Fun Hairy Dragonfly Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Dec 06, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 17, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Discover the most entertaining and fascinating hairy dragonfly facts.

The hairy dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) species is often considered to be an insect that has all the best features. The hair dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) has four wings, a long and hairy body with thick hairs covering it for catching prey or escaping predators like birds and bats.

These damselflies are brightly colored in bright greens, blues, yellows of various shades from light speckles on their head to stripes across their backside canals.

Their legs can also change colors depending on how far away you look at them. To top it off these insects do not even need water because some species live near hot springs where they get enough moisture just by being next to this natural heat source.

How's that for a well-rounded bug? The hairy dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) is one of Ireland and North America's largest dragonflies.

It has a wingspan that can be up to 8 in (20 cm) long.

Females are usually larger than males because they have more flight muscles which allow them to fly faster. Hairy damselflies of the family Aeshnidae are not actually as fearsome as their name might suggest.

A distinguishing feature in this group is that they have two sets of wings attached near the thorax. One set is for flying away from predators and the other second set with longer veins on them is used primarily during a mating flight period when males engage in aerial combat with rivals while females watch below.

When it comes down to designating enemies among themselves, these dragonflies employ an interesting tactic called 'buzzing' where vibrations play a role.

A lot of people panic when they find a dragonfly in their home since the insect is often seen as icky and scary. However, not all breeds are dangerous.

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Hairy Dragonfly Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a hairy dragonfly?

The hairy dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) is a type of dragonfly which is just a hawker hairy insect with distinct yellow spots found commonly across Ireland and North America.

What class of animal does a hairy dragonfly belong to?

Hawker hairy dragonflies belong to the class Insecta, just like many other insects including a wheel bug!

How many hairy dragonflies are there in the world?

No one really knows for sure but some experts believe they have identified at least 3000 different species while others claim this could be a much higher figure closer to 30 million or more.

Where does a hairy dragonfly live?

Hairy dragonflies are found in many habitats, including ponds and lakes. They inhabit waters with stagnant vegetation so they can easily find food to eat since their eyesight is not the best.

What is a hairy dragonfly's habitat?

Hairy dragonflies have a habitat that spans across Europe, Asia, Ireland, and North America. They are one of the biggest hawker species in the world.

Who do hairy dragonflies live with?

Hairy dragonflies, with the scientific name Brachytron pratense, live with other dragonflies and frogs. They also enjoy hanging out near leaves which is why people sometimes find them on the side of their house or at a pond’s edge.

How long does a hairy dragonfly live?

They are some of the longest living insects in existence, with most species having an average lifespan between one and a half and three years.

How do they reproduce?

A hairy hawker species (Brachytron pratense) will reproduce by laying eggs on leaf vegetation. The egg is deposited near the top edge and it has been found that they like to lay their eggs in open areas with lots of sunlight so once hatched, there are plenty of insects for them to feast upon.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of these colorful insects species with hues of blue, yellow, and green on their thorax is Least Concern.

Hairy Dragonfly Fun Facts

What do hairy dragonflies look like?

Hairy dragonflies (Brachytron pratense) are fascinating to look at with their long antennae and hairy legs. In addition to being covered in hair, they also have blue canals of stripes on the sides of their thorax, and abdomen that ranges from blue-greenish tones near the head area all the way down to dark brown colors towards their tail end.

How cute are they?

Hairy dragonflies (Brachytron pratense) are cute and adorable. They have so many colors that can be seen from afar, making them attractive to anyone who sees them.

How do they communicate?

Hairy hawkers (Brachytron pratense) are a type of insect that communicate with each other by changing colors on their abdomen and thorax. Some species will change color more than others depending on what kind of message they want to send such as 'I'm hungry' or 'Don't take my territory'.

How big is a hairy dragonfly?

The hairy insect size ranges between 2.5-2.8 in (7-8 cm), including its canals in the thorax and abdomen.

How fast can hairy dragonflies move?

These dragonflies (Brachytron pratense) are able to fly at speeds of over 24 mph (40 kph).

How much does a hairy dragonfly weigh?

These rare insects (Brachytron pratense) are some of the tiniest creatures in this world, weighing only 0.008 lb (4 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female hairy dragonflies (Brachytron pratense) go by the name dragonfly.

What would you call a baby hairy dragonfly?

The babies of this hawker species are popularly referred to as hairy dragonfly nymphs. These nymphs are absolutely gorgeous and adorable. They also display a variety of colors ranging from blue, green, yellow to dark black. They form an important part of the future female and male wildlife of these flies.

What do they eat?

This hawkers species hungrily flies through deep green leaves casting shadows over the mossy ground below, looking for any small bug, mosquito or their larvae, butterflies, or a garden spider crawling around which will be sucked up into its mouth within seconds after catching it midair.

Are they harmful?

The rare group of these hawkers is a tiny, harmless insect that flutters through the air near vegetation.

Would they make a good pet?

Many people see these insects as pests, but some find them to be beautiful creatures. However, the idea of keeping a dragonfly at home is often met with skepticism and disbelief. It is absolutely subjective and can vary from person to person.

Did you know...

Dragonflies are not really fuzzy at all. They have a waxy coating that helps them to stay dry and fly easily through the air without getting stuck in it, but they don't feel like fuzz.

Why is it called a dragonfly?

The hairy dragonfly (Brachytron pratense) is called a dragonfly because its body shape and vibrant colors resemble the mythical creature.

Do dragonflies have a purpose?

It turns out that dragonfly larvae eat mosquitoes whileadults help keep other bugs away by eating mayflies and spiders. We should really start thinking twice before killing these creatures because of these reasons.  

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other arthropods from our queen butterfly facts and gulf fritillary butterfly facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring one on our free printable steampunk dragonfly coloring pages.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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