Fun English Bull Terrier Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Mar 01, 2024 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
Fact-checked by Chandan Shukla
Discover English bull terrier facts that will fascinate you.

Bull terriers are a breed of the canine genus of dogs that belong to the terrier family. The smaller version of the same breed is called a miniature bull terrier.

Their most distinguishing feature is their egg-shaped head and their cute and beautiful triangular eyes. They can be found in a variety of different colors, including red, black, fawn, brindle, predominantly black, or even a combination of all these colors.

English bull terrier history dates back to the 19th century. This dog was first bred in the 19th century, and they were bred for the sole purpose of dog-fighting and blood sports involving animals.

They were bred by crossing the Old English bulldog that is now extinct with the Old English terriers known as 'bull and terrier'.

This new breed was known to possess great speed and skill to fight bulls and bears that were secured to a post. It was first registered in the year 1885 by the American Kennel Club.

The typical English bull terrier temperament can be quite challenging for new owners. They can be quite stubborn as pets with an independent personality, so they are more suitable for experienced dog owners.

However, their obstinate nature never stopped people from wanting to own this sweet dog that is known to be exceptionally good with and around people.

They also get along quite well with other animals as long as they have early socialization in their lives. They are known to be strong-willed, courageous, and fun-spirited dogs with high energy levels.

If you are a dog lover looking for more interesting information on the bull terrier breed of dogs, you can read some great facts about this breed as well as some facts about the English Staffordshire bull terrier, the miniature bull terrier (also known as the mini English bull terrier, white bull terriers, and the colored bull terrier, as well as other facts about this Old English bull terrier dog.

If you want to read up on more animal facts you could also check out these bull terrier and Keeshond facts.

English Bull Terrier Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an English bull terrier?

The English bull terrier is a species of dog belonging to the family of Canis or Canines.

What class of animal does an English bull terrier belong to?

The English bull terrier is a mammal, just like all other dogs of the Canidae family.

How many English bull terriers are there in the world?

There is no exact known number of English bull terriers, but since they are a popular breed of dogs in the pet breeding industry, they aren't going extinct anytime soon.

Where does an English bull terrier live?

English bull terriers live mainly as pets in domesticated households, predominantly in urban areas.

What is an English bull terrier's habitat?

English bull terriers usually live as pets in domesticated households that feed them and take care of them.

Who do English bull terriers live with?

Bull terriers are very sociable and a very amicable species of dogs. Like most pet dogs, they bond well with humans and are great around kids as well.

How long does an English bull terrier live?

English bull terriers are a standard species of pet dogs that are extremely popular amongst households that are open to pets. The average English bull terrier life expectancy is between 10-14 years, like most pet dogs.

How do they reproduce?

Like most dogs that belong to the class of Mammalia, English bull terriers reproduce and breed by males and females mating. Female bull terriers, after mating, usually have a gestation period of nine weeks until they give birth. Their litter consists of five to seven puppies.

What is their conservation status?

Since bull terriers are quite popularly bred for domestic homes, they fall under the Least Concern category.

English Bull Terrier Fun Facts

What do English bull terriers look like?

The English bull terrier is recognized for its unique head that is shaped like an egg. Their skull almost seems flat when it is viewed from the front.

Their facial profile is quite gentle and curves downwards from the skull to their black nose and finely developed nostrils. They have a deep and strong lower jaw and exquisite triangular eyes that are tiny, beady, dark, and set deeply.

These bull terriers are the only dogs known to possess a pair of triangular-shaped eyes. Their body is full and round, with strong, muscular shoulders.

They carry their tail horizontally, and a large number of bull terrier dogs are white in color. However, they do come in other colors like fawn, red, brindle, black, or a combination of these colors.

How cute are they?

English bull terriers are quite popular because of their exceptional looks and also because, despite being stubborn, they are exceedingly adorable and steal your heart in no time! Just a look at their face and their uniquely shaped eyes will make you fall in love, and English bull terrier puppies are super adorable too.

How do they communicate?

The English bull terrier usually communicates by barking. They also growl and grumble and can be quite loud when they bark continuously as well.

How big is an English bull terrier?

The average English bull terrier size is nearly half the size of the biggest dog in the terrier family, the Airedale terrier. These medium-sized dogs can reach up to 31.5-38.5 in (80-98 cm) in length, and their standing height is between 23.5-29 in (60-74 cm). However, the size of a miniature bull terrier can reach from 10-14 in.

How fast can an English bull terrier run?

Bull terriers are highly active dogs with great energy levels. They make great running dogs as well because they can reach a speed of between 25-30 mph (40.2-48.3 kph).

How much does an English bull terrier weigh?

The average adult English bull terrier weight ranges between 55-65 lb (25-29 kg). A miniature bull terrier weighs between 20-35 lb (9.1–16 kg).

What are their male and female names of the species?

Like all other dog breeds of the canine family, male bull terriers are called 'dogs', and female bull terriers are called 'bitches'.

What would you call a baby English bull terrier?

Like other dog breeds, English terrier babies, both standard and miniature, are called puppies, and an average litter of these English terrier puppies consists of around four to six puppies.

What do they eat?

Bull terriers are primarily carnivores, and a large portion of their meals should consist of meat and healthy proteins like beef, chicken, or turkey. Both cooked meat and raw meat are healthy for them.

Fish, certain vegetables like cabbage, beans or potatoes, corn, and rice are also acceptable. You can also feed them dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk which boost up their calcium intake but should be given to them in limited amounts.

Are they slobbery?

Bull terriers are known to be one of the most slobbery dog breeds despite their strong muzzles.

Would they make a good pet?

Bull Terriers make exceptional pets for pet owners who have a knowledge of training and grooming pets or other breeds of dogs. Like all other pet dog breeds, they also require quality food and lots of good exercises in order to keep up with their active lifestyle and maintain a high energy level.

The colored varieties of these English terriers (white brindle, red brindle, brown brindle, or black brindle) need to be groomed properly as, even though their coat is short, these breeds require proper grooming of their coat.

English bull terriers are amongst the most popular breeds of pet dogs amongst dog lovers, owners, and breeders. They are sweet and extremely active.

On top of looking after their coat and taking care of their health by feeding them right, exercise is of utmost importance to this breed. Because of their energy level and active spirit, English bull terriers need regular exercise and proper training (especially with their obstinate and independent nature).

The average English bull terrier price can range from $500-3500 depending on the dog breeder or whether the puppies are standard or miniature. Miniature Bull Terriers tend to cost around $1500 or so.

The reason for this high English bull terrier cost is that these are high-maintenance dogs and require special skills in training to train this temperamental breed of canine terriers.

Therefore, there are lots of regulations surrounding the ownership of these dogs because, without proper training and socialization, they can be quite aggressive towards other dogs and people that they are not familiar with. Although rare, there have been reported cases of English bull terrier attacks.

Did you know...

Bull terriers are known to talk to themselves. This is a unique trait where they growl and grumble on their own without focusing on anything that is of any particular interest to them.

Bull terriers as a dog breed became increasingly famous after a deaf bull terrier named Patsy Ann because famous. Her bronze statue is erected in Alaska on the Quay of Juneau to immortalize her.

She is remembered for greeting countless passengers of cruise ships in the '30s. More well-known bull terriers are Willy (the pet of General George S. Patton) and Spuds MacKenzie (who featured in Bud Light's marketing campaigns in the '80s).

English bull terriers are considered to be the 'clowns' of the dog world due to their sweet and goofy personalities, how cute!

Even the Royals love English bull terriers. Princess Anne has looked after English bull terriers for years.

Sometimes English bull terriers tuck their noses, the exact reason for this is unclear, but some owners suspect they do it in order to keep their snouts warm.

What shape are an English bull terrier's eyes?

Both bull terriers and miniature bull terriers have triangular-shaped eyes. They are the only dogs in the canine family to possess such a unique eye shape.

Who bred English bull terriers to be white?

James Hinks was a renowned English dog breeder who was known to breed the first English white bull terrier by breeding white terriers with the dog breed known as 'bull and terrier', with the aim to breed a dog with a nicely shaped head and a bright appearance.

Thus, the first white bull terrier was born in the middle of the 19th century.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including the Airedale terrier, or the fox terrier.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our English bull terrier coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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Fact-checked by Chandan Shukla

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Chandan ShuklaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

With a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi, Chandan is a skilled and passionate technophile. He has completed a machine learning training program and is adept in various programming languages. He has been working as a content writer for two years while also striving to become a proficient tech professional.

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