Deep Sea Diving: Rules, Tips And Fun Facts You Should Know

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 24, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Nov 12, 2021
Whale shark and underwater photographer

Who doesn’t like to dive deep into the sea, that is if you know how to control your breathing.

Breathing gas is an essential aspect of diving but breathing when surrounded by water around is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that it can transport your imagination to another world.

Diving is becoming a favorite hobby around the world today. In 2014, Ahmed Gabr broke all the world records in diving.

Ahmed Gabr recorded a dive of 1090 ft (332.35 m) in the Red Sea off the coast of Dahab, Egypt. This dive in the Red Sea by Gabr broke the world record for the deepest scuba dive in the world for which he went through years of intense training. However, deep sea diving is not a simple scuba dive.

Read on to know what makes deep sea diving different from other forms of diving. Afterward, be sure to check out our fascinating facts on the longest living dog breed and circle symbolism.

What is deep sea diving?

Those who are interested in diving may be familiar with deep sea diving but it is still common to not have a clear idea of what exactly deep sea diving means. Is it the term for any diving that goes into the sea? What is considered deep sea diving?

In other words, how deep do you have to go for it to be deep diving? It is clear that the depths covered in normal diving and deep sea diving are different. What is the depth limit that a diver has to go for a deep dive in the sea then?

What is considered deep diving? Deep diving is when a diver dives deeper than 65.6 ft (20 m).

In simple terms, that is how you describe deep diving. So, deep sea diving implies a diver diving beyond the depth limit of 65.6 ft (20 m), right?

Well, it is not that simple, unfortunately. There are different kinds of diving and for each form of diving, the depth limit can vary. The definition can change based on the type of diving that a diver does in the deep sea.

Mainly, there are two types of diving; recreational diving and technical diving. In recreational diving, the divers can explore under the sea in areas that non-divers will never be able to see.

For technical diving, the divers can go deeper and stay in the water longer than the recreational divers. The depth limit for recreational diving is 132 ft (40 m).

The maximum depth that they can go underwater is 132 ft (40 m). However, for technical diving, this maximum depth can vary. When a maximum depth of 200 ft (60 m) is passed, it is considered a deep dive among technical divers.

In general terms, we can say that a dive that goes deeper than 60 ft (18 m) can be called a deep dive. So, when in the sea, if a diver's dive deep beyond 60 ft (18 m), it is considered deep sea diving.

Deep sea diving is not limited to these 60 ft (18 m) though. As we have said, for the different types of diving, greater depths are considered as upper limits.

The limits of greater depths are mainly for technical divers. The 60 ft (18 m) depth is for open water divers. They have less experience compared to professional divers which is why open water divers are given this depth limit.

These limits are made due to the risk involved in diving deeper. When you dive deeper than 132 ft (40 m), air consumption is faster, the dive time will become shorter and you might need decompression stops.

If you go beyond this depth, you could suffer nitrogen narcosis. Therefore after these depths, technical divers are needed for underwater exploration.

They have the knowledge and skills related to decompression stops and the use of air mixtures, like trimix, for their safety even in the deeper depths. For the exploration of the underwater world, recreational divers need only simple planning but for technical divers, this is not the case.

The exploration depths of a technical diver go beyond the limits of a recreational one.

They need to have thorough planning and knowledge about air mixtures like trimix. Their exploration path consists of trimix, rebreather, and side mount.

Even though the risk factor is higher for technical divers, the experience from underwater exploration is worth the risk. Imagine all the things they would see underwater going that deep into the sea.

As we have said, the deep sea diving depth can change based on the type of diving you are doing. Open water divers go to the shallowest depths compared to others and technical divers go the furthest under the water's surface to all other divers.

Remember, in general terms, a dive deeper than 60 ft (18 m) could be called a deep dive. In deep sea diving, the dive limit is the same.

Deep Sea Diving Equipment

We have talked about deep sea diving, technical diving, recreational diving, and the depths that the divers need to dive in order for it to be considered deep diving but the fact is that someone cannot just decide to go diving and just jump into the ocean.

Yes, the skills are needed but merely the skills won't cut it. You also need the right equipment for it.

Deep sea diving equipment is not just for the safety of a diver. It is also something that is a necessity for a diver to dive deep and to dive even smaller depths for that matter. So, what are some of the equipment that deep diving requires?

For any type of diving, there is some basic equipment needed for safety. A deep diver needs this equipment in addition to some more. Let's start with the basics. A diving mask is a basic part of diving.

That is obvious though, right? Even when some water splashes into our eyes, our visuals become a little blurry for a while. Imagine going deep into the water without something to cover your eyes. You wouldn't be able to see a thing.

So, a diving mask becomes essential so that you can see through the water during deep diving. A diver in the beginning stage will also use a snorkel to swim facedown at the surface.

It also saves the air in the tank. A wet suit or dry suit is also very important since you will be immersed in the water for a long time. For technical diving, the period will be even longer compared to recreational diving.

Scuba gloves are also used for your hands along with the suit. The gloves keep your hands warm and safe from being underwater.

Fins will help you move through the water swiftly. Having fins will make the dive easier compared to just using your legs.

The scuba tank is also essential equipment for a diver. The scuba tank will store breathing gas since gas redundancy is a big safety issue during diving, especially for deep diving. A scuba tank will store gases inside and is normally made of steel or aluminum.

For a deep diver, when the depths that they go underwater increase, gases with other mixtures are used, a common example being trimix. In trimix, helium gas replaces nitrogen gas.

The helium gas is only used in place of a part of the nitrogen. This part of helium is used to prevent nitrogen narcosis. Nitrogen narcosis is a big safety threat when diving in deep water.

The regulator is the equipment that helps in breathing underwater. The high-pressure gas in the tank is hard for a diver to breathe and so the breathing must be made easier. The high pressure in the tank is turned into ambient pressure with the help of a regulator. The pressure change makes breathing easier for the diver.

A depth gauge will show a diver their current depth and the maximum depth of a dive. A submersible pressure gauge shows how much gas is remaining in the tank.

A compass is used to navigate a deep diver in deep water. There are other accessories like an underwater camera that can be used if you want to take photos of the underwater visuals.

In technical deep water diving, stage tanks, a side mount, and rebreathers are common equipment. A dive light is also used to communicate between divers under the water.

The additional equipment needed by a deep diver includes decompression stop devices since greater depths require that. The training on how to use the technology will be done before a diver dives.

Technology is what makes deep diving so much easier now with proper training. Without such equipment, it would be nearly impossible for us to go diving deep into the ocean.

Benefits Of Deep Sea Diving

Diving is fun. There is no argument to that statement. Many people go diving as a way to relax and have fun but diving is also a healthy sport to promote. It comes with many health benefits for the mind and body.

Although diving requires you to be in a healthy state, by diving you will gain some benefits too. Going to the deepest part of the ocean is not just for fun. Let's explore some of the benefits of deep diving.

Emotional well-being can be improved during a deep dive. Imagine the scenes that people who dive into the ocean might see; the beautiful coral fishes swimming around for instance.

Once you are comfortable with the buoyancy factors, deep dives will help you increase your emotional well-being in life. Repeated dives also promote you to use less air.

Initially, you would come to the surface for air more often and the dives would be short but as time passes, you would learn to hold more air in your body too. Your mind will be calmer with the visuals that you see underwater and you will be happier.

When you are underwater, there is a pressure gradient from the surface and your body will need more oxygen. Since all the muscles in the body are working simultaneously, they need oxygen to continue this work. So, for this oxygen, your blood vessels will open.

Through this opening, oxygen comes into the body. As a result of this oxygen intake through diving, your blood circulation will improve.

The deep dives help in improving the blood circulation in your body which is a stress reliever. This is the same as emotional well-being. When people dive into the ocean, the stress in their minds is reduced by a great amount.

When going to the deepest part of the ocean and swimming around like fish, any stress from the divers' day-to-day lives is left at the surface of the water. While reducing stress, deep dives also help increase concentration.

When you are driving, there is a balance between two tasks. You are swimming and at the same time, you are also exploring the environment. Both these actions go hand in hand.

There is a balance between these two and immense concentration for doing these two actions is required. During deep dives, your body will warm up along with the slow breaths that you take.

Both these actions reduce blood pressure. Since diving is a great workout for the body, it also increases the strength and flexibility of your body.

Just like swimming, diving can also improve physical fitness. Seawater consists of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium which helps makes bones stronger.

Other than emotional well-being, there is a state of mental freedom that diving can give you. Such freedom can increase self-esteem which is also a benefit of diving. You are connected to the beautiful Mother Nature and all her wonders in the world.

The underwater world is also a beautiful part of nature. By connecting to this part of nature, a person's mind will be in a state of serene peace.

Also, as divers, the bond of friendship that you will create with other divers is an added bonus of diving. Your fellow divers will help you create beautiful memories under the water.

The social connection that diving brings is also a benefit for our life. By now, it should be evident that diving is not just a sport in the water; it also brings many benefits to your life. Diving promotes a happy and healthy life for people.

The Difference Between Deep Sea Diving And Scuba Diving

If you are someone who likes to dive as a hobby, then you may be familiar with the term scuba diving. Scuba diving is a common leisure water sport these days. You might be wondering what exactly scuba diving is and how it is different from deep sea diving.

What is the difference between these two divings? Are they the same?

No, they are not the same. Scuba diving is more for leisure while deep diving is a bit more professional. Let's learn a bit more about the difference between deep sea diving and scuba diving.

Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus is what the word 'scuba' stands for. A scuba diver uses equipment that allows them to be underwater with no connection to the surface.

A scuba diver carries the air they need for breathing. Scuba diving is actually a type of recreational diving that has become a popular hobby in the present day. To scuba dive, you need to take a course first.

This course gives you the training to dive into the water. The dive should be similar to the condition that you went through during the training and you need a partner with you too.

The depth limit is not the only condition for scuba diving. There are other rules that you need to obey for scuba diving. A scuba dive should be within the 'no decompression' limit.

This is for the safety of the diver. Going beyond the no decompression limit brings risk to the scuba divers from their breathing gas. You need a professional for this type of thing.

A scuba dive should also prevent any diver from entering any overhead environment. This includes caverns, wrecks, and caves.

These areas go beyond the direct line of sight from the surface. Since these are dangerous areas to dive into, scuba diving is discouraged in areas like this. Scuba diving is mainly done as a hobby.

You can dive into the ocean and watch the coral and fish within 60 ft (18 m) of the surface. Beyond that, scuba diving cannot be done by a beginner.

There are other in-depth courses that will train a diver to go deeper into the water, up to 132 ft (40 m) but this is the limit for recreational scuba diving. What happens if you want to go deeper than this 132 ft (40 m) limit?

That is when deep sea diving comes into action. Deep diving is everything that scuba diving is plus a lot more. Deep diving is actually called technical diving.

Every limitation for scuba diving is a possibility for a deep diver. They can go beyond the no decompression limit.

They can go into areas like caves and wrecks. They can also go deeper than 132 ft (40 m) but this is due to the fact that deep divers are highly trained.

They go through in-depth training to be this professional in diving. The training for them is highly demanding but once they finish the course for deep diving, they can go beyond the scuba diving limit.

The equipment used by deep divers is also highly advanced. Deep divers wouldn't be able to undertake such deep diving if they didn't have the proper equipment.

Even though the steps to reach this stage require a lot of work, the final reward is worth the effort you put into it. If you are interested in diving deeper than the scuba diving limit, then you need to take up even more training to get certified to go to such depths.

The main difference between scuba diving and deep diving is obviously the depth that these two divings allow. That makes a huge difference though!

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for deep sea diving then why not take a look at feather symbolism, or longest toe nails facts pages?

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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