Do Black Ants Bite? Why Do They Like Torm'ant'ing Us?

Supriya Jain
Sep 04, 2023 By Supriya Jain
Originally Published on Nov 05, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Carpenter ant on a wooden log.

How irritating ant bites can be is something that we all understand somehow.

Although many ants bite, most of them aren’t dangerous. So, why do they like to trouble us at all; find out after reading this article.

It isn’t uncommon that you might be sitting someplace outdoors, feel a sense of itchiness and realize that the perpetrator is actually a tiny ant.

It is also a thing many people wonder, do ants bite or sting? The answer is, both. It depends on the ant species. More than 70 percent of the ant species of ants can sting humans and leave venom in the body, which is generally not very harmful.

People talk about carpenter ant bites all the time when in reality what they are talking about is an ant sting. Fire ants are the most talked about and rightly so as their venom can be hurting and might even require medications.

The reason why a carpenter ant bites and stings you is their need to defend themselves.

Self defense becomes a major reason why an ant might feel the need to harm you as there is nothing else that it might get from biting or stinging you. Ants aren’t really looking for a way to bite us because the species know that we are too big for them.

Unless you step on an ant or its colony, an ant might not want to bite you at all, because they fly away from you as soon as they get an opportunity to. Now, is it possible that all ants are so innocent that the only reason they’ll try to bite you is self defense?

Some particular species of ants have a tendency to bite you even if you are not a threat to them in any way. Species of fire ants, both red and black ones, are unnecessarily notorious.

The fact isn’t only that the pest bites without any reason, the presence of venom can also cause reactions like pain, itch, swelling, and irritation where the sting is located.

The bite can lead to the need for medical assistance and can even have a fatal effect. So, what is with ant bites?

After you have understood if these insects can bite, do read about ant hill and ant egg.

Do little black ants bite humans?

A lot of the species of black ants can bite or sting you. The good news is, you probably won’t be in danger after a normal black and bites you.

Carpenter ants: these comprise ants of the size of one-fourth to a half-inch and are black, yellow, red, or brown colored. Carpenter ants bite, they make their nests in rotten wood, both indoors and outdoors, and use their sharp teeth to create tunnels for the nests.

The black ones are usually found in houses and are mistaken to be termites. Formic acid is injected into the body through the wound by the bite of a carpenter ant. These insects have jaws that are sharp.

Pavement ants: brown or black ants the size of one eighth inch with not very aggressive instincts and are found on pavements, sidewalks, cement slabs, are known as pavement ants. The location where colonies of these pests are found is the reason behind their name.

They are also found under boards, wood pieces, and more. These pests can bite and sting both.

Acrobat ants: being half the size of pavement ants, acrobat ants are named the way they are due to their ability to raise their abdomens over their heads. Ranging from black to light brown in color, these ants are aggressive.

These pests will bite or sting you when disturbed and will also release a bad odor as a way of repulsion. The nests of acrobat ants are generally located outside.

Black imported fire ants: black imported fire ants and red imported fire ants are almost identical in nature just the major difference being the color as one is dark brown or black shade and the other has the reddish brown one. These ants attack and leave venom in humans’ bodies.

Black fire ants are less commonly known by people as they are less dangerous and painless.

Are small black ant bites harmful?

When you talk about small ants, you are probably talking about carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are most commonly found in houses and are said to be the least dangerous ants as their bites don’t hurt.

The feeling of irritation is very likely to come and so will the itchiness, but you shouldn’t care a lot about small black ants’ bites. Ant bites are only harmful when the venom they inject is harmful, and that isn’t the case with carpenter ants.

These ants, which are very easily mistaken to be termites, with many other black ants, aren’t harmful to a human’s health.

There are rarely any severe complications of an ant’s bite. Although, if someone is allergic to the venom, results might turn out on a different note.

Why do ants bite or sting?

It’s a basic instinct to attack when you feel threatened. If I threaten your life, your house, or your family, you would react, wouldn’t you?

Biting or stinging is an ants’ reaction and way of attacking following a stranger’s threat. Ants attack when you step on them, their colonies, or their nests.

Now, why would anyone willingly walk where an ant’s nest is located? But it's highly common for people to accidentally sit on some ants or step on an ant colony, and that is why the biting of ants is infamous.

Do black ants bite itches?

As discussed before, a black ant’s bite is generally harmless and there are very few or no severe consequences. But the irritation that is caused due to ant bites is owed to the itchiness.

The health of humans isn’t put in danger from an ant bite, but the bite surely itches. A human body would feel the sensation of itch as soon as an ant starts crawling on it and the itchiness worsens as an ants bite or stings.

What happens after an ant bite?

If you’ve read to this point, it must be clear to you that an ant bite isn’t something you should fret over unless you’re allergic to the venom that an ant bite might leave in you. What an ant bite might create for you isn’t very elaborate.

You might experience itchiness and sometimes redness.

If an ant has bitten you, nothing serious will follow, but if anything including swellness, long lasting pain, or fever appears, it probably wasn’t an ant that bit you and you should get professional help.

Visiting a professional won’t be necessary just for an ant bite, but an allergic reaction is something that you might want to look out for. As a first-aid measure, you can wash where the ant had bitten and wash with soap or antiseptic.

How to get rid of black ants?

A common black ant, usually a carpenter ant, if not harmful for your health, is surely harmful to your furniture that is made of wood. Carpenter ants eat wood to make tunnels for their ant nests. Getting rid of black ants is necessary and some ways to do that are listed below.

Keep sugary foods packed and away from ants’ reach. You must know that food items with sugar are tempting to ants and they might be the reason why you are spotting so many ants in your house.

Keep clean. Dirt attracts ants and you don’t want to excite ants enough to appear on your surfaces. Keep cleaning your furniture and maintain clean surfaces.

Clear all the ant nests. You want to cut all the sources through which ants can find a way back.

Strong-smelling substances are usually repulsive for ants. Use food items with cinnamon, black pepper, and more to keep ants away. Peppermint and eucalyptus are also natural repellents which not only keep ants away but a lot of other insects as well.

Make sure all the sources of water are secured and there are no leakages.

It is important to eliminate the presence of all the ants immediately, in case you notice an ant infestation by the colony or nest; since there is a limit to the length of ants inside your property. It starts from the wood on trees but moves into the wood in your house.

If the colony or nest crosses that length, it's advisory to contact and call the pest control before you notice it uses its mandibles and bites and stings, and causes swelling and reactions, and has to cause a painful medical emergency.

Mandibles are the mouthparts it uses to bite.

Hence to save your property, pull up your contact and call pest control. Pest control may seal your home for a while, but it will get rid of the colony and nest of ants.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do black ants bite then why not take a look at why do ants carry dead ants, or black ant facts pages?

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Written by Supriya Jain

Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

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Supriya JainBachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

As a skilled member of the Kidadl team, Shruti brings extensive experience and expertise in professional content writing. With a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University and an MBA in Business Administration from IMT Nagpur, Shruti has worked in diverse roles such as sales intern, content writer, executive trainee, and business development consultant. Her exceptional writing skills cover a wide range of areas, including SOP, SEO, B2B/B2C, and academic content.

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