Can Dragonflies Bite? How Dangerous Are Dragonflies?

Joan Agie
Oct 19, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Nov 02, 2021
check the dangers of dragonflies bite

The dragonfly, of the order Odonata, is one of the oldest and earliest forms of an insect capable of flight.

Their flight capabilities are amazing. Dragonflies have massive, effective jaws and are fierce predators.

They catch a flying insect mid-flight, using their legs in the shape of a basket, and then dispatch it in one crush. They have three pairs of legs, which they use to scoop up prey directly into their mouth.

Their size is massive, and they have colorful bodies. They seem threatening because of their selfish behavior.

They also have names like horse stinger and devil's darning needle. Dragonflies are not aggressive insects, but dragonflies bite or sting humans when held in their hands. However, the bite is generally harmless as, most of the time, the stinger cannot break the skin.

Read on to learn more about these animals, which are as colorful as butterflies. Afterward, do read can moths bite and can cricket bite?

Is it safe to touch a dragonfly?

Have you ever thought of touching a dragonfly? You can touch them because they have no stingers, so you cant get stung. Dragonflies are not at all aggressive until they feel threatened.

They only bite to defend themselves when they get a feeling of being threatened. Their bite doesn't break human skin and thus isn't dangerous. If you ever hold a large dragonfly in your hand, it might try to bite you, but it cannot rupture your skin.

Where is a good place to see dragonflies? Dragonflies are found all over the world besides Antarctica. They're generally found in wetlands and any type of water bodies or places where water accumulation is present. Dragonflies are warm-temperature lovers like butterflies.

Dragonflies are like various invertebrates whose lifecycle revolves around water bodies. Dragonflies emerge from their larval state and change from swimming to flying. Dragonflies emerge at some point during the summertime, in early to mid-April or early June, when they look for mates and return to the water.

How do you create a pond for dragonflies? We all played games in the park when we also tried to catch dragonflies.

These dragonflies are always a fun treat for us to watch. They are a species of great aerial acrobats.

The dragonfly and the damselfly make our garden, and also reduce mosquitoes as they eat them. Dragonflies are attracted to a dragon pond, so to attract them to your gardens, you should create and make one for them, give them a place to breed and raise their young ones.

You can also attract dragonflies with a water source that is provided nearby, but it's safe to create a pond for them to enjoy.

However, it isn't easy to attract them to ponds that contain fish. Fish such as koi want dragonfly nymphs.

There are some requirements to make a dragonfly pond to attract them in our garden, which are as follows:

Make a shallow place that is a couple of ft or deeper.

Make a 40 sq ft (four sq m) surface area.

Choose an area to make this pond where there won't be many trees overhanging since dragonflies like areas with bright sunlight.

Include different plants with vertical leaves and stems with other varieties.

Once you have the requirements mentioned above, make the pond and wait for them to get attracted to it. All you have to do next is to wait patiently. Do not lose patience when other insects, like mosquitoes, enter the pond. These mosquitoes will be a welcome food for the dragonfly when it enters the dragonfly pond.

This species helps humans by eating bugs that bite us and cause a lot of trouble, like mosquitoes and biting flies.

An individual dragonfly has the power to eat 30-100 mosquitoes in a day. These tiny species inspire humans to create new and updated technologies like drones and other artificial visual systems based on dragonflies' skills of flying and visioning.

Since dragonflies give us a lot of joy in our daily lives, we all should work on conserving the species by providing a habitat so that they can continue their lives for another 300 million years or longer.

Do dragonflies bite or sting?

Have you ever heard of dragonflies biting or stinging? No, as dragonflies can't physically sting. They have a long tail that looks near a prehensile tail, leading to confusion among biting and stinging. As dragonflies don't have a stinger, they use their mouth to search for sustenance and hunt. A dragonfly can sting neither humans nor anything else.

Do dragonflies have teeth? Dragonflies don't have a proper set of enamel. However, they have typically large, robust mandibles with sharply-pointed tooth-like serrations, which they use to hunt or sting. They don't have stingers but sharp teeth, which help them hunt and defend themselves.

They sometimes bite when they feel a threat to their life. However, their bite is not so dangerous. Primarily it causes a scratch on the skin.

Dragonflies may bite you if you provoke them. When they feel threatened, they bite just for self-defense. If you don't disturb them, they will also leave you alone.

You can watch those colorful creatures just by sitting in your garden. But if you ever catch one or pick it up, you should be very careful. Never allow their mandibles to touch your skin, as they'll bite you in self-defense.

Dragonflies can't rupture the skin; however, some giant dragonflies may bite, which may be painful. They're no threat to you, as most giant dragonflies have only a tiny bite. Their bite is part of their defense mechanism.

How aggressive are dragonflies?

Dragonflies usually only bite out of self-protection if they sense a threat to their life. They are not at all aggressive and are harmless. The site isn't always considered dangerous; in most cases, the dragonfly bite doesn't damage human skin.

Dragonflies are winged insects with incredibly sharp eyes to distinguish prey, an attacker, or a mate from around 100 ft away. When they find their prey, they not only chase them but calculate their prey like a trigonometric problem.

They check what prey it is, in what course is the flying insect moving, and with what speed. They determine the path they move and intercept the path of prey to catch it.

They're very good at flying and can even fly in reverse. They're the only creatures who can predict where their catch will stop, and they may head it off.

Dragonflies come under the order Odonata, which means 'toothed ones.' They are given this name because of their serrated mandibles. When hunting, dragonflies trap their prey with their ft and tear off the prey's wings with their sharp jaws so they cannot escape. Dragonflies hunt bugs down, all without landing.

Can they kill humans? No, they can't. Even huge dragonflies can only bite if held in a human's hand. They feel threatened and thus bite, but their bite usually doesn't cause a break in the skin.

A bite will sting. Dragonflies are also known as horse stingers or devil's darning needles. Dragonflies aren't any danger to human beings. These bugs do not bite people and are not dangerous creatures.

How painful is a dragonfly bite?

Do dragonflies have teeth to bite? No, they don't. But they have extraordinarily large, robust mandibles that also have sharply-pointed tooth-like serrations. Even though a dragonfly has a fragile and small appearance, it is not weak.

They're considered insatiable eaters and vicious killers as they may eat any animal using their mandibles. They have got no 'sting' as such, but it has been seen that when egg-laying dragonflies were interrupted, they bit complex and even ruptured the flesh of the scientist who was experimenting.

Do dragonflies attack in swarms? Why do we find them in hives? They lay eggs in water.

Dragonflies mature from eggs to the developing nymph stage. This happens in water: rivers, lakes, and all sorts of water bodies, even in wetlands or roadside ditches.

They feed on small fish and mosquito larvae when they're in the water. They are found in ample lakes and ponds; they are sometimes seen emerging from their natal waters to fly in swarms as adults.

The length of each stage varies depending on the species. Most of the time, they fly around in flocks for hunting. You'll see swarm feeding during summer and fall.

Insects sometimes get trapped in weather fronts and are driven by the wind before being dropped elsewhere.

Dragonfly Bite Symptoms

Insects bite most human beings at some point. They get redness and itchiness in that area. Biting may also cause minor swelling. Some bugs even cause an allergic reaction that may be life-threatening.

However, most species of dragonflies can't even pierce human skin. Only some huge species can penetrate the skin, and that could make you experience a bit of pain. However, these bites are the least risky and appear as a small red dot, which is near in similarity to other insect bites.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can dragonflies bite, then look at why horseflies bite or dragonfly facts.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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