The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) is a hare of the family Leporidae and shares the genus Lepus with jackrabbits. Hares also share the Leporidae family with rabbits.
Hares of this genus are similar in diet and size to rabbits but differ in ear size. They are not known to dig out burrows but only create and nest forms that have slight depression.
The young hare can fend for themselves few days after their birth, unlike the helpless and blind rabbit babies. Five species of this family are not described as true hares even though they have the common name hare.
These are four species of red rock hares (Pronolagus) and the hispid hare (Caprolagus hispidus). Groups of hares are known as a 'drove,' and young hares that are less than a year old are known as a 'leveret.' They are hunted for food across the world.
This family contains more than 60 species of mammals. Leporidae is a Latin word meaning 'those that resemble Lepus (hares)'.
The oldest known species were found in Eocene, and by this time, their population spread across North America and Asia. The species of this family have adapted to leaping and running.
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Tolai Hare Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Tolai hare?
The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) is of the genus Lepus and order Lagomorpha. These species of hare are native to east and central Asia. This creature is nocturnal. They run long distances in search of food.
They are hunted in the day when they are resting. Hares are hardy, fast, cunning, and hide very well. All these features allow them to escape predators.
What class of animal does a Tolai hare belong to?
The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) is related to the class Mammalia of animals.
How many Tolai hares are there in the world?
The exact number of Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) is not available. However, there are 32 species of hare found around the world.
Where does a Tolai hare live?
The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) cover ranges across Central and East Asia, Mongolia, Central, and northern China. They are generally found in Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, southern Siberia, and Jammu and Kashmir.
What is a Tolai hare's habitat?
The Tolai hare's (Lepus tolai) habitat consists of semi-desert, rocky areas, steppes like a mountain or Mongolian steppe, forest meadows, and rough forest grasslands, and also shrubby areas with cover. They are generally found at an elevation level of 1969-2953 ft (600-900 m).
Who do Tolai hares live with?
The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) lives on its own or in groups.
How long does a Tolai hare live?
The Tolai hare's (Lepus tolai) lifespan is not known. However, the lifespan of hare species is low in the wild. The desert hare lives up to five years.
How do they reproduce?
The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) reproductive rate is relatively high. These mammals dig out burrows only when they are breeding. The reproduction is dioecious. The breeding season occurs two or three times per year. The females produce up to six young.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) is of Least Concern. These species have a wide range of habitats. These hare species are hunted for their skin and meat, they are also used for traditional medicine in Mongolia.
Tolai Hare Fun Facts
What do Tolai hares look like?

The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) varies in coloration across their habitats. They have either pale brown, dull yellow, or sandy gray upperparts. They have gray or ochre hip regions. There is a patch of pale ochraceous or gray skin around the eye that extends to the muzzle and the base of their long ears.
They have black tips on their ears. They have pure white flanks and underparts. There is a brownish-black or black stripe on top of their tail.
How cute are they?
The Tolai hare (Lepus tolai) are considered cute hares.
How do they communicate?
The Tolai hare communicates through smell and scent. They also communicate through the position of their ears. Their ears are sharp enough to detect a predator or a friend from a distance. They also communicate by knocking their paws.
How big is a Tolai hare?
The Tolai hare's head-and-body length is 15.74-23.22 in (400-590 mm) and tail length-2.83-4.33 in (72-110 mm).
How fast can a Tolai hare run?
The speed of the Tolai hare is unknown. However, all hare species are swift and can run up to 50 mph (80 kph).
How much does a Tolai hare weigh?
The weight of a Tolai hare is 3.7-5.9 lb (1.7-2.7 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There is no specific name given to male and female Tolai hare.
What would you call a baby Tolai hare?
The Tolai hare pup is referred to as leveret or sometimes bunnies.
What do they eat?
The Tolai hare diet includes roots, grasses, and herbaceous plants. Their diet also includes leaves, twigs, roots, berries, and tubers.
Are they dangerous?
No, these mammals are not dangerous.
Would they make a good pet?
No, these mammals do not make good pets. The Tolai hare is a desert hare and is quite different in behavior compared to rabbits.
Did you know...
Hares are common in many places except Antarctica.
They escape overheating with the help of their ears.
Even though hares are not cross-eyed, they are popularly known as 'scythe.' They are called this due to their movement, as they mix up traces.
When their teeth wear out, new teeth grow back.
Their predators are foxes, weasels, golden eagles, coyotes, and lynx.
The desert hare is found in the western Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, and Northwest China.
The fur coat of the desert hare becomes thicker and turns sandy-gray color in winter.
Hares do not store food for winter. So, in winter, they choose soft barks of young trees and gnaw them standing on their hind legs. They also stay close to fields to feed on the grain crop remains. They also grow wool around their nose in winter.
After the young ones are born in winter, the mother leaves for few days to not attract any predators. The young ones lack aromas. She returns to feed them and goes away again. After a week or so the young begin to chew on weed as they develop a new set of teeth.
Previously hares were considered to be rodents. They have been put into the order Lagomorpha recently. Also, hares are herbivores and rodents are omnivores.
The European hares are the natives of Europe and few parts of Asia. They are also known as brown hares. Since ancient Greece, in Europe the hare represents fertility.
The easter imagery of northern Europe involves hare and rabbits in Northern Europe. These are less in number where there is a high number of the European rabbit population.
A national disaster took place when hares (Rusack) were introduced to Australia. The local fauna depleted and crops were destroyed.
There is a myth that says the favorite food of hares is cabbage. However, they feed on the cabbage as a last resort. They prefer turnip over cabbage.
A huge number of hares do not reach their age of maturity and die in the hands of their predators. The female produces sounds that are similar to human muttering during the breeding season. Also, records show that these defenseless creatures have a low lifespan in the wild.
You can find a white hare in Argentina. Curly hares are found in Tibet, China.
The traces of these species are invisible in the snow.
Common desert mammals are Tolai hares and long-eared hedgehogs.
Why are they called Tolai hares?
The Tolai hare is named see because of their natural habitat. They are named after an indigenous tribe called Tolai.
Are Tolai hares endangered?
No, the Tolai hare is not an endangered species. However, these species are hunted in huge numbers for their meat and skin.
Learn more about some other mammals from our nutria facts, or the black rat facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable tolai hare coloring pages.