How Long Do Mice Live? Exploring The Lifespan Of A House Mouse

Aashita Dhingra
Oct 23, 2023 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Nov 04, 2021
Two mice sitting on the roof of a wooden house.

A mouse is a tiny rodent that you have probably seen in your home or around you.

Mice are distinguished by a pointy snout, slightly curved ears, a tiny body length, spiny tail, and a rapid reproductive frequency. The common house mouse is the most well-known mouse breed.

Several types of field mice are common in certain areas. They are known to break into local homes in search of food and refuge.

The length of mice distinguishes them from rats. The white lab mice are the most well-known subspecies of mice. It has more consistent characteristics that make it suitable for use in studies.

Cats, wild canines, coyotes, falcons, reptiles, and even some arthropods have been observed preying extensively on mice. Amidst this, mouse populations stay abundant.

The female mouse is one of the most productive mammalian species on the planet today due to its extraordinary flexibility to practically any habitat. They give birth to 5-6 young children or pups in a litter. One female could have numerous family descendants by the time she will die.

Mice are capable of being regarded as pests in some situations. Mouse infestation is the biggest reason for crop damage because they inflict structural failure and transmit illness.

Mice are renowned to dig elaborate tunnels in the wild. These tunnels contain long entries as well as escape passages. The structural architecture of a burrow is a hereditary feature in at least one species.

Mice are commonly used in laboratory studies in the domains of biology and psychology since they are mammals and possess a high degree of similarity to people. Mice are the most widely utilized mammalian model organisms, outnumbering rats.

After reading all about this home pest, check out our other articles on how many babies do mice have and why do mice squeak?

What is the average mouse lifespan?

Although various factors can influence the lifespan of a mouse, mice typically have an average lifespan of 12-18 months.

How long mice live is determined by the presence of food, refuge, and threats. Rodents that commonly infect a dwelling generally outlive mice in their natural surroundings.

House mice have learned to live in close proximity to humans. A mouse's average life expectancy inside a house or property that provided protection and abundance of crumbs or stored products is roughly two years.

Diseases and people or pets are the only serious dangers to the pest's existence as long as they have access to food and water. Most house mice are preyed upon by carnivores in the wild. Mice are a favorite food of rats, snakes, and owls.

In the wild, populations are also limited by a lack of food or water, disease, and damage. A mouse's typical lifespan or life expectancy in this environment is frequently less than a year.

How long do mice live without food?

Mice are far more reliant on food than water. Mice can only survive for 2-4 days without food. Keep in mind that this does not imply that they must enjoy a whole fiesta. Mice instead enjoy nibbling.

They'll probably eat a nibble or two and then they'll be fine. Even though mice need to have water to survive, the methods they use to get it might be either direct or indirect.

Mice can drink straight from creeks, ponds, puddles, or other natural water resources in the wild. They can get it in your home via water left behind in the sinks, moisture around the piping in the sidewalls, water in sewers, or often missed sources like your pet's food bowl.

How long do mice live in captivity?

House mice prefer to live in close quarters with people, such as in homes, barns, and farm buildings. They can also be found in cultivated fields, fencerows, and even woodland regions, but they rarely go far from structures.

With the arrival of the cool fall season, some mice spend the summer on the outdoor meadow and then migrate into stables and residences. House mice have indeed been able to live in hostile regions that they would not have been able to live in if they were not associated with mankind.

In captivity, their average lifespan is about two years, however, some animals have lasted up to six years and a few months. Most mice do not live longer than 12-18 months in their natural wild habitat.

How to choose a mouse that will live long?

To select a mouse that will live long, look for an animal that seems to be agile and active. Check that the hair is shiny and smooth. Ensure that the tail and ears are of pink color. Also, determine that there is no discharge from the mouth or anal region.

Mice and rats are great experimental animals because of their various characteristics. Mice, rats, and hamsters from the Old World have lifespans of less than five years inside a home.

Comparably New World species like the deer mouse or white-footed mouse, as well as the wood rat and desert woodrat, can live up to ten years. Mice can be a lot of fun to own and care for. These mice can survive for three years on average.

Extending Mouse Lifespan

Experts are researching a variety of concepts to lengthen longevity and provide us with a few additional years of life, and now mouse research has generated some amazing findings.

Mice can have a significantly longer life due to hyper-long telomeres. Telomeres are DNA sequences that replicate themselves at the ends of each chromosome in our bodies' cells.

Because duplication does not reach the very point of the chromosome, those telomeres get shortened each time DNA repeats- for example, during cell division. The mice with extended telomeres lived 24% more, were leaner, and were much less likely to acquire cancer. According to scientists, multiple metabolic aging indicators were also found to be reduced.

How to help your mouse live a healthy life?

To live healthy lives, mice require an uninterrupted availability of safe drinking water. Mice can perish if they don't have access to water for even a brief time.

Provide water in containers with metal sipper pipes that are examined for leaks and/or obstructions on a daily basis. To prevent contamination, owners must replace their water on a regular basis, and the container and nozzle should be cleaned correctly.

To avoid nutritional disorders, mice should eat a well-balanced, high-quality diet. Magnesium, vitamin A, and choline are all necessary components of mices' diets.

Folic acid must also be present in the food of mice that are developing and breeding. It is to be noted that mice are poisoned by grapes/raisins, rhubarb, and walnuts, also lettuce can trigger diarrhea.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how long do mice live, then why not take a look at difference between a mouse and a rat, or pocket mouse facts?

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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