The blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus) is a species of frog belonging to the Dendrobatidae family. They are a variant of the dyeing poison dart frogs. This species is mostly found in Central and South America.
Their preferred habitat comprises humid areas that are close to a water source. They reside in the rainforest islands and Sipaliwini savanna.
The bright blue coloration of their skin warns their potential predators not to eat them. Their skin contains lethal toxins that are capable of producing a variety of allergic reactions to humans. In some cases, it even causes death.
The breeding season of this species occurs in February and March. The females usually fight over a mate. The clutch size of the female consists of 5-10 eggs. The eggs are externally fertilized by the male.
The tadpoles hatch after a period of 14-18 days. Their diet consists of a variety of insects like ants, fruit flies, and termites. Their potential predators include snakes and large spiders. Keep on reading to find out more interesting facts about the blue poison dart frog.
If you liked reading this article about blue poison dart frog facts for kids, do check out the horned frog and the leopard frog.
Blue Poison Dart Frog Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a blue poison dart frog?
The blue poison dart frog is a poisonous frog that belongs to the Dendrobatidae family and resides on rainforest islands. They are considered to be a variant of the dyeing poison dart frog.
What class of animal does a blue poison dart frog belong to?
It belongs to the class Amphibia.
How many blue poison dart frogs are there in the world?
The exact number of blue poison dart frogs present in the world is not known.
Where does a blue poison dart frog live?
They are found in parts of Central and South America. In South America, they are mostly found in Suriname and the northeastern parts of Brazil. They reside in the Sipaliwini savanna on rainforest islands, located in the southern part of Suriname.
What is a blue poison dart frog's habitat?
The blue poison dart frog's habitat includes tropical rainforest islands. These areas comprise evergreen trees that form a dense canopy. These regions receive heavy rainfall throughout the year, along with high temperatures.
They are also found in the savanna. These areas comprise trees that are widely spaced and a herbaceous layer covering the ground. They mostly prefer humid areas that are in close proximity to a water source.
Who do blue poison dart frogs live with?
They are usually found in pairs or groups.
How long does a blue poison dart frog live?
They have a lifespan of four to six years. However, they can live up to 15 years in captivity.
How do they reproduce?
Their breeding season occurs in February or March. The males have a distinct and quiet call to attract the females. The males also defend their territories from intruders. Females lay around 5-10 eggs which are fertilized externally by the males.
The eggs hatch after a span of 14-18 days, after which the male frog carries them to a nearby stream of water. Sibling aggression is prevalent among the tadpoles who mature after 10-12 days. However, they don't reach reproductive maturity until they two years old.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the blue poison dart frog has been marked as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN Red List. However, the dyeing poison dart frog is listed as a species of Least Concern. Destruction of habitat, climate change, hunting, and illegal trading is responsible for the dwindling number of these species.
Blue Poison Dart Frog Fun Facts
What do blue poison dart frogs look like?

Blue poison dart frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus) exhibit sexual dimorphism, with the females being slightly larger than the males. However, males do have larger toes. Their skin is of bright blue color.
A lighter sky blue shade is spotted on top of the frog's head and back. The legs and arms are usually black or deep blue, with several black spots. These spots are distinctive and help in differentiating each individual.
The stomach, as well as the limbs, are darker than the rest of the body. This serves as a warning signal to potential predators not to eat it.
The foot has an additional suction pad that provides a firm grip. The toes have a heart-shaped tip in the case of males, while the females have a rounded tip. Unlike other species, they have a hunch-back posture, instead of an erect posture.
How cute are they?
Their cuteness usually stems from their appearance. Their bright blue skin, distinctive black spots, and the presence of a suction pad under their foot make them attractive.
How do they communicate?
These frogs communicate through a distinct vocalization. The presence of a vocal slit and an unpaired vocal sac in males help in producing sound.
They emit their distinctive call by breathing in and then closing their nostrils. Male frogs have a distinctive mating call to attract females during the breeding season. They defend their territories by sitting on top of a rock.
How big is a blue poison dart frog?
They are 1.2-1.8 in (3-4.5 cm) long. They are slightly shorter than other dyeing poison dart frogs that measure around 1.5-1.9 in (3.8-4.8 g).
How fast can a blue poison dart frog swim?
These frogs are not known to be adept at swimming. However, their exact speed is not known.
How much does a blue poison dart frog weigh?
They weigh around 0.3 oz (8g).
What are their male and female names of the species?
Scientists do not have specific names for male and female species of blue poison dart frogs. They are usually referred to as male blue poison dart frogs and female blue poison dart frogs.
What would you call a baby blue poison dart frog?
Baby blue poison dart frogs are called tadpoles.
What do they eat?
They are carnivorous and eat a variety of insects like ants, beetles, termites, and small spiders. In zoos, they are usually fed fruit flies and pinhead crickets. The diet of the tadpole comprises algae and flaked fish.
How far can they jump?
They cannot jump far due to their small size. They usually travel on the ground.
Would they make a good pet?
They can make good pets but they have to be handled with extra care. They are highly poisonous, but they lose their toxins in captivity. However, touching them for a longer period of time can be hazardous to their health, and yours.
Did you know...
They derive most of their lethal toxins from their diet. The bugs and ants present in their diet contain poisonous chemicals. These frogs can store these toxic alkaloids in their glands. These chemicals present underneath their skin can harm or kill a predator.
Why are blue poison dart frogs endangered?
They are endangered due to the large-scale destruction of their habitat. The growth of agriculture and industrialization has led to the cutting down of rainforest. They are also victims of illegal trade in the pet-shop market.
What happens if you touch a blue poison dart frog?
They are considered to be poisonous in nature. Their skin contains toxins that transmit through contact.
The toxins cause a range of allergic reactions in the human body such as nausea, swelling, and inflammation of the affected region. In some cases, it can also cause muscular paralysis and death. However, death does not occur immediately but after a long duration of time and prolonged contact.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other amphibians including the Surinam toad and the bullfrog.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our poison dart frog coloring pages.