Fun Labradane Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Natalie Rayworth
Read these Labradane facts which are interesting for dog lovers

Labradanes were first bred in the United States by mating a Great Dane with a Labrador Retriever. Hence, this hybrid dog breed has a mix of qualities that are found in both parent breeds.

Labradanes are also known as Great Labradane or Labrador Great Dane mix. These hybrid dogs are calm and polite in approach. Even though they are large dogs, the loveable temperament of the dogs will make anyone fall in love with them.

These dogs have a short coat which makes grooming them a lot easier. They also maintain good general health without having any major health conditions. The dogs can have several color variants, but black, brown, white, and brindle are the most common.

These dogs love to eat, and they can be a little lazy at times. The trainability of this dog is easy to medium. Labradanes also need constant attention, so be ready to stay close to them.

Are you interested to know more Labradane info? Keep reading to learn interesting Labradane facts. Also, check out the articles on Welsh Terrier and dogo Argentino to learn more about other animals.

Labradane Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Labradane?

Labradanes are a designer breed of dog that have been created by cross-breeding a Great Dane with a Labrador Retriever.

What class of animal does a Labradane belong to?

Labradanes belong to the class mammalia and the genus canis.

How many Labradanes are there in the world?

As Labradanes are a domesticated dog breed, no conclusive study could be found on the exact population of this dog breed.

Where does a Labradane live?

You will usually find Labradanes in human households. These dogs have been present with humans since the 1980s.

What is a Labradane's habitat?

Labradanes prefer a comfortable home, and they can easily adapt to both cold and warm temperatures. Labradanes aren't meant to live in small apartments, and they appreciate a space that is big enough for them to move around.

If you are thinking of adopting a Great Dane Lab mix, make sure to have an ample amount of space in your house. The dog breed also enjoys outdoor activities.

Who do Labradanes live with?

As one of the designer dog breeds, Labradanes live with their human parents. This dog is affectionate to their families and can easily mix with children.

These dogs are also great with other pets, so if you already have a dog or cat at your home, don't worry about bringing a Labradane puppy into your space. However, these friendly dogs can be a little icky about strangers.

It might take a little while for your dog to get to know the person and build their trust. Labradanes do not do well with being left alone and can develop separation anxiety if left alone for too long.

How long does a Labradane live?

The average Labradane life span is between eight and 12 years, which is great for a large dog breed like them. The life expectancy of your puppy will depend a lot on their parent breeds and their general health.

How do they reproduce?

Females will have estrus (heat) cycles every year. This heat cycle may last for one to two weeks in the bitch and if she mates with a male dog, this could lead to pregnancy.

The bitch then has a gestation period of between 58 to 68 days, after which she gives birth to a litter of five to ten puppies depending on her size. However, following this process for a designer mixed breed like a Labradane may not give similar puppies to the parent breed.

Labradanes were born by breeding Great Danes with Labrador Retrievers. Hence, to get similar results, the original parent dogs need to be bred once again.

As a large dog breed, Labradane bitches may face some health problems during pregnancy so it is always good to consult a vet as soon as they are pregnant. The puppies of Labradanes are extremely cute, and it is always a surprise to see the puppies of a mixed breed.

What is their conservation status?

Labradanes are yet to make it into any conservation lists, therefore their official conservation status is Not Listed.

Labradane Fun Facts

What do Labradanes look like?

As a Great Dane Lab mix, Labradanes have a unique, robust, yet adorable look. The appearance of Labradanes can often depend on the genetic makeup of their parents.

Hence, Labradane puppies can either look like Great Danes or Labrador Retrievers. One of the things that you must remember is that even though they are smaller than Great Danes, Labradanes are still big dogs.

Labradanes usually have a slender body with large limbs similar to Great Danes. The dogs also have floppy ears like that of Labradors, and their muzzle is large and rectangular in shape.

The big and innocent eyes of this Great Dane Lab mix will always melt your heart. This Great Dane Lab mix breed also has a well-defined and muscular chest and shoulders.

One of the striking things about Labradane breeds is their coat. They generally have a short coat like their parents, and it can come in colors like black, white, brown, and brindle.

Chocolate Labradane puppies and Labradane merle puppies are highly sought after by dog parents. The super-dense coat of Labradane dogs has a straight texture which makes grooming an easy task. Labradanes have adorable tails that have longer fur than the rest of their body.

Labradane paws can also have white spots, and the spots can also be present in other parts of their body. These physical characteristics of Labradanes make them distinct amongst other dog breeds.

*Please note that this is a picture of a Great Dane dog, not a Labradane. If you have a picture of a Labradane please let us know at

How cute are they?

Labradanes are big and adorable, just like their parent breeds of Great Danes and Labrador Retrievers. They can also be termed as gentle giants because of their adorable personality.

This energetic big dog breed loves affection and attention from their humans. Hence, get ready to sit with your dog for hours if you get a Labrador Retriever and Great Dane mix puppy.

How do they communicate?

Like other dog breeds, the main form of communication for Labradanes is vocalization. They aren't heavy barkers, so they will only vocalize when there is an utmost need.

Labradanes also have a heavy voice, just like their parent breeds. Another common form of communication found in almost all dogs is the usage of urine.

The smell of urine works as a communication cue for other dogs, and it also helps them to mark their own territories and look for potential mates. As Labradanes have been mixed from pedigree parents, they are quite intelligent.

Training a Labradane puppy can take a while, but these dogs can pick up several communication cues from their humans. After training your dog on these cues, you can easily communicate with them without any problem.

How big is a Labradane?

Labradane mixes are large dogs, and they grow to a size of 24-30 in (61-76 cm). Sometimes the dogs can take more genes from Great Danes and end up being even taller.

The size of a Labradane should never intimidate their pet parents as these dogs are gentle and affectionate. They are even called gentle giants, just like Great Danes. As a designer dog, the average size of a Labradane is slightly shorter than Great Danes who can easily attain a height of 28-39 in (71-86 cm).

How fast can a Labradane run?

Labradanes are high-energy dogs just like their parents, and running is definitely in their genes. We can assume that Labradanes will easily have a speed of 30 mph (48 kmph) as they are a Labrador Retriever and Great Dane mix. Even Labrador Retrievers have a running speed of 20-30 mph (32-48 kmph) and they are great at dog sports.

How much does a Labradane weigh?

Labradanes have an average weight range of 100-180 lb (45-81 kg). This can seem a lot, but for a large-sized dog, this weight is normal.

However, these dogs also have the tendency to gain extra weight. Regular exercise is needed to keep off this extra weight and can also help them spend a lot of their energy. If the weight of your Labradane increases a lot, it is advisable to get a diet plan from a vet.

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male Labradanes are known as dogs, while female Labradanes are known as bitches.

What would you call a baby Labradane?

A baby Labradane is called a puppy.

What do they eat?

The diet of a pet dog is quite important as proper nutrition helps to keep health problems at bay. As big dogs, Labradanes have a large appetite.

They will need to have a balanced diet that contains the correct amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. As they are carnivores, these dogs should have a protein-rich diet. Your pets should have access to high-quality dog food.

It is best to give your dogs a mix of wet and dry food to maintain hydration. Labradanes are high-energy dogs, and you need to provide them with clean drinking water.

Do remember that the nutritional needs of Labradane puppies will be quite different from that of adult dogs. Hence, you will need to consult a good vet to prepare a diet chart that is appropriate for your pets.

Are they slobbery?

No, Labradanes aren't really slobbery. Their personality and habits are quite similar to their parent breeds, Great Danes and Labrador Retrievers, and neither of these dogs are slobbery.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, Labradanes make great pet dogs. They are affectionate dogs that require minimal care.

These hybrid dogs have a loving temperament which makes them perfect for homes with children. Hence, Labradanes are great family dogs. They are easy to train once the owners have gained their trust.

Although Labradanes aren't great guard dogs, they are quite intelligent and are protective of their owners. These dogs do not have a tonne of health issues except for some common problems that generally come with age. If you have enough space at your home, Labradanes will be happy with you.

However, you should remember that these dogs aren't meant for living in small apartments. The dogs also tend to have a lot of energy, so it can be tough for first-time dog owners to handle the breed.

You can usually get Labradanes from a reputed pet breeder, and they will cost you around 250 to 550 USD. However, you may need to pay a little more to get a brindle Labradane or a black Labradane.

While you are getting your dog, you need to know more about their family history.

Knowing more about their parents will mean you can be aware of any possible health conditions that the dog could be susceptible to. As owners, you should immediately take the dog to a vet after getting them from the breeder.

Did you know...

Taking care of these dogs is very important. As owners, you will need to spend a lot of your time taking proper care of Labradanes to give them a healthy life. Grooming and brushing your dogs coat will keep it healthy and shiny.

The coat of a Labradane needs a bi-weekly brushing. They are not known to shed a lot, so your home will most likely stay free from floating dog hair. Regular grooming should also include cleaning their teeth, ears and trimming their nails.

Another important aspect of a Labradanes life is exercise. Labradanes need to have 45 minutes of exercise every day. A regular exercise regime ensures a healthier life for the animals, and freedom from common health issues like bloat and hip dysplasia.

Training these dogs can be clubbed as a part of their exercise regime. Labradanes are intelligent, and they are fairly easy to train once you get to know the dog. Get your children to partake in the training process to engage your dog with your family.

A dogs happy and calm temperament often depends on their health. Regular exercise helps in keeping their weight under control.

As a mixed-breed dog, Labradanes do inherit some common health problems from the parent breeds. The common health problems seen in Labradanes include elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, bloat, separation anxiety, panosteitis, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), eye problems, and obesity. Take them to a doctor as soon as possible to fix any health issues quickly.

How much to feed a Labradane

Labradanes need to have between four and six cups of food in a day. The food requirement of Labradanes may differ according to their size and weight.

If you are confused about the amount of food, it is always better to ask a vet. One of the problems that parents of Labradanes face is the dogs habit of eating their food in a hurry.

To solve this problem, you can space out their meal times and break down the meals into threes. Another way to stop them from hurrying is to buy special bowls meant to solve this eating problem.

These bowls contain grooves to engage the dogs into more mindful eating. It is also best to give them the training at the puppy stage to avoid certain common health problems like stomach bloat.

What breeds make up a Labradane?

Labradanes are made by mixing two great dog breeds, Labrador Retrievers and Great Danes. Healthy parents of both breeds are used to create Labradanes.

It is important to use purebred parent breeds to avoid any genetic mix-up in Labradanes. Like other designer dog breeds, Labradanes also inherit a little from both of their parents. Labrador and Great Dane mixes have a high energy level like both of their parents.

These designer dogs are also quite affectionate and loving with their family. It is said that this hybrid is fairly new, and Labradane breeds were mainly created to get a manageable dog breed.

Hence, Labradanes were created in a way that they has the agility of Great Danes but are smaller in size than them. Another reason to mix Great Danes with Labrador Retrievers is to tone down the shedding.

Labradors tend to shed more than Great Danes, creating a hybrid dog with less shedding. Labradanes are a gentle giant, just like their parent breeds.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including Dorkie, or miniature Husky.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our labradane coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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