Fun Cock-of-the-rock Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Oct 20, 2022 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Cock-of- the-rock facts about the unique and beautiful species of birds.

The cock-of-the-rock is Peru's national bird. There are two types, the Andean cock-of-the-rock and Guianan cock-of-the-rock.

Apart from this, there is also the albino cock-of-the-rock as well. These species are native to, and predominantly seen in, Venezuela, Columbia, and Peru. Since being categorized as the national bird of Peru this bird was recognized as a checklist species on all birdwatchers list.

Male birds have the most color and female birds are largely brown-orange all over their body. They constitute a large population of the seed disseminators of seeds in the Peruvian jungle, which contributes to the preservation of forests.

In turn, helping the natural regeneration of their environment. In this article, we will take a look at some interesting facts and information about these unique and exotic bird species. If you liked this article, then don't forget to check out articles on shrikes and the great grey owl.

Cock-Of-The-Rock Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Cock-Of-The-Rock?

The cock-of-the-rock is a type of bird and belongs to the kingdom Animalia.

What class of animal does a Cock-Of-The-Rock belong to?

Cock-of-the-rocks are classified under the heading Aves and is a type of bird that belongs to the Turdidae family.

How many Cock-Of-The-Rocks are there in the world?

The exact number of cock-of-the -rocks in the world is not known, however, they exist as two extant species of the same family, the. Andean cock-of-the-rock and Guianan cock-of-the-rock where the latter is relatively smaller in size.

Where does a Cock-Of-The-Rock live?

The national bird of Peru, the cock-of-the-rock, is seen in tropical rainforests as well in other parts of the world in similar habitats including Venezuela, Columbia, and Ecuador. The Andean cock-of-the-rock is found in cloud forests as well.

What is a Cock-Of-The-Rock's habitat?

The cock-of-the-rock's habitat is primarily in rainforests but they are also seen in cloud forests and mountainous regions. A cloud forest is a tropical or subtropical forest.

The female builds a nest of mud under a rocky outcrop or in a cave. Their primary diet consists of fruit and hence it's essential for them to stay close to the proximity of their food and where they can build their nests and survive easily.

Who do Cock-Of-The-Rocks live with?

As an adult bird, they live on their own and as a young bird in the nest, it survives with other species of its own kind. Since they largely live in the wild it's rare to see them adopted by people as pets.  

How long does a Cock-Of-The-Rock live?

Cock-of-the-rock's lifespan is up to seven years. The oldest male that ever lived as per records was 17 years old. The male Andean cock-of-the-rock are bright red/orange and the Guianan cocks-of-the-rock are bright orange.

How do they reproduce?

Males are polygynous in nature and are not involved with nest building rearing the chick. The female builds her nest of plant materials plastered with mud. Their nest is shaped like a concave cup.

Female cock-of-the-rock builds the nest for the young birds. Females breed in and around march.

The females choose the by flying down to the ground and pecking the male on their rump. The male turns around and mating happens immediately. Post mating and once the female gives birth in her nest she incubates these eggs for a period of 25-28 days.

What is their conservation status?

Cock of the rock birds are classified under the least concern category by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN).  

Cock-Of-The-Rock Fun Facts

What do Cock-Of-The-Rocks look like?

They are noted for the males flattened circular crest extending over the bill. The crest remains erect and covers the bill. Males usually display their plumage and compete with other males.

The edge of the crest is lined with a brown band. Given that a male's color stands out it's likely for you to spot them easily as compared to females. They have a white eye with a small pupil and a black sclera.

How cute are they?

The national bird of Peru is an extremely cute and unique species of bird. They are brightly colored and have loud voices which can be heard from a distance. Much of their individual display consists of static posturing.

How do they communicate?

Cock-of-the-rock bird call is usually loud 'yooii'. The Andean cock of the rock is more raucous as compared to the other species of the same family.

We can also hear continuous clucking 'kip-kip-kip'. This loud call often lands them in trouble since it's audible to possible predators making them vulnerable to attack. If the birds are disturbed both sexes of birds give a loud 'uankk' while foraging.

How big is a Cock-Of-The-Rock?

The Andean cock of the rock species is 12-13 inches (31 -33 cm) which is 20 times bigger than the smallest bird in the world the bee hummingbird which is 2.4 in (6.1 cm) tall.

How fast can a Cock-Of-The-Rock fly?

Cock-of-the-rock's wingspan is 23.6inch-25.6inch (60cm-65cm). They have relatively good flying speeds but fall prey to predators because of their loud voices. They are fairly shy birds and rarely are seen out in the open hence you need a keen eye to spot them.  

How much does a Cock-Of-The-Rock weigh?

The average cock-of-the-rock weighs 190g-265g (0.584lbs). The heaviest of these birds can reach up to 300g which is 0.66lb. This might be impacted by various factors including their diet. Females of the species weigh less.

What are their male and female names of the species?

Both the male and females of the species are not addressed differently, but they have differences in appearance which helps identify both of the species. Females are largely brown with parts orange on their body while males are brightly colored. It's similar to the case of peacocks.

What would you call a baby Cock-Of-The-Rock?

A cock-of-the-rock juvenile is referred to as egg before hatching, and post-hatching is referred to as a nestling until it develops wings and is ready to fly.

What do they eat?

A cock-of-the-rock's diet primarily consists of fruits. They usually leave out the seeds from the same. Apart from this they also feed on small insects, small reptiles, and frogs. The young ones in the nests feed on food rich in protein.

Are they dangerous?

The behavior of this bird indicates that it is not a dangerous bird at all. When attacked by predators, like snakes, its immediate instinct is to flee from the area.  

Would they make a good pet?

They are innately wild animals and are not kept as pets. They are seen in zoos, conservation centers, and other designated places. Apart from this these species are seen in their native habitats.

Did you know...

Throughout the year males practice a dance to attract females for mating. This practice is seldom seen in other species of animals.

These birds live in altitudes of between 1590 and 8000ft (485 - 2,440m).

The Cock-Of-The-Rock's survival techniques

Cock-of-the-rocks have different survival or adaptation techniques. They inhabit forest regions and are seldom seen out in front of people. When attacked by predators, like snakes, its immediate instinct is to flee from the area.  They reside at such high altitudes that it becomes difficult for possible predators to attack.

The symbolism of the Cock-Of-The-Rock

The cock-of-the-rock gets its name from its tendency to build nests on rocks. True to her name the female builds her nest out of mud and plants.

These birds are not always seen in the open and if you see one you are a few of the lucky people. They look like phoenixes dipped in ash with brilliant orange heads, wings, and tails. It epitomizes the biodiversity of Peru.

The Cock-Of-The-Rock mating dance

The cock-of-the-rock courtship dance is performed to attract females throughout the year. This is an elaborate dance. They bob up and down, bow, and hop around to display their bright plumage.

They squeal and dance and throw their heads in the air. This is a unique feature of this bird that distinguishes it from other species. Seeing this species of animals is a wonderful opportunity.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including peahens and burrowing owls.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our cock-of-the-rock coloring pages.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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