Chipmunk Vs. Ground Squirrel: Burrowing Animals Difference Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Jun 28, 2024 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Jan 27, 2022
Chipmunk having nuts in wild.

Chipmunks and squirrels are rodents that share a lot of similarities.

A chipmunk and a squirrel are relatives and often referred to as cousins of each other. Even then, they are not the same animals.

While they both belong to the wild, some people adopt these animals as pets. There are a lot of differences between a squirrel and a chipmunk. However, it is important to understand how the two species are different from each other in order to correctly recognize them when you see one.

Read on to explore how chipmunks and squirrels differ from each other while sharing some similarities.

Are chipmunks and squirrels the same?

Although chipmunks and squirrels appear almost identical, they are not the same animals. The similarities between the two species come from their shared genetics. The difference between the two animal species must be understood to distinguish one from the other.

Chipmunks and squirrels are close relatives and belong to the same family of rodents. This makes them appear quite similar to each other.

Moreover, the similarities also extend to their behavioral habits. 13-lined ground squirrels and eastern chipmunks are the most similar in terms of appearance. They have similar body sizes and colors.

Both the 13-lined ground squirrel and eastern chipmunk have grayish brown, brown, or reddish-brown furry coats. The existence and pattern of the stripes on the heads of both of these animals can help to differentiate between them. A 13-lined ground squirrel, as its name suggests, has 13 stripes that are narrow and alternately colored.

There are six tan-colored stripes and seven dark brown stripes. The stripes, which are dark brown in color, have tan spots on them, giving them a dotted appearance.

Meanwhile, chipmunks have five stripes widely spaced with alternate brown and tan colors. While it might be hard to differentiate between a ground squirrel and a chipmunk, their third close relative, tree squirrels, are easily distinguished from the other two by their large bushy tails.

The tail of a chipmunk is bushier and held high while running. Meanwhile, the tail of a ground squirrel is more streamlined and lower to the ground while the animal moves.

Chipmunks have erect ears which are rounded. On the other hand, ground squirrels have ears that are so short that they stick to their heads.

The difference between the two species can also be noticed by where these rodents live. Different species of squirrels prefer different habitats. While tree and gray squirrels live in trees, ground squirrels prefer living at ground level.

Both ground squirrels and chipmunks create burrows in the ground to provide shelter for themselves and their family. However, where the burrows are located can differ for the two creatures.

Chipmunks prefer forests and wooded areas. They are also seen in yards filled with shrubs and trees. Meanwhile, ground squirrels prefer cemeteries, pastures, golf courses, yards, and other grassy areas.

Many people also think that both chipmunks and ground squirrels hibernate during winter. This is not true. While ground squirrels actually hibernate during winter months, chipmunks do not.

The process of hibernation is not true for chipmunks. However, they do sleep more during winter than in other seasons. Chipmunks, as well as ground squirrels, are active during the day.

They also collect food for hibernating during winter. The food that chipmunks and ground squirrels eat is almost the same. Both chipmunks and squirrels like to eat nuts and seeds.

While chipmunks eat seeds, berries, and nuts, ground squirrels eat plants and plant material along with seeds. Also, chipmunks and ground squirrels are omnivores. This is why they sometimes eat insects and small creatures as food too.

Can squirrels mate with chipmunks?

There are many misconceptions about mating between chipmunks and squirrels. While it is true that a chipmunk and a squirrel are close relatives of each other, there have never been cases of them mating with each other so far.

It might be difficult for humans to differentiate between a chipmunk and a squirrel, but these creatures know the differences and understand that they do not belong together. The mating rituals might be similar for both of them.

However, squirrels and chipmunks do not mate with each other.

The mating season for both chipmunks and squirrels takes place during the spring season, but they only mate with their own kind. After the gestation period, which lasts for about a month, the females of the two species give birth to around six young ones.

Do squirrels kill chipmunks?

Squirrels are known to be opportunistic omnivores. This means they will use any chance they get to eat meat from whatever food source they can find.

Chipmunks are creatures that have many predators. These predators include foxes, coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, snakes, dogs, and cats. Birds such as owls and hawks also feed on chipmunks. The list of predators also includes red squirrels. They may kill chipmunks as a food source and feed on their carcass.

Squirrels are also known to be territorial. They do not like it when others cross into their territories, even if they are other squirrels. It is possible that squirrels might attack and kill chipmunks if they enter their territories. They can also kill chipmunks over food when there is a scarcity of it.

Are chipmunks smarter than ground squirrels?

Studies have been conducted to understand the level of intelligence of various creatures. Some of these studies were also done to check the intelligence of squirrels and chipmunks.

Some of these studies show that both creatures are intelligent and smart. However, further studies have been made that indicate that a chipmunk is smarter than a ground squirrel, or any squirrel species for that matter.

This observation was made after carefully studying their behaviors. The research found that the tunnels made by chipmunks under the ground had complex systems, which indicated their high IQ level. The studies also suggested that the communication system of these creatures is complicated, with different calls having different meanings.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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