Fun Southern Bog Lemming Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Southern bog lemming facts give insight into the lives of small rodents.

In this article, we will learn about the southern bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi ). Southern bog lemmings are a type of lemming found in northern parts of America and in Canada as well.

They have a wide host of predators like owls, snakes, bobcats, house cats, foxes, badgers, domestic dogs among many others. These lemmings stay active year-round in the wild.

While the summer nests are on the ground or grass, winter nests are generally underground. it shares much of its habitat with the northern bog lemming. They may breed any time of the year, and the gestation period for the female is between 21-23 days.

When the pups are born they are without their characteristic fur and are also blind. The lemming has two extinct subspecies, namely, Kansas bog lemming and Nebraska bog lemming.

These rodents spend their time in burrows that they dig and live in small colonies. They also make runways through surface vegetation to navigate.

Read on to learn more about these animals.

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Southern Bog Lemming Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a southern bog lemming?

Southern bog lemmings are rodents that are native to North America. Lemmings are small rodents found generally near the arctic. The closest relative of the southern bog lemming is the northern bog lemming.

What class of animal does a southern bog lemming belong to?

Southern bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) belongs to the class Mammalia. Furthermore, this species belongs to the order Rodentia, family Cricetidae, subfamily Arvicolinae, and genus Synaptomys.

How many southern bog lemmings are there in the world?

There are no good estimates of the total population of this species. This is due to the fact that these rodents are small in size and hard to spot.

Considering that this species has  'Least Concern' status in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List, it is safe to assume that the southern bog lemming population is relatively stable and there is no immediate threat of extinction.

Where does a southern bog lemming live?

Southern bog lemming habitat is varied across many different ecosystems of North America. They are most popularly found in sphagnum bogs and moist habitats.

In terms of distribution, this species is found in Eastern North America. Their range is defined from southern Quebec to Manitoba in Canada. Across the border in the United States, this lemming is found in Western Minnesota, southwestern Kansas, and east to the Atlantic coast as well.

What is a southern bog lemming's habitat?

The southern bog lemming adaptation is suited to many different habitats. In addition to bogs, southern bog lemmings are found in grasslands, freshwater wetlands, mixed coniferous/ deciduous forests, and meadow voles.

In absence of meadow voles, southern bog lemmings may prefer more moist sites. While the range of their habitats may fool you to think that they can be easily spotted, this is a tall order because southern bog lemmings spend most of their time under the ground.

The southern bog lemming in all these different ecosystems relies on burrow systems that may be between 5.9-11.8 in  (15-30 cm) deep under the ground.

These burrow systems are found under the ground near the roots of shrubs. The home range of southern bog lemmings is within the range of 10890-43560 square ft.

Who do southern bog lemmings live with?

Like mice,  southern bog lemmings are found in colonies or groups that may range from just a few to up to 24 lemmings. These lemmings often share their living space with other species of voles, deer mice, moles, and shrews.

How long does a southern bog lemming live?

The southern bog lemming typically lives about one year in the wild. In captivity, they may live up to 2.5 years with proper nutrition and care.

How do they reproduce?

Being small rodents and living much of their lives in burrows or tunnels, the mating and breeding behavior of the southern bog lemming is not well researched. We do know that southern bog lemmings' breeding season is spread year-round.

This is so because southern bog lemmings are active year-round and do not hibernate. They remain active mostly at night, so presumably, that's when mating occurs, too.

The female gestation period has been observed to be between 23-26 days and they give birth in burrows or tunnels.

Each litter has between 3-5 individuals, and in one year females may go through cycles of breeding and giving birth up to six times. Females take care of the young for three weeks after their birth.

What is their conservation status?

In the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List the southern bog lemming is listed as 'Least Concern'.

While there has been a noticeable decline in their population, it is the opinion of experts that they are not under immediate threat. Despite this, there are some threats that are faced by this lemming such as habitat destruction and overgrowth of bogs.

Their conservation should not be completely discounted knowing that two of its subspecies have gone extinct, namely Kansas bog (Synaptomys cooperi paludis) and Nebraska bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi relictus).

Southern Bog Lemming Fun Facts

What do southern bog lemmings look like?

The southern bog lemming has fur that is brown or red in color. The underside of their body is gray.

These mammals have a short tail even for their relatively short body. This lemming has five toes on the hindfeet, but they have four toes and one tiny thumb on its forefeet. They have a large head that pairs with their short black eyes.

How cute are they?

Their mall size, brown fur, tiny tail, and black pearl eyes make these lemmings a round ball of cuteness.

How do they communicate?

Southern bog lemming use scent to communicate with members of their species. They also have a high-pitched squeak they may use to interact.

How big is a southern bog lemming?

Southern bog lemming is a small rodent. They are only between 5.1 in (13 cm) in length. They are only about the same size as the smallest pygmy squirrel, the African pygmy squirrel.

How fast can a southern bog lemming run?

These lemmings are really small, so understandably it would be harsh to expect them to break any speed records. Their exact speed is not known though, but safe to say that despite being quick for their size they are not very fast.

How much does a southern bog lemming weigh?

The southern bog lemming weighs about 1.2 oz (35 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

There are no unique names for the males and females of the southern bog lemming species.

What would you call a baby southern bog lemming?

A baby southern bog lemming may be referred to as a pup but this name is rare. They are usually just called baby southern bog lemmings.

What do they eat?

Southern bog lemming generally eats vegetation but very rarely they may eat insects. They eat various kinds of green vegetation like leaves, stems, seeds, sedges, and roots. They also eat blueberries, raspberries, fungi, and fungi in smaller quantities.

Are they dangerous?

Being as small as they are and not having any venom this species is relatively harmless. In fact, this species has many predators that it needs to be careful of such as  owls, red foxes, gray foxes, weasels, bobcats, snakes among many others

Would they make a good pet?

Like wood mice, lemmings are not a conventional choice as pets. They can be kept as pets, but one has to research their diet and behavior with great care to give them the best chance to thrive.

Did you know...

Southern bog lemmings may be spotted in the wild by looking for their bright green droppings near grass runways. This bright green color is caused by the large volumes of green vegetation in their diet.

How high can southern bog lemmings jump?

There is a long-held myth that lemmings may jump off from great heights in masses to commit suicide. While this would make for great trivia, this fact is simply untrue.

The southern bog lemming's sleep and shelter

Southern bog lemming often takes shelter and sleeps in underground burrows or tunnels.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Ryukyu mouse and gopher facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Southern bog lemming coloring pages.

*Please note this is an image of a brown lemming. If you have an image of southern bog lemming, let us know at

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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