43 King Menes Facts: Learn More About The Ancient Egyptian Ruler

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 16, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Aug 31, 2022
Interesting facts about the Egyptian king Menes.

King Menes was denominated after different names such as Min, Mene, and Menesai.

King Menes was recognized because he was responsible for the unification of Egypt. He formed a kingdom that incorporated both upper and lower Egypt.

Egypt connects northeast Africa with the Middle East with old monuments, ancient pyramids, and undiscovered mysteries. One of the world's seven wonders, the Great Pyramid of Giza, was established in Egypt.

In the history of Egypt, an important character inscribed on the pages of the ancient history encyclopedia is King Menes, the first physical king of Egypt. Menes, the word came from Manetho, an Egyptian historian and a priest from the pre-Coptic period, estimated to be in the Ptolemaic Kingdom. In Greek, the name goes as 'Μήνης.'

Historian Herodotus presented an alternative, 'Μιν,' but it was not accepted by other critics. The main Egyptian term was mnj, later reconstructed as /maˈnij/, and it belonged to the Abydos and Turin King list of the 19th dynasty. Basically, 'mnj' defines 'he who endures.'

The name Menes in English means 'the first ruler.' He possessed a unique crown with two crown parts, the white crown and the red crown, which symbolize united Egypt.

On the other hand, it also defined the different positions and cultures. He was the supreme God of Egypt and started the tradition of sacrifice and prayer, according to Diodorus Siculus.

He also introduced the practice of living with a more elegant and luxurious attitude, but 24th dynasty pharaoh Tefnakht and Plutarch opposed him. Menes was recognized as a mythical yet cultural hero in 500 BC, but he became well-known at a significantly later time. He was honored for unifying upper and lower Egypt into a united kingdom.

Although he was the first pharaoh of the first dynasty, he was not on the Royal Annals, Cairo Stone, and Palermo Stone. The Royal Annals became a fragmentary king's list during the fifth dynasty.

Menes had been mentioned later on the king's lists and in several demotic novels of the Hellenistic period as the first human ruler to inherit the throne from the God Horus.

As a founder of the history of ancient Egypt, Menes has been compared with Romulus in ancient Rome. He introduced himself as a demi-God or an emissary of God.

He had great defensive skills and a great army; he was a politician and made some allies with neighboring rulers. The magnificent tomb Saqqara Necropolis built by King Menes, was used for the burial of many noble persons and became an important pilgrimage epicenter.

A debate between British archaeologists and ancient Egyptians identified Menes as an honorific title, meaning 'he who endures,' and this same title was also associated with King Narmer.

Although Manetho identified the city of Thinis, Menes was a Thinite, a native to Thinis. According to Herodotus, it was not Manetho. Menes founded the city of Memphis as his capital. The pharaohs after the third dynasty, including Menes' son, Athothis, had only been credited for the city.

In 2012, the Herodotus theory was rejected, and it was claimed that Iry-Hor, a predynastic ruler of upper Egypt, founded Memphis in the early 32nd century BC. His proof of existence was in the Sinai Peninsula.

Different Egyptologists, archaeologists, as well as scholars presented different dates for the first dynasty. John Gardner Wilkinson believed it was from 1835-2320 BC, whereas James Strong stated it was from 1878-2515 BC.

Please continue reading to learn more about this one king of Egypt, King Menes, who brought about the unification of both upper and lower Egypt.

Facts About King Menes

Unified Egypt possessed glorious dynasties and rulers in the historical hierarchy, and King Menes was one of them.

According to the historical and archaeological record, the ruler named Menes is considered the first king of Egypt.

He is recognized as the first king who was credible in unifying the upper and lower Egypt section of Egypt. This resulted in the formation of a united kingdom.

The early dynastic period of unifying Egypt started around 3200-3030 BC.

Menes took some substantial actions to achieve his religious purposes. He not only unified early Egypt but also stabilized the religion and presented Horus as the God of Egypt.

He also built several temples and tombs on the upper side of Egypt. He also renovated them with highly developed sculptures and artifacts.

Menes started the construction of a levee to protect his kingdom from floods and created dines to protect the newly developed cities from the flood of the Nile River.

King Narmer or MN seal impressions had been found in Abydos. They played an important role in proving the existence of Menes and his kingdom.

Two cylindrical seals were found from Abydos or the Abydos necropolis seals, which had played a critical role in the proof of the existence of Menes. Here, the archaeologists have found the name of the five first kings of Egypt, and Menes' name was also mentioned here.

Historians and archaeologists from Egypt have found some evidence on King Menes that he was the first one as there was no evidence of any other kings before him.

King Menes had been recognized for inventing the double crown; one part of the crown was white, and the second one was red, which symbolized the unification of Egypt and also the existence of two Egypts, the upper and lower Egypt.

He was regarded as the aesthetic king and the first human ruler who directly inherited from the God Horus.

King Menes built Memphis, which was later introduced as his capital.

According to Diodorus Siculus, King Menes was the one to introduce the concept of gods and the practice of sacrifices.

According to Pliny, Menes was recognized as the inventor of writing in Egypt.

Diodorus Siculus stated several stories of King Menes. One of them was about Sobek, the crocodile god. In this, Menes was attacked by his guard dogs. He ran away across Lake Moeris on a crocodile's back, founding Crocodilopolis.

Menes' reign lasted for 62 years, and in the end, he passed away after an attack by a hippopotamus.

King Menes' traces were found in ancient literature and in the Scottish writer Alexander Dow's tragedy 'Sethona,' where he portrayed Menes with a dramatic persona.

The successor of King Menes was Hor-Aha, and he was chosen as the second pharaoh.

Neithhotep was known as the first queen of King Menes. She belonged to Naquoda, and the marriage was to build an alliance between the two kingdoms.

Narmer and Menes are theorized to be the same person by a majority of Egyptologists.

King Menes' tomb was found in Saqqara in ancient Egypt.

Modern scholars debated several inconclusive facts where they linked King Menes with the archaic Egyptian kings, carrying the titles Scorpion, Narmer, and Aha.

King Menes' Accomplishments

Menes' whole life accomplishments played a significant role in the history of Egypt. King Menes unified ancient Egypt. He put ample resources into the development of his capital city by searching through the boundaries and working on art, literature, and sculpture.

He made such huge and strong military forces and other initiatives for the betterment of the ancient Egyptians and their culture. King Menes became the first human pharaoh of Egypt to be documented in world history.

King Menes' Significance

The Pharaoh of Egypt and his accomplishments had been inscribed in the pages of history.

King Menes changed the direction of the River Nile towards ancient lower Egypt to stabilize the ancient Egyptian city or his capital Memphis in the region.

He unified ancient Egypt and stretched the boundary. He then converted a large area of this into his kingdom.

He took over great control of the fertile agricultural areas on the bank of the Nile Delta River.

There were many trade roots in the kingdom of Egypt. Menes and his successors got trade taxes from the system and invested this wealth in royal palaces and mortuary cults.

He made a powerful army and nourished them with skills and experience. He formed a large army to fight against his enemies to maintain his kingdom.

He was against all the luxury and chose to lead a simple and ordinary life with great values and virtues.

Some of his initiatives covering public gardens and other establishments defined Egyptian culture.

He also had an in-depth knowledge of politics and possessed a mentality to conquer his goals at any cost.

He was married to Neithhotep and made some allies with neighboring kingdoms to spread his power and captivity.

King Menes' Characteristics

King Menes and his characteristics made him so different from others.

According to numerous Egyptologists, King Menes possessed a leadership mentality. He had an enthusiastic and optimistic insight. He used these characteristics to unify the upper and lower Egypt section of ancient Egypt.

He obtained a great taste for literature and arts. He was the first king to introduce the writing system in Egypt or papyrus. Many impressions and seals prove that Egyptians were always prone to learning new stuff.

King Menes was very calm and great at decision-making. He never made any partiality in his judgment.

He also evaluated the future and took initiatives accordingly.

His understanding of architecture protected his kingdom from the overflow of the ancient Egyptian Nile.

Did you know?

  • Menes is considered the first pharaoh in the first dynasty of ancient Egypt. The most important episode of ancient Egypt history is filled with his accomplishments. The name Menes defined the first king of the first adjoining Egypt dynasty.
  • However, there are controversies that other later rulers of Egypt used this word as a title, where the word defined a person as almighty or the representative of God.
  • Menes was mentioned in Egyptian history as the king of culture. Archaeologists have found some traces of magnificent sculptures and notably advanced engineering in his period. There was a proper town with flood management in his capital.
  • The city still confuses people about how building that kind of city with such advanced technology was possible in that period.
  • He had a powerful army all over Egypt under his reign and made military conquest over the neighboring countries.
  • Some traces of weapons and pictures depicted that the army was very good at fighting and won many wars that occurred under his reign.
  • His family hierarchy was quite impressive, and everyone was recognized in the history of unified Egypt. He was the spouse of Neithhotep, who became the first queen of Egypt.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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