The yellow-stripe clingfish is a small yellow, white, and black-striped beautiful marine fish that is mostly found in the Indo-West Pacific region. They are small carnivore species that feed on brine shrimp, their eggs, squid, and small invertebrates.
The snout-like mouth sometimes makes them resemble a small seahorse. These species are sexually dimorphic as the female has a long and narrow snout-like mouth, whereas, the male has a round snout.
They can be found near the reef underwater and are habitual of living in tropical water. Mostly, they are spotted on the spines of sea urchins and branching corals.
They are also known to release a peptide-like toxin called grammistin on their skin in the form of mucus which protects them. These fish do not have scales like other fish. They are mostly seen dancing and wiggling around the female during mating.
These marine fish are even kept in tanks and aquariums. They are the most suitable to keep in a tank because they are not aggressive and do not predate on other tank fish. The yellow stripe clingfish's care is utmost and must not be compromised at all. They are listed as Least Concern species.
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Yellow Stripe Clingfish Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a yellow stripe clingfish?
The yellow stripe clingfish is a very small marine fish that was first described by the French leading expert on Mesozoic fish and reptiles, Henri Emile Sauvage. They are also known as long snout clingfish and urchin clingfish.
What class of animal does a yellow stripe clingfish belong to?
The yellow stripe clingfish, Diademichthys lineatus, belongs to the class of Actinopterygii, a type of ray fish community. They are from the genus Diademichthys and the family Gobiesocidae.
How many yellow stripe clingfish are there in the world?
The yellow stripe clingfish, Diademichthys lineatus, is of Least Concern on the IUCN list. Globally, the exact number is unknown.
Where does a yellow stripe clingfish live?
The yellow-striped clingfish is native to the Indo-West Pacific region. They are also found on the stretch from the Gulf of Oman to Pupa to New Guinea.
What is a yellow stripe clingfish's habitat?
The yellow-striped clingfish urchin is mostly found in tropical water and near reef environmental conditions. They are mostly on the shoals of rock and branching corals. They hide from their predators in branching corals and shoals of rock. If they are kept in a tank or aquarium, live phytoplankton, florescent light with 75 F (24 C) water.
Who do yellow stripe clingfish live with?
These marine fish live in a school of three to four. There is one male and two to three females. The eggs are laid in clutches of no more than 30 eggs.
How long does a yellow stripe clingfish live?
These urchins' life expectancy is unknown. The goldfish survives the longest as a pet fish.
How do they reproduce?
The yellow stripe clingfish are polygamous by nature. The male has around two to three females to mate with at a time.
They generally wriggle around the females and their stripe color changes from yellow to red. The male touches the abdomen of the female and if she is ready to mate, the male gets parallel to the body of the female. The eggs are then laid in small clutches of around 5-30.
It may depend upon the female fish how long they take time to lay eggs as it can range from a few hours to a day. The eggs are either laid on stones or algae. The reproduction takes place mostly during the warm season and under tropical water. The eggs are guarded by the male urchin clingfish.
What is their conservation status?
The yellow-stripe clingfish is of Least Concern on the IUCN list. They are small marine fish and mostly protect themselves under the shelter of branching coral and reefs.
Yellow Stripe Clingfish Fun Facts
What do yellow stripe clingfish look like?
The clingfish, Diademichthys lineatus, is a beautiful marine fish with a seahorse-like snout and an elongated, slim body shape. They have 13-15 dorsal-fin rays, 12-14 anal-fin soft rays, and 25-26 pectoral fin soft rays.
Their body color is red, tan brown with fine black, yellow, and white lateral lines on their body. At the end of their body, the caudal fin is marked by a yellow crescent shape.
On their heads, they have some sensory which helps them to sense things around them. Their name comes from the three prominent lines on their elongated thin body.
How cute are they?
These fish are cute as they are small and have a cute snout like a seahorse. Their caudal fin with yellow crescent shape male them more beautiful.
How do they communicate?
They generally communicate by wiggling and dancing around the fish of their own species.
How big is a yellow stripe clingfish?
The yellow stripe clingfish is 1.5-2 in (3.8-5 cm) long. The whale shark is the longest and biggest tank or aquarium fish in the world.
How fast can a yellow stripe clingfish swim?
They are fast swimmers, but their exact swimming speed is not recorded. These fish are often seen wiggling and dancing around the reef urchins and coral.
How much does a yellow stripe clingfish weigh?
The weight of yellow stripe clingfish is unknown. They are generally small, and hence, they must be quite light weighted. The milkfish is much heavier than these fish species. They weigh around 16-17 lb (7-8 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no specific names for male and female species.
What would you call a baby yellow stripe clingfish?
The baby yellow stripe clingfish is called a larva. As they grow, they are called fry and then fingerlets.
What do they eat?
When they are in their natural environment, they feed on food like branching corals, the spine of sea urchins, brine shrimp, and bivalves. When these fish are kept in a tank or aquarium, they are given a frozen food diet. The skate fish and the yellow-stripe clingfish both are carnivores on basis of their food habits.
Are they dangerous?
No, these fish are not dangerous and are observed to be less aggressive when kept in an aquarium. They are human-friendly and are famous as tank fish.
Would they make a good pet?
Yes, they are good pets and are often kept in tanks or aquariums by humans because of their calm nature. The yellow-stripe clingfish care level is not that difficult.
Did you know...
When these species are kept in aquariums and tanks, they must be fed shrimp, frozen food with rich vitamin resources.
The female feeds on bivalves in corals and eggs of shrimp, whereas, the male feeds on the tube feet of the host, which is the major cause of their sexual dimorphism.
These fish are frequently spotted near the offshore reefs of Western Australia, Ningaloo, Queensland's Great Barrier Reef, and the Timor Sea.
Do yellow stripe clingfish sleep?
Yes, the yellow stripe clingfish sleeps at night and is diurnal.
Why is it called yellow stripe clingfish?
They are called the yellow stripe clingfish because they have yellow-colored stripes on their bodies. They have three long, prominent yellow stripes and the rest of the lateral lines are less noticeable in comparison to these three stripes.
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You can even keep yourself occupied at home by coloring in one of our free printable yellow stripe clingfish coloring pages.