44 Citric Acid Facts For Kids To Understand Before Their Next Test

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Shirin Biswas
Nov 21, 2022 By Shirin Biswas
Originally Published on Feb 10, 2022
Edited by Daisha Capers
Fact-checked by Niyati Parab
Learn some citric acid facts with us today!

We've all had food items that have citric acid at some point in our lives!

Citrus fruits are great for us, but the benefits of citric acid can be extracted not just from food items, but also in the form of self-care and cleaning products! Citric acid has a lot of benefits for your body, and it can also be used for a variety of purposes around the house.

It's a type of acid that is found in citrus fruits like lemons and limes. Let's discuss some citric acid facts that you may not have known before!

Facts About Citric Acid

If you have ever wondered how some of your fruits are sour and tart to taste, in most cases, the answer would be that they contain citric acid.

  • Citric acid is a natural preservative and can help to extend the shelf life of food.
  • It is found in many fruits and vegetables that we eat in our daily lives.
  • The taste of such fruits and vegetables tends to typically lean on the sour side.
  • Citric acid is also used as a flavoring agent in food products
  • The food industry has made extensive use of this organic acid as a preservative, as well as for taste.
  • Citric acid has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to reduce swelling and pain
  • It is considered to be a weak acid, with a pH level that ranges from three to six.
  • Citric acid is also a potent antioxidant, which means it helps to protect your body from excess free radicals.
  • It is a natural acid that was first discovered in lemons.
  • Organic acids are generally weak, which is also an attribute of citric acid.
  • The European Union recognizes citric acid as an E330 additive.

Uses Of Citric Acid

Citric acid is one of the greatest natural and artificial products that are known to humankind. It is used in many ways, across many different industries around the world.

  • Citric acid may also help to improve blood sugar control and lower the risk of developing type II diabetes.
  • This acid is often added in many products to save the active ingredients of the product from being spoiled.
  • It is used as a preservative in many food products such as canned fruits.
  • Citric acid can be used as a household cleaner because it is effective at removing stains, bacteria, and grime.
  • The salts that citric acid makes in combination with other elements are also beneficial.
  • Such salts can be used in many self-care products such as hair sprays and deodorants.
  • Citric acid can also be used as a fabric softener, helping to make your clothes feel softer and smoother.
  • Citric acid is also added to soft drinks.
  • This is done to bring stability into the composition of the beverage.
  • In many soft drinks, citric acid is also used as a flavoring agent.
  • This acid is used both in its natural and artificial forms.
  • Artificial citric acid is usually used for industrial purposes.
  • Citrus fruits are the most common natural source of citric acid.
  • Citric acid is also used in many skincare products.
  • The chemical composition of citric acid is such that it helps in balancing out the nutrients in the skin, as well as assists in boosting glow.
  • Skincare products containing citric acid are also especially great for people who have acne issues.
  • The disinfectant qualities of citric acid kill bacteria build-up, which aggravates acne problems.
  • However, we must bear in mind that applying citrus fruits to facial skin is not the greatest idea. This is because skin-care products are carefully crafted and tested in laboratories and are also thoroughly tested before being sold. The same level of precision in terms of chemical composition is tough to achieve in homes, which is why home remedies should be avoided unless proven.
  • Citric acid is also a staple additive in making medicine.
  • The tart, sour taste of citric acid is great for being added in syrups and other chewable tablets which taste bad otherwise.
  • This compound also helps in stabilizing other active agents in medicine, which is also essential.

Benefits Of Citric Acid

The benefits of citric acid are manifold. The benefits that we get from this organic acid are highly dependent on the form in which we consume them.

While it can be behind the sour taste of the lemons that have been sitting in your fridge, citric acid may just as well be the preservative that has been used in your favorite moisturizer!

  • Acidic fruits are natural sources of citric acid.
  • Citric acid has many antioxidant properties.
  • Antioxidants help in making sure that there are no excess free radicals in your body.
  • Free radicals are a by-product of metabolic activities, which can cause several issues such as early aging.
  • Consumption of antioxidants through food items such as limes and berries helps in tackling free radicals.
  • The citric acid cycle is a part of the metabolic activities of nearly all living beings.
  • This cycle refers to a chain of chemical reactions which are necessary to make sure that the food that we consume gets broken down and converted to energy.
  • The citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondria.
  • The simple addition of lemon juice in a salad can help in such important metabolic processes.
  • Citric acid is also used in disinfectant products due to its ability to kill certain bacteria.
  • Although categorized as a weak acid, the chemical formula and acidity index of citric acid is enough to be used on their own as well as in combination with other compounds for cleaning purposes.
  • Citric acid is also a great addition to your diet as it helps in acquiring clear skin.
  • The consumption of citric acid helps in avoiding the formation of kidney stones.
  • It is shown through research that the consumption of the correct amounts of citric acid can also help in increasing nutrient absorption in your body!

Citric Acid's Properties

Let's discuss some properties of this compound which naturally occurs in some of our favorite food items!

  • Citric acid's pH levels range from three to six.
  • It is considered to be a weak acid.
  • It naturally occurs in many food items.
  • Citric acid forms metallic salts with many elements.
  • It is a water-soluble acid.
  • Continuing an improper consumption of citric acid may cause erosion of tooth enamel.
  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele was the first person to extract citric acid from lemons. This was done in 1782.
  • Citric acid is composed of six atoms of carbon, eight atoms of hydrogen, and seven atoms of oxygen.
  • It is slightly flammable and poses a fire hazard.
  • A solution of citric acid can evaporate within water.
  • It is usually a s

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Written by Shirin Biswas

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature

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Shirin BiswasBachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature

With a degree in English from Amity University, Noida, Shirin has won awards for oratory, acting, and creative writing. She has a wealth of experience as an English teacher, editor, and writer, having previously worked at Quizzy and Big Books Publishing. Her expertise lies in editing study guides for children and creating engaging content.

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Fact-checked by Niyati Parab

Bachelor of Commerce

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Niyati ParabBachelor of Commerce

With a background in digital marketing, Niyati brings her expertise to ensure accuracy and authenticity in every piece of content. She has previously written articles for MuseumFacts, a history web magazine, while also handling its digital marketing. In addition to her marketing skills, Niyati is fluent in six languages and has a Commerce degree from Savitribai Phule Pune University. She has also been recognized for her public speaking abilities, holding the position of Vice President of Education at the Toastmasters Club of Pune, where she won several awards and represented the club in writing and speech contests at the area level.

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