45 Famous Daggers In History: You Probably Didn't Know About!

Supriya Jain
Sep 01, 2023 By Supriya Jain
Originally Published on Jan 21, 2022
Edited by Lara Simpson
Fact-checked by Sonali Rawat
45 Famous Daggers In History: You Probably Didn't Know About!

A dagger is a stabbing weapon designed in such a way, making it capable of thrusting or stabbing.

It is basically a sharp knife with two very sharp edges. History has disclosed how these daggers were meticulously made for confrontations in wars.

Daggers were one of the many ways to showcase pride, courage, and wealth at those times. These have been used and are still being used while performing rituals and ceremonies.

Sikhs even now carry a small form of the dagger known as a kirpan. It has one sharp edge that is worn around their waist. It represents one of the five articles of faith followed by them.

Damascus Steel sword, known for cutting rifle barrels, is the sharpest sword in the world.

Since daggers are combat weapons, they also have a history related to murders and assassinations. Knife legislation is imposed at many places that restrict their manufacture, transport, sale, and usage.

Here, we shall be learning all about daggers, their types, and their history. After reading about the famous daggers, also check out ancient wooden weapons and ancient Greek weapons list.

Types Of Daggers

Daggers were replaced by knives or seax during the early medieval Ages. Hence, the term daggers appear only during the Late Middle Ages. Daggers are designed for the purpose of stabbing, while knives are single-edged, manufactured for the purpose of cutting.

But many knives are also capable of stabbing and therefore fall into the category of daggers. Some of such daggers are the European rondel dagger or the Persian pesh-kabz. Cutting-edge daggers also existed like the stiletto.

Daggers that were mainly used during medieval times can be classified into the following types:

  • Anelace: was a long dagger or a short type of sword that was worn suspended by a ring that was suspended by a ring from the girdle.
  • Baselard: Baselard term has its origin from Middle French or Middle Latin term 'Basler' which means a messer. Sword from the Late Middle Ages was a historical dagger or a short sword, a sidearm weapon usually carried by the class of violence-prone in the civilian society.
  • Poignard: It is a thrusting knife with a long pointed blade and crossguard. It is light in weight and was carried by noblemen and Knighthood by the people hailing from the upper class. It was mainly designed for the purpose of stabbing.
  • Misericorde: Had to use during the high middle ages where it was used for the mercy killing of a knight who was seriously wounded in combat. Designed as a long and narrow knife, it was used to give the final stroke to the knight.
  • Rondel: As mentioned above, it is a single-edged and stiff-bladed form of the dagger. Rondel has a round handguard from which it gets its name. Rondel means round, spherical, or octagonal. Not only knights, but these daggers were also used by merchants for utility purposes.
  • Bowie: James Bowie, a famous knife fighter, made Bowie knife a very famous knife. It consisted of a large blade mated to a simple handle. Bowie knives had a long-lasting, durable, all-in-purpose utility blade.
  • Bollock Dagger: This dagger was popular from the 13th to 18th centuries. The British commonly carried it as a backup for the lance and the sword. The dagger was designed with keeping various things in mind that made it really distinct and unusual. It has a shaped hilt with two oval swellings in the guard area.
  • Trench Knife: These are also called knuckle knives that were manufactured to be used in close-quarters combat when fighting used to take place in trenches.
  • Seax: An all-purpose tool that was even carried by the tribal women. Seax is a dagger that literally translates into a knife as per old English.

The Most Famous Dagger

Daggers have been around for centuries now. Their shape, size, features, and construction have varied dramatically over the years. Moreover, different daggers have been regarded as the most famous daggers in different countries. Here we will look at some of the most famous daggers from history.

  • During the Bronze Age, Khopesh was a type of dagger that became extremely famous. It featured with hook blade, which was sharpened on its outside edge.
  • Khopesh was an ancient Egyptian weapon that was the most influential weapon at that time and is one of the most famous daggers even as of now.
  • Kilas have also been regarded as extremely popular daggers. As these were ritual daggers, they were not used for battles. These daggers were created in India but were later also used in Tibet.
  • Every bit of this dagger has symbolic meaning in the Tibetan culture, where they are regarded as the Buddhist incarnation of the wrathful deity Vajrakilaya. The grip of this dagger is loaded with different designs and also showcases a range of divine creatures.
  • Kujang is another popular dagger from the Java region. This dagger was prepared in a sickle shape and was considered by the locals as so powerful that it could uphold the balance of the world.
  • This dagger was extremely popular with the kings, and the specially shaped blade was assumed to have been inspired by the divine message indicating their sovereignty.
  • The legend tells that this dagger was prepared after a Javanese King had an epiphany. Initially, this dagger was used as a farming tool, but after a few years of its invention, one of the kings named Kudo Lalean turned it into a weapon.
  • Following his specific instructions, the royal blacksmith prepared the mystical blade in the shape of the island of Java.
  • Wrist knives will also certainly feature in the list of most famous daggers in the world. These knives were widely used by the Turkana people of Africa, who followed an indigenous religion of Africa and believed that all the domesticated animals, including cows and goats, were their divine right.
  • Most of the tribes located near their territory also believed in their right over all forms of livestock. This led to a cyclable of almost endless battles and cattle raids between different tribes.
  • The Turkana tribe was particularly aggressive in its approach and continued its campaign to expand the territory.
  • The wrist knives combined with their knowledge of local martial arts gave them an edge over the competitors and helped with the expansion of their territory.
  • These daggers were prepared from steel or sometimes from iron.
  • A stone was used to fashion the dagger into the shape, but later on, hammers were created to help with the forging process.
  • These knives were worn on the right hand by the warriors though even females also used to sport these daggers into the battle.

List Of Curved Daggers

Curved daggers are typically used for slashing, sliding cuts, joint manipulation, or in the case, ripping.

  • Jambiya is a specific type of curved dagger that is an Arabic word. It has a short curved blade with a medial ridge that was originated from Hadhramaut and Yemen.
  • In India, it is known as khanjar, and in any Islamic country, it is also worn as an accessory.
  • The curved saber has a curved blade and is one of the most prized possessions of the famous Argentine general Jose de San Martin.
  • Khopesh, the most famous dagger, also has a curved blade.
  • Karambit knife is a deadly and curved dagger that hails from the Philippines, designed to cut crops and for silent killing.

Sharpest Dagger In History

When it comes to the construction of daggers, special attention is paid to the sharpness of the blade. This is simply because the more sharp the blade is, the more dangerous it is. So, let us check out the sharpest dagger in history.

  • The Ulfbehrt Swords are regarded to be the sharpest daggers in the history of humanity. These sharp swords were super strong, lightweight, and flexible.
  • These swords are still in use in various regions.
  • The blades of these swords are extremely sharp and are forged with an astonishingly pure metal called crucible steel.

Biggest Daggers In History

Khanjar is a traditional Omani dagger that was produced to gift Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.

  • The dagger is Oman's national symbol that is made from wood and silver, beautifully designed with ornate carvings and moldings.
  • It is the most enormous dagger measured as it is 36 in (91 cm) in length and 8.5 in (21.60 cm) at its widest point.
  • Bolo knife is also a large cutting tool and one of the biggest and deadliest daggers known as a rebel weapon.

Deadliest Daggers In History

Trench knife, as mentioned above, is the deadliest dagger in history and the deadliest knife ever built. It was used in World War I and was constructed for the US army that was battling in the trenches.

  • Push dagger: One of the deadliest daggers and the smallest dagger ever constructed. Very popular dagger in history that is used for self-defense in today's time.
  • Stiletto Knife: It is one of the most lethal knives that were made in Italy and gained a lot of popularity as a thrusting and stabbing knife.
  • Bowie Knife: It is one of the deadliest daggers with immense blade power. This dagger has an inwardly curved blade and is a stabbing weapon. Trench knives are bladed weapons.
  • Bolo Knife: A bolo knife is one of the most famous knives with a hooked blade. A bolo knife can also have balanced blades. This knightly dagger can be used as a fighting knife. These copper daggers have a double-edged blade.
  • There are many kinds of swords such as bollock daggers, ulfberht swords, and many more. Knives can also have a short blade.
  • On the other hand, others are not perfect replicas of known sword designs, with pommel caps, enormous hollow star-shaped pommels on so-called 'Burgundian Heraldic daggers,' or antenna style cross and pommel, evocative of Hallstatt era daggers, for example.
  • The baselard was a cross between a short sword and a long dagger, and it gained popularity as a civilian weapon.
  • A short sword and a dagger can be very similar, and they can be double-edged.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 19 Famous Daggers In History: You Probably Didn't Know About! then why not take a look at ancient Irish weapons or Viking weapons facts.

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Written by Supriya Jain

Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

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Supriya JainBachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

As a skilled member of the Kidadl team, Shruti brings extensive experience and expertise in professional content writing. With a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University and an MBA in Business Administration from IMT Nagpur, Shruti has worked in diverse roles such as sales intern, content writer, executive trainee, and business development consultant. Her exceptional writing skills cover a wide range of areas, including SOP, SEO, B2B/B2C, and academic content.

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Fact-checked by Sonali Rawat

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Masters of Art specializing in English and Communication Skills

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Sonali RawatBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Masters of Art specializing in English and Communication Skills

Sonali has a Bachelor's degree in English literature from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and is currently pursuing a Master's in English and Communication from Christ University. With considerable experience in writing about lifestyle topics, including travel and health, she has a passion for Japanese culture, especially fashion, and anime, and has written on the subject before. Sonali has event managed a creative-writing festival and coordinated a student magazine at her university. Her favorite authors are Toni Morrison and Anita Desai.

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