Can Cats Eat Basil? Here's Why Your Cats Love That Smell!

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 23, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Nov 08, 2021
Little cute Maine coon kitten.

Humans use basil in many food recipes and medicines, but what about cats?

Can cats eat basil? We know that humans certainly enjoy basil, but what about our little furry pets?

There are some plants that are safe for animals to consume. Even though animals like cats and dogs are considered to be meat-eating animals, you can sometimes find them grazing and chewing over grasses and herbs and other short plants, leaves, and flowers.

The giant family member of cats, the lion itself sometimes chews on grasses when it has stomach and digestive issues.

Well, the medicinal plant basil is one of the safest plants or herbs that animals like cats can eat on.

They possess no toxic or poison in them. Those basil plant leaves have high flavors of sweet taste and smell which is known to be the main source that attracts cats and other pet animals to the plant in your home garden.

After reading about the suitability of basil for cats, also check can cats eat French fries and can cats eat cantaloupe?

Are cats attracted to basil?

Animals like cats and dogs have a high sense of smell abilities. They can smell things from far away.

Did you know that cats have 14 times more sensing abilities than us humans? Well, it is so much more developed for animals than us. This advantage is a great boon for them to identify various smells and tastes or flavors of food that your cat can include in their diet like basil.

Cats have an affinity for some special scents. Some of the things include basil, olive, catnip, thyme, peppermint, fruit scents, honeysuckle, lavender, and other floral scents. Catnip is a plant that looks quite similar to basil.

Well, basil has more health benefits but for catnip, it has more of a narcotic effect like marijuana. The catnip plant has a compound called nepetalactone which is responsible for the active and playful behavior in cats after the consumption of it.

Catnip just like marijuana could make your cat go crazy due to its narcotic effect. But not all cats respond similarly due to genetic variations.

Well, your cat can eat basil if it does not have any allergies or any other problems with such herbs. They eat such herbs to get into a state of relaxation.

The strong smells coming from herbs like basil, mint, and peppermint have an overpowering effect on cats, and that is what attracts your cat towards these plants. Just like how cats have a favorable smell, they also can sniff out smells that they hate most.

The smell of citrus is one such smell that a cat hates the most, as they hate limes, lemons, and oranges. Also smells like lavender, lemongrass, and oils like citronella tend to repel a cat.

Why is basil good for cats?

Basil leaves can help with stomach problems and other cold and fever issues in our bodies. Normally basil does not make your cats go crazy or poisoned.

The plant itself is pretty harmless and is also healthy. But sometimes on rare occasions, cats are seen to experience unpleasant side effects from the basil leaves. They also end up getting diarrhea or start vomiting.

Allergies are very rare among cats towards plants that are edible and are non-poisonous. But still, some kitties could get a rash after they eat fresh basil leaves or any other fresh herb plants as their food.

Usually, any cat can eat basil leaves. It is non-toxic and shows no such severe side effects after eating it. Whenever any animals face stomach problems or pains, they chew on grasses or plants to ease it out. Well, cats are also the same.

You might have seen your cat nibbling on plants and herbs from your garden. Well, these herbs are good for humans, that we all know. But is it ok for your cat to chew on them?

Well, it is completely safe for your cat to eat basil leaves and other such non-harmful plants and herbs. But everything has a limit. Eating more than required could bring on some health problems and symptoms in your cat.

Basil in the form of fresh leaves has vitamin A in it which is good for the bones and teeth of your cat. Also, this deep green leaf is also safe for cats to eat as a seasoning in dried form.

Basil can also help your cat to get some relaxing feel and effect. Also, cats love the flavor of the basil leaves. They might like it if you sprinkle them as seasonings in your cat food as well.

Which herbs are poisonous to cats?

Herbs are good for health and have many benefits for both humans and animals like cats. Cats may also benefit from these fresh herbs and plants. There are some safe plants of herb that cats can consume and also some that are toxic.

You as a pet parent might be shocked as well as excited to learn about the herb plants or other plant species that are good or are safe plants for your kitty.

You might even consider making a herb plant garden in your garden area, just for your kitty cats.

You see, even though herbs are known to be safe plants for most animals, especially your kitty cats, it's better if you discuss with your cat’s vet if the herb is safe for cats and dogs or not.

Also, you need to get your cat’s vet's approval to give your kitty cats regular fresh natural and nutritional leaves, flowers, and other plant herbs directly from your garden that benefit your cat’s health.

Dried and ground fresh leaves and flowers of herbs that are good and safe for cats are valerian, witch hazel, echinacea, licorice root, dandelion root or cat’s claw, calendula, goldenseal, catnip, and culinary herbs such as basil, cilantro, or coriander, rosemary, thyme, and dill.

These nontoxic, natural, as well as nutritional herb parts of plants, are good for cats and your feline kitty pets. These plants and herbs are not toxic to cats and are completely safe for cats.

Well, the important thing to note is the amount you give them.

Never give a large amount of any food or such herbal plant leaves to them as it can cause illness or digestive problems in your cat.

Just like how some plant leaves in your herb garden are good and safe for your cat, there are some plant herb leaves fresh in your garden that is toxic to cats but are fine for humans.

Plants and fresh leaves that are poisonous and toxic to cats are chives and garlic, marijuana, chamomile, St. John’s wort, and other herb leaves and plants that can create irritation in your cat are mint, oregano, lemongrass, and tarragon.

Peppermint or mint plants and their leaves have essential oil in them which gives them a medicinal value. But sometimes taking it more than needed could create problems in your cat.

One such example is the garden mint which we use in our foods and medicines. It could cause gastrointestinal problems in your cats if taken more.

But other types of fresh leaves of mints like the catnip and the cat mint are safe for cats and do not have any poisonous effects and are not toxic to cats. But always remember, consult your vet before giving any herb leaves or plants to your cat.

Can cats eat basil leaves?

It is totally safe for cats to consume basil leaves in any form, let it be as fresh leaves, dried, or in cooked form. Basil has anti-inflammatory properties in its plant leaves. The sweet taste of the leaf works in helping your cat's acidity problems and balances it and restores the body pH level.

Well, some owners have reported about their cats vomiting and getting diarrhea after having too much or little of such herbs and plants. Well for some cats, it might be the case, but for the majority of them, basil leaves have no side effects and are non-toxic for cats.

Just how basil leaves are used in medicines for humans, some local pet vets suggest basil leaves for their medicinal values for cats as medicines as well. Also, basil plants are used to treat diseases and to heal as well.

Basil leaves have excellent nutritional values and are good for digestive health as well.

Sometimes if your cats eat more than is necessary, certain symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach problems could be seen in them. And these symptoms in your pets might become poisonous if you do not treat them properly.

Cats mostly eat fresh mint and fresh basil for the sweet taste and smell that attracts them to these plant herbs. Also, the essential oil in them could be the reason for such sweet taste and smell that cats get from those plant herbs.

For the question of can cats eat basil, well the answer is yes. Cats can eat basil and it is safe for your pet cat to eat.

Cats eat basil and many other plants and herbs that benefit their health and are good for their digestion and stomach. Sometimes they get diarrhea for eating more than required. But still, those problems can be solved and sent to treat by consulting your pet veterinarian for medicines and treatment.

You might have seen your pet cat going near your garden and eating fresh basil leaves from it. Well, they are attracted by the sweet flavor and smell that the fresh basil in your garden has.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can cats eat basil? here's why your cats love that smell!

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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