Fun Jewel Damsel Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Oct 20, 2022 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
Fact-checked by Gowri Rao
Jewel Damsel Fact File

There are about 250 species of damselfish and they are all small, tropical marine fish. The jewel damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus) is one fish among the same family.

It is endemic to the western Atlantic Ocean and nearby regions however, it is also sometimes seen in various other regions of the world. The jewel damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus) is a fish that appears shy and innocent at first however, they tend to adjust to their environment quickly and can nip at other marine creatures.

The jewel damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus) is black with sparkling blue dots as a juvenile and as an adult, its color becomes mostly brown and yellow. The jewel damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus) is an omnivore and adults feed on both meaty items and herbivore options like algae.

They also enjoy flaked foods and dried foods like shrimp.

They can be kept in an aquarium although they are territorial beings and tend to dominate other creatures in the tank after a few days of being introduced. The minimum tank size required to place such fish in is 50 gal (189 L).

For more relatable content, check out some facts about the pumpkinseed sunfish and the longhorn cowfish too!

Jewel Damsel Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a jewel damsel?

The jewel damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus) is a type of fish that belongs to the kingdom Animalia and the phylum Chordata.

What class of animal does a jewel damsel belong to?

The jewel damsel (Microspathodon chrysurus) is a type of fish that belongs to the class Actinopterygii, the family Pomacentridae, and the genus Microspathodon.

How many jewel damsels are there in the world?

The exact number of jewel damsels in the world is not known however there are about 250 species of damselfish in the world.

Where does a jewel damsel live?

Jewel damselfish live in the western Atlantic Ocean near corals and reefs. They live in various other smaller water habitats too, including aquariums.

What is a jewel damsel's habitat?

A typical jewel damselfish habitat can be created in a tank or an aquarium. In the wild, they can be found near a coral reef, or near algae and other marine structures. Jewel damselfish are territorial beings and they can become aggressive once they are accustomed to their environment.

They need to be kept in an aquarium of 50 gal (189 L). Their tank should aim to replicate reef and coral-like environments. A reef-safe environment will make them feel welcomed into their surroundings.

Who do jewel damsels live with?

Jewel damsel fish live best as solitary beings. Jewel damsels can be kept with other tankmates however, it's essential to ensure these other tankmates are bigger and faster than these fish. They need to be kept in an aquarium of 50 gal (189 L) in size at least.

How long does a jewel damsel live?

Jewel damselfish live for approximately six to seven years in the wild on average.

How do they reproduce?

Adult jewel damselfish are demersal spawners and they lay their eggs close to coral structures close to the top of reefs. The nests consist of eggs that are 0.03 in (1 mm) in diameter.

The clutch size is 1200 eggs per square inch. Each spawning site can contain eggs from multiple fish, ranging from 23,000-92,000 eggs at one site!

As the embryo develops the egg changes color and appears darker. Spawning to hatching takes a duration of three days and the eggs usually hatch at night.

The ideal temperature condition for breeding is 80 F (27 C). Jewel damselfish adults may produce multiple broods throughout their lifetime but adult male and female jewel damselfish are not involved in the raising of their young.

What is their conservation status?

Jewel damselfish are classified as a Least Concern species by the International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Jewelfish are found mostly near corals and in reef environments at the bottom of the water body or in an aquarium.

Jewel Damsel Fun Facts

What do jewel damsels look like?

Jewel damselfish are small to medium-sized fish and they are extremely unique and beautiful in appearance. A jewel damselfish has a streamlined body that helps facilitate its movement.

They have an overall black color on their body with sparkling blue dots as a juvenile and their color changes as they grow into brown and yellow adults. Their body color changes however their tail remains yellow.

They are admired for their coloration and pattern. They have two dark-colored eyes and are best observed in the wild if you are ever lucky enough to go deep water diving.

How cute are they?

Jewel damselfish are extremely cute and adorable. They may appear shy and innocent, however, they are confident and territorial beings. They are known to become aggressive and attack any fish who invade their space. They are most aggressive towards smaller fish and they are not as aggressive towards similar-sized species or larger ones.

How do they communicate?

A jewel damselfish is a marine fish that is effective in communication. They are confident, territorial, and aggressive fish and they express their emotions primarily through body movement. They also communicate using pheromones and audio communications although these are not recognizable to the human ear.

How big is a jewel damsel?

A jewel damsel is 3.9 in (9.9 cm) in length, which is 10 times bigger than the smallest fish in the world. This is the dwarf minnow which sits at 0.31-0.47 in (8-12 mm) long.

How fast can a jewel damsel swim?

Jewel damselfish are fast swimmers and they have a tendency to jump as well when introduced into a new habitat like an aquarium. They can be kept with tank mates who are similar in size and can travel at great speeds. They can be aggressive towards smaller species of fish though.

How much does a jewel damsel weigh?

The jewel damsel's exact weight is not evaluated. However, they are capable of surviving in multiple habitats as they are aggressive predators and fussy eaters. The heaviest fish in the world is a whale shark, which weighs 43000 lb (19504 kg).

What are their male and female names of the species?

Male and female jewel damselfish are not addressed differently. They are similar to each other in appearance but they differ in reproductive functions. Jewel damselfish male and female fish are not heavily involved in raising their young.

What would you call a baby jewel damsel?

Baby jewel damselfish can be referred to as fry. A juvenile is brightly colored with a dark black color body and sparkling blue dots overall. Their color changes as they mature into adults and the blue dots fade away. They are aggressive and territorial right from their initial years.

What do they eat?

They are primarily omnivorous fish and so they consume an omnivorous diet. They feed on meaty items, herbivore options, and flaked foods like shrimp as part of their diet.

They may also feed on invertebrates, algae, fish eggs, and other similar substances. They also eat some invertebrates that are smaller in size.

Invertebrates bigger in size cannot be consumed and dried shrimp is their all-time favorite. If you have a pet jewel damsel you could buy dried shrimp online or in pet stores to feed them to fulfill their diet requirements.

Are they dangerous?

No, these fish are not very dangerous. They are, however, known to attack divers as a way of defending their territory, however, they are not capable of causing any major harm.

Would they make a good pet?

They are best kept alone or in large aquariums with other fish of their own size or bigger. Keeping them with smaller species is not safe.

They are ideal for a first-time owner and some good tankmates to this species include angelfish, the green chromis, and firefish. As a pet, it's essential to ensure that they are kept in a tank that closely resembles their natural habitat, creating a reef-safe environment.

Did you know...

There are over 30,000 species of fish in the world and many still remain to be discovered.

Most fish do not have eyelids like other animals on land do. The only fish that can blink is a shark.

Sailfish are the fastest fish in the world. They can travel at 68 mph (109.43 kph)!

Do jewel damsels have teeth?

Jewelfish damsels have teeth that are sharp but small. The exact number of teeth in damsels is not currently known, but we do know that damsels are primarily omnivorous fish. These damsels feed on meaty items and flaked foods like shrimp. They use their teeth to bite through this food.

How many eggs do jewel damsels lay?

Jewel damsels lay around 1200 eggs. Their breeding patterns are similar to other marine species of fish. In the wild, these fish lay eggs near corals, reefs, and other marine habitats away from the view of predators. They breed multiple times throughout their life.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our salmon facts and anchovies facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable jewel damsel coloring pages.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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Fact-checked by Gowri Rao

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Gowri RaoBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

With a bachelor's degree in Economics from Krea University, Gowri is a highly skilled data analyst and an expert in regression and causation modeling. Her interests in economic trends, finance, and investment research complement her professional expertise. In addition to her professional pursuits, Gowri enjoys swimming, running, and playing the drums, and she is also a talented tutor.

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