Are you interest to know more about birds like the green parakeet? If yes, then keep reading as we are going to introduce you to a bird called the iris lorikeet.
The lorikeet belongs to the family of parrots, and it's a small to medium-sized bird. It is found in the Wetar and Timor islands of Indonesia, and its main habitat of choice is the woodlands with an altitude of up to 4,921 ft (1500 m).
However, at times it can also be found in agricultural areas or plantations.
The bird is mostly known for its bright yellowish-green appearance and the red forecrown especially seen in the male. However, females have a predominantly green forecrown with a small red patch.
The forecrown is also followed by a purple band that extends to its eye, and the nape is yellowish. They feed on fruits like tamarind and seeds as well as on nectar from flowers.
It also has a strong red or brown bill which helps it to feed on different things. Sadly, this beautiful bird species has been classified as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, mainly because of habitat destruction and illegal pet trade.
Want to know about these parrots? Keep reading for iris lorikeet facts. Also, check out the articles on red-backed shrike and American pipit.
Iris Lorikeet Interesting Facts
What type of animal is an iris lorikeet?
The iris lorikeet is a species of parrot that is known for its beautiful yellow-green appearance along with its red and purple crown.
What class of animal does an iris lorikeet belong to?
The yellow-green iris lorikeet belongs to the class Aves, to the family Psittaculidae, and the iris lorikeet genus is Saudareos. Earlier, they were thought to be related to the Psitteuteles genus. Avian species like the jandaya parakeet also belong to the class of Aves and to the family Psittacidae, which is one of the three families of parrots.
How many iris lorikeets are there in the world?
Even though we don't have any conclusive data about the population of iris lorikeet parrots, the IUCN states the size of its native wild population can be around 6,600-6,700 mature individuals. However, that won't be all as because of the pet trade, a lot of them are actually present in other parts of the world.
Where does an iris lorikeet live?
The iris lorikeet range map of this parrot species are the islands of Wetar and Timor present in the Lesser Sundas of Indonesia. However, these days it can also be found in human households due to illegal trapping for the pet trade.
What is an iris lorikeet's habitat?
The iris lorikeet prefers woodlands that are at an altitude of up to 4,921 ft (1500 m) above ground. It can usually be found perched on flowering trees of montane forests, monsoon forests, other woodlands, and even near coastlines. It can also be found near plantations or agricultural areas where there are more flowering trees.
Who do iris lorikeets live with?
Iris lorikeets can often be found in small flocks in the wild. When kept as a pet, it can be kept alone or in pairs. In its natural habitat, you can find them high up on flowering trees as it's quite shy.
How long does an iris lorikeet live?
The average lifespan of the yellow-green iris lorikeet is said to be about 25 years.
How do they reproduce?
Very little data is known about the breeding of this species or even about the iris lorikeet breeding age. However, when they are captive, it's seen that females usually lay two eggs during the breeding season, and the incubation lasts for around 23 days.
The chicks spend an additional 67 days in the nest before getting out into the world.
What is their conservation status?
Currently, the iris lorikeet is classified under the status of Near Threatened in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
Iris Lorikeet Fun Facts
What do iris lorikeets look like?
When it comes to the iris lorikeet appearance, the bird looks distinctly different from the rainbow lorikeet. Rather than having a colored pattern all over its body, its pattern is limited to the face and yellow nape.
The wings have a darker parrot green color, while the underside has a paler yellowish-green appearance. Moreover, the strong beak of this bird is orange read, and this orange color also forms a forecrown that mixes into the blue-purple hind crown.
The iris lorikeet female has more green in its forecrown with a hind of red.
While the iris lorikeet male usually has a forehead that's covered in red feathers. The nape of this bird is yellow, and there is a small patch of red on its chin.
Also, the blue-purple feathers can be much darker near the eye depending on the subspecies, almost forming a purple band. Usually, the eye is brown to orange, but it may vary.

How cute are they?
The iris lorikeet is quite cute and adorable, especially because of its bright plumage. Many pet owners also believe lorikeets to be super cuddly due to their appearance and size.
How do they communicate?
Like many other parrots and related species, one of the crucial ways of communication for this lorikeet is through sounds and calls. The iris lorikeet is especially known for making a shrill 'shreet' sound and a 'tchrut' sound which is produced in a lower frequency.
When found in a group, you can hear the squabbling noises, but overall these birds have a more subdued voice compared to other related parrots.
How big is an iris lorikeet?
These creatures have a small size. The average body size range of this species is around 8 in (20.3 cm). Compared to it, the monk parakeet has a body size of around 11 in (28 cm).
How fast can an iris lorikeet fly?
We aren't aware of the flying speed range of these lorikeets, but their close relatives, the rainbow lorikeet, can easily achieve a flying speed of 31.1 mph (50 kph).
How much does an iris lorikeet weigh?
The average weight range of the iris lorikeet is around 3 oz (85 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no distinct names for the male and female birds of this species.
What would you call a baby iris lorikeet?
Just like any other parrot species, the baby of an iris lorikeet is known as a chick.
What do they eat?
Like other parrot species, the iris lorikeet's diet also includes fruits and seeds. Along with that, you can also find small flocks of these birds having nectar as a part of their diet.
In the wild, the lorikeet is also fond of feeding on the fruits of the tamarind tree. When kept as a pet, it's recommended to give the lorikeet a specialized diet so that the bird receives all essential micro and macronutrients. The diet shouldn't also lack essentials vitamins as it may cause dullness of its plumage.
Are they poisonous?
No, this is a very sweet parrot, and it isn't poisonous to anyone.
Would they make a good pet?
Even though people do note that iris lorikeets are great pets, especially because of their charming personality, we will recommend you to stay away from taking this bird as a pet. The iris lorikeet is a Near Threatened species mainly because of the extensive illegal pet trade. If we don't take the issue seriously, we may lose the species.
Did you know...
The iris lorikeet was formerly given the binomial name of Psitteuteles iris, but it has been changed to Saudareos iris.
The three main subspecies of this bird include the Saudareos iris, the Saudareos iris rubripileum, and the Saudareos iris wetterensis. The physical appearance and description of the bird may differ according to the subspecies. However, the yellow nape and blue-purple band are more prominent in the Saudareos iris wetterensis subspecies.
The iris lorikeet belongs to the order Psittaciformes, is very intelligent, and sleeps often.
What's unique about an iris lorikeet?
First of all, the iris lorikeet is endemic to the Wetar and Timor islands. Moreover, the iris lorikeet is said to have the strongest beak among all other birds present in its family. However, the most unique things about these birds have to be the colors present on its face that give sit a beautiful look.
How did iris lorikeets get their name?
We aren't really sure about the origin of the name 'iris lorikeet.' However, the word lorikeet is said to be a portmanteau of the two English words lory and parakeets.
We may guess that the iris may refer to the purple band present near the eye of these birds. A lory is a group of birds that are known for having a specialized brush-tipped tongue to feed on nectar. Moreover, the lorikeet is said to have a long tail compared to that of the usual lories.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these giant cowbird facts and ani bird facts for kids.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable bird coloring pages.
Main image by Matthew Bietz.
Second image by Dick Daniels.