Fiery topaz hummingbirds are a species of birds that have a wide range of distribution spread across South America. Its range includes countries like Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil.
Its genus is Topaza and it belongs to the order Apodiformes and the family Trochilidae. These birds breed twice a year, and their breeding season depends on their range. They are the second-largest hummingbirds in the world.
Here, we have many amazing and interesting facts about fiery topaz birds that you will enjoy. So let's take a look at these facts and information. For more relatable content, check out these rufous hummingbird facts and calliope hummingbird facts for kids.
Fiery Topaz Hummingbird Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a fiery topaz hummingbird?
The fiery topaz (Topaza pyra) is a species of hummingbird that is found in northern South America.
What class of animal does a fiery topaz hummingbird belong to?
The fiery topaz hummingbird (Topaza pyra) belongs to the class Aves.
How many fiery topaz hummingbirds are there in the world?
The total population of fiery topaz hummingbirds is unknown, but according to the reports of IUCN Red List, their population is decreasing. However, their numbers are still not low enough to fall under the category of Vulnerable.
Where does a fiery topaz hummingbird live?
Fiery topaz hummingbirds live in subtropical or tropical moist lowland evergreen forests. These areas are filled with insects and flowers from which they suck out nectar. Their distribution is spread across the Amazon Rainforest, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil.
What is a fiery topaz hummingbird's habitat?
The fiery topaz hummingbird's range is spread across a wide range in northern South America. They are commonly found in the Amazon Rainforest, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil. They prefer to live in subtropical or tropical moist lowland evergreen forests.
Who do fiery topaz hummingbirds live with?
Fiery topazes are solitary birds. They live alone and not in groups like other birds. They even migrate alone and do not even form a pair. They form a pair only in breeding season that too for mating purposes and nothing else.
How long does a fiery topaz hummingbird live?
The lifespan of fiery topaz (Topaza pyra) is unknown. However, we can assume that their average lifespan is around five to six years like other North American hummingbirds, and maybe they also live up to 12 years old, like a broad-tailed hummingbird.
How do they reproduce?
Fiery topaz males expose their flashy green throat and use their iridescent plumage to attract females for mating. They breed twice a year, and their breeding season depends on the range. For example, the first season starts from January and goes on until April, and the second starts from July till November in Guiana.
Males do not participate in any of the activities like searing for nest location, building the nest, or taking care of chicks. They leave after copulating.
Males mate with different females and females do the same thing. The female bird lays two eggs and incubates them alone for 14-23 days. During this time male defend its territory, nest, and the flower from which he feeds nectar.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of fiery topazes is of Least Concern. This is because they are a stable species of bird that do not face any grave danger; however, as per the IUCN Red List, their population is decreasing but is still not low enough to consider them as Vulnerable species.
Fiery Topaz Hummingbird Fun facts
What do fiery topaz hummingbirds look like?
*Please note the main image and this image are of a Ruby-Topaz Hummingbird that belongs to the same family as the fiery topaz hummingbird. If you have an image of a fiery topaz hummingbird please let us know at
Male fiery topaz hummingbirds have shiny orange-red markings all over the back, lower breast, upper wing-coverts, and outer webs of the innermost two remiges. It becomes more orange on the belly and shades over the rump into upper tail-coverts that are golden-green or yellow-green in color.
Fiery topaz has a long tail with elongated central feathers, and the sides of its head are velvet black. They have an iridescent orange-red and green throat, a thick and short bill, and gray feet.
The female has a bluish-green head with fewer bluish breasts. They also have a long tail that is purplish-red in color, and its central feathers are bronze-green, and their throat is green with crimson. The upper and under-tail coverts are blue-green, and their feet are also orange or flesh-colored. Both of them have dark brown iris.
How cute are they?
The fiery topaz hummingbird (Topaza pyra) is a small and cute bird. Their small size makes them adorable and cute. In addition, their extremely colored plumage makes them attractive.
How do they communicate?
They make high-pitched calls. These calls are mainly chirps and whistles. When angry or chasing away intruders, they make a series of rapid chattering calls, and their defense or contact calls are rather short.
How big is a fiery topaz hummingbird?
The fiery topaz hummingbird is a small and adorable bird. It is only about 5.1-9 in (13-23 cm) in length.
However, they are the second-largest hummingbird species in the family, and as compared to a bee hummingbird, which is only 2.2-2.4 in (5.5-6.1 cm) in length, the fiery topaz hummingbird's size is huge. They are in the same range as coal tit birds.
How fast can a fiery topaz hummingbird fly?
Fiery topaz hummingbirds belong to the Trochilidae family. Their flying speed hasn't been measured yet, but they are small birds and cannot generate enough strength to fly at high speeds.
How much does a fiery topaz hummingbird weigh?
They are small and lightweight birds. They weigh about 0.4-0.5 oz (10-14 g). They are very similar to crimson topaz and are about the same weight as them. Fiery topaz is three to four times the size of Anna's hummingbird.
What are the male and female names of the species?
The male and the female of the species do not have sex-specific names.
What would you call a baby fiery topaz hummingbird?
A baby fiery topaz is called a chick. It hatches in about 14-23 days, and the female takes care of it in the nest while the male defends their territory.
What do they eat?
They usually feed on the nectar of a variety of brightly colored, scented small flowers of trees, vines, shrubs, and epiphytes found in the canopy of the forest. They also eat insects and bugs.
Are they dangerous?
They are territorial birds that may attack you if you enter their territory during the breeding season.
Would they make a good pet?
Their multi-colored feathers are really attractive. However, these birds belong in the wild, and they would not make good pets as they are solitary birds and do not prefer anyone else's presence.
Did you know...
Fiery topazes are very similar to a crimson topaz in appearance.
The male is slightly larger than the female, and one of the most striking features of the male is the two elongated tail feathers next to the central feathers.
The topaz hummingbird is real.
Why are they called fiery topaz?
They are called fiery topaz because of the shining orange-red markings all over the back, lower breast, upper wing-coverts, and outer webs of the innermost two remiges. These markings give a look that their body is on fire, hence the word fiery.
How do they compare to other hummingbirds?
They are the second-largest hummingbird species in the family, and as compared to bee hummingbirds, which are only 2.2-2.4 in (5.5-6.1 cm) in length, they are huge.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our peach-faced lovebird interesting facts and red bird of paradise surprising facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable fiery topaz hummingbird coloring pages.