17 Chocolate Hills Facts: Learn All About This Natural Monument

Christian Mba
Oct 06, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Jan 20, 2022
17 Chocolate Hills Facts: Learn All About This Natural Monument

Chocolate Hills facts are about the conical hills in the Philippines, they are famous for their cone-shaped edges and they reside in limestone regions.

The Chocolate Hills complex is bigger than anyone would have assumed it to be, there are more than 1000 hills in the area. These grass-covered hills are well known throughout the Bohol province, they are one of the renowned geological monuments under the UNESCO world heritage.

There are many national geological monuments in the Philippines, one of them is the Chocolate Hills. The dome-shaped hills are the result of marine limestone formation in that place. What makes the hills even more beautiful is the symmetrical shape of these natural monuments.

The Geographic Location Of Chocolate Hills

The Chocolate Hills complex are a few of the most talked-about natural resources of the Phillippines, the grass species on these hills are mixed species of ferns.

  • Chocolate Hills got the name partly because of their shape, given the two giant hills with a cone-shaped beak. Nonetheless, during the dry season, the grass of these hills turns dark brown, which makes these conical hills look similar to chocolate kisses.
  • The Chocolate hills have abundant fossils and they also have countless coral deposits.
  • This exceptional natural beauty becomes a little more beautiful when during the dry season, the grass turns brown and makes the whole mountains appear chocolate brown in color.
  • These hills are natural attractions and they can be seen from the Sagbayan peak as well.
  • The view of these light brown hills appear more wonderfully from the Sagbayan peak, making it appear one true world heritage site
  • The famous haycock hills and chocolate hills share a special connection, the chocolate hills are also known as the rolling terrain when going towards the haycock hills path.
  • When you look from the Sagbayan peak, it can be seen that these chocolate hills are spread over a large area, and the maximum elevation up to which the chocolate hills reach is 393 ft(0.11 km).
  • The Chocolate Hills are nestled in the Bohol province, Inside Bohol province, they lie in the Carmen town.

Wildlife Of Chocolate Hills

The Chocolate Hills complex is spread over to a large area and that means it caters to a number of wild animals and is home to various kinds of flora.

  • The Chocolate Hills complex is very famous and often called the 8th wonder of the world, nonetheless, it is not officially a wonder of the world.
  • There are multiple stories about the chocolate hills and how they were formed. These are naturally formed hills, however, the country legends very so often come up with old stories to justify the perfectly symmetrical two giants hills which are different than others.
  • The local people believe that when the plague spread in the area during ancient times, a giant named carabao cried and the hills were formed from his tears.
  • These hills are not your usual hills, Chocolate Hills are beautiful, and at the same time carry a surprise element about how they look especially during the summers when the grass of this world heritage site turns brown. These hills are also home to many wild animals, civet cats can be found in these hills along with wild carabao, wild hog, deer, and monkeys.
  • The flora of Chocolate Hills is also diverse, one can find grass species such as Saccharum spontaneum growing on the clay beds of these mountains.

Features Of Chocolate Hills

When looked at from the Sagbayan peak, the chocolate brown hills appear as real-life magic. These hills are also known as the 3rd national geological monument of the Philippines by NCGS.

  • Chocolate Hills are known as the best tourist place in the Philippines, especially during the rainy season, as the strange and unique flora on this place for some reason turns into the color brown during the dry season, which makes this place one of the best tourist spots.
  • It is assumed that the Chocolate Hills were made in the year 1988, this was the year the hills were recognized for their geological value and were open for tourists to visit.
  • Since the Chocolate Hills are a very important geological treasure to the Philippines it's not allowed to trek on the hills or climb these hills.
  • The hills also have many caves and natural springs which can prove to be a mesmerizing view. The hills are all almost 1640 ft (499 m) above sea level.
  • It's best to view the chocolate hills from the Sagbayan peak, one can not only view get a 360-degree view of the hills but can also see the sea off Cebu city clearly as well.

Activities To Do At Chocolate Hills

There are certain rules and guidelines which one must follow in order to enjoy the Chocolate Hills. These rules are made to ensure the maximum safety and also the preservation of these natural treasures.

  • In order to enjoy all the activities at the Chocolate Hills, there are certain guidelines which are one must be six years or elder than that. However, it's also essential to be over the height of 48 in (122 cm) and have a minimum of 99 lb (45 kg) of weight, the maximum weight required is 198 lb (90 kg).
  • One of the famous activities is the rush bike This is one amazing activity where two bikes are suspended in the air, tied with protective gear.
  • For people who wish to have a safer and less extreme activity, there are treetop rope challenges which are excellent for kids and families.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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