets by many people.

How many Pot Belly pigs are there in the world?

The exact number of pot-bellied pigs in the world is not known.

Where does a Pot Belly pig live?

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs usually live on a farm or in a house with enough space for locomotion. They are native to the Southeastern regions of Asia including places like Vietnam. In later years they were imported to places like the United States.

What is a Pot Belly pig's habitat?

This is originally a people-bred breed hence they do not have any natural habitat. They are raised on farms, in houses, or even in rice terraces in Vietnam. The important thing is to ensure that they have enough place to move around, access to food, water in abundance, and adequate shelter as well.  

Who do Pot Belly pigs live with?

Potbellied pigs live along with their own members, in packs as well as with people who adopt them as pets.

How long does a Pot Belly pig live?

A potbellied pig lives on an average somewhere between 12-18 years of age. The longest living pot-bellied pig is Ernestine who turned 22 years old on 23 July 2014 and lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

How do they reproduce?

The initial part is to bring the adult male and female to mate together which does not happen instantly and will take time. Before this, there are some precursors like ensuring they are vaccinated and healthy.

The female pot-bellied pig's gestation period is of 114 days. After mating the female can be kept separately and five days before the due date she should be taken to a birthing area.

Sometime prior to birth the mother secretes a yellow fluid and gives birth to the piglets. Giving birth will be a process that takes approximately one to two hours.

What is their conservation status?

The Vietnamese pot-bellied pig species is considered as a Not Evaluated species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN).

Pot Belly Pig Fun Facts

What do Pot Belly pigs look like?

Pot belly pigs are primarily seen in skin colors black, pink, white, and spotted. They are identified primarily by their sagged down belly in the middle which resembles a pot-like shape. Their nose resembles a pug nose and their eyes may be dark brown in color. In some instances, pigs have different colored eyes as well.  

How cute are they?

Pot bellied pigs are extremely cute and adorable in nature. Although they constantly involve themselves in destructive tasks when annoyed, when trained, however, they learn how to control themselves as well as also play games along with their owners.

How do they communicate?

Their usual form of communication is snorting or an "oink" sound and which is funny for some to hear while others may find it annoying to listen to.

How big is a Pot Belly pig?

A potbelly pig is 14-20 in on average and can go up to 35-26 in which is five times bigger than the critically endangered smallest pig in the world, the pygmy hog who is 28 in long as an adult and lives in Assam, India.  

How fast can a Pot Belly pig run?

A pot-bellied pig can run maximum at a speed of 11 mph. Given that this is a large and heavy breed, pot-bellied pigs cannot run at a fast pace, however adequate exercise is essential for this animal else it can result in health complications in the later life of the breed.

How much does a Pot Belly pig weigh?

The average pot belly pig weighs between 100-250 lb. They can weigh more depending on their diet, exercise, and care. When they gain excess weight they usually tend to have fat rolled over their eyes almost covering their eyesight which is extremely unhealthy in nature.

What are their male and female names of the species?

A male pig is usually referred to as a boar and a female is referred to as gilt if she hasn't given birth yet and a sow if she has given birth to piglets. Their outward appearance and characteristics are more or less the same hence it's difficult to spot the difference in these pigs.

What would you call a baby Pot Belly pig?

A baby pot belly is referred to as a piglet and weighs about 6-12 oz at birth. In the initial few weeks of its birth, the piglet primarily relies on its mother's milk but by the fifth or sixth week, it is weaned from its mothers and reared separately.

This process is a must and needs to be discrete from the mother's pigs as they might panic.

As they grow they are fed solid food from one that is easily chewable to more solid in later years. Regular health examinations and vaccinations are necessary to ensure healthy growth for the piglet.

What do they eat?

Pot belly pig food and dietary requirements consist of pig pellets that are low in protein, hay, fiber foods, or vegetables that do not contain starch. They should have access to water at all times.

Since they have a habit of binge eating you need to regulate their diet and how much they eat. Initially they might react aggressively but if their treats are hidden in different places then they will channelize that energy to search for those treats.

Are they loud?

These pigs are loud animals and snort loudly throughout the day to communicate. They become loud specifically when they are fighting or annoyed and are generally loud pets and farm animals so it is impossible to ignore their presence.

If you are considering getting a pet that is quiet in nature, a pot-bellied pig is not an ideal option to choose.

Would they make a good pet?

Pot belly pig is a wild species usually adopted in order to rear with other livestock, ideally on a farm. However, in recent years people have taken pot belly pig pet for adoption as well.

Taking care of them is not easy as they can get aggressive and destroy some property in sight. They have a habit of bumping into standing things which is something that needs to be considered, and before adopting it's essential to make the home pig proof.

Did you know...

Pigs with light skin are prone to sunburn and skin cancer as compared to darker pigs. While keeping them as pets owners always ensure to apply sunscreen before letting them go outside.

Pets similar to pot bellied pigs include ferret, deger, chinchilla pigs as well as mini pigs. As a pet, the pot-bellied pig, as well as other pet pigs, have the ability to open up or fetch for places where food exists.

This includes, for example, the fridge even though you might wonder how they would be capable of opening it! Pigs will never fail to surprise you, they are cute and at the same time clever beings.

Potbellied pigs love the soil and this is part of their natural instinct and characteristics. Keeping the pot bellied pig near the soil, grass, and waterbody has added benefits for its overall health.

This is one of the primary reasons they are in most instances covered with dirt. Sometimes they take a dip in mud or water just to cool down their bodies as other wild animals do.

What do I feed a Pot Belly pig?

Pot belly pigs are omnivores and ideally, you should feed them a diet that is rich in fiber. They are active and need the energy to move around. They should be given two meals a day along with some food left in designated areas for it to fetch itself.

Keeping Pot Belly pigs

Pigs are ideally wild animals who have been trained and taken up as livestock and reared in farms and fields. Pot belly pigs have a health history and as a possible owner, you must strictly consider the requirements and care that this breed needs.

This is not ideal for a first-time owner and requires a lot of dedication and hard work.

A pig will cost approximately $500 excluding vaccinations and other necessities. It's ideal to buy a pot-bellied pig from an authentic seller and enquire about the animal's health, history and temperament.

Other considerations include checking with authorities if adopting a pet is legal in your region and if you need to get licenses or permits in order to keep them.

It is also important to bear in mind the pot belly pig care requirements. These pigs are ready to live and accommodate other livestock or animals like cats as well.

They require care as well as training which is possible through building trust with this animal. Repetitive commands ensure that they learn to follow commands over time.

The pigs do not like to be held as other pets may, but can still form a bond with you. These animals can be potty trained as well. A person considering adopting a pig should be prepared for a lot of dedication and patience.

The results, in the end, will definitely be worth it. A pot belly pig has the potential to become a great companion.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including takin, or plains zebra.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our piglet eating watermelon coloring pages.

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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