The magnificent sea anemone (Heteractis magnifica) is a marine creature, found in the tropical waters of the world. Previously known as the Ritteri anemone, they reside alongside corals and host clownfish and algae under their tentacles, forming a symbiotic relationship.
Having a bulbous head and a body of tentacles, they do not have any other organs like eyes, ears, nose, or limbs. Their mouth serves the dual purpose of ingesting food and excreting wastes.
Although not fast movers, they move around hard surfaces with their sticky feet, present beneath their tentacles.
They are found both in deep and shallow waters and attached to the reef. Having a carnivorous diet, they predate their prey releasing toxic chemicals from their bodies.
These anemones are a very popular pet species, capable of surviving well in aquariums. But it requires proper diet and care to adapt and coexist with other fishes in the artificially created environment.
Want to know more about the magnificent sea anemones? Read on to know more. Also, check our surprising facts about the blue ridge coral and flame jellyfish here.
Magnificent Sea Anemone Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a magnificent sea anemone?
Magnificent sea anemones are a marine faunal species, specifically a coral polyp, found in the tropical ocean waters of the world.
What class of animal does a magnificent sea anemone belong to?
The magnificent sea anemone (Heteractis magnifica) belongs to the class of Anthozoa.
How many magnificent sea anemones are there in the world?
There is no sufficient information about the exact population size of the magnificent sea anemones present in the world as of now. However, it can be approximated that a stable population of these marine species is found at the ocean depths at present.
Where does a magnificent sea anemone live?
The magnificent sea anemone dwells in the tropical marine waters of the Indo-Pacific Ocean extending from the Red Sea to Samoa. They are also found in the coastal waters around the countries of South-East Asia, Northern Australia up to the Ryukyu Islands and West Pacific regions.
What is a magnificent sea anemone's habitat?
The habitat range of the Ritteri anemone (Heteractis magnifica) ranges from the sea surface to a depth of 164 ft (50 m) in the warm tropical marine environment with temperatures between 75.2-89.6 °F (24-32 °C). They are found to reside in both the saline deep waters and also in the shallow coastal waters, having strong currents.
Who do magnificent sea anemones live with?
The small magnificent sea anemones are known to live a solitary life near the sea surface while the larger ones prefer living in the deeper depths usually in colonies. Apart from this, these anemonefish also share a symbiotic relationship with the corals, algae, and clownfish.
While the algae and clownfish bring food for the anemones, the anemones give shelter and protect them from a range of predators. They are known to attach themselves to the hard reef surfaces lying above or below the sea.
How long does a magnificent sea anemone live?
The magnificent anemone is known to have a magnificent lifespan, extending over 80 years in captivity and up to 100 years in the wild.
How do they reproduce?
The description of the magnificent sea anemone reproduction can be explained both sexually and asexually. For sexual fertilization, the released male sperm triggers the female to release her eggs, after which fertilization occurs, creating ciliated planula larvae, that attach themselves to a reef.
Asexual reproduction occurs through binary fission of a new anemone from the body of an existing one or through pedal laceration, wherein the pedal disc breaks off, creating a new anemone.
What is their conservation status?
Presently, the magnificent sea anemone is a marine faunal species that is Not Listed by the IUCN. So it is safe to assume that they do not face extreme survival threats from any natural or anthropogenic factors at present. However, research and evaluation should be done at the earliest to save them from the dangers of future vulnerability.
Magnificent Sea Anemone Fun Facts
What do magnificent sea anemones look like?

We've been unable to source an image of a magnificent sea anemone and have used an image of a sea anemone instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a magnificent sea anemone, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at
The magnificent sea anemone (Heteractis magnifica) is a marine creature surviving in a polyp form throughout its life. The upper portion has a flat and curved oral disc containing its mouth, surrounded by many tentacles all over its body.
On the pedal disc, a sticky foot is attached which helps it in moving on hard substrates. It opens its mouth to ingest food and excrete wastes.
It displays a combination of vibrant colors like yellow, brown, orange, pink, purple, green, etc. The tentacles may be of a different color and have a swollen bulb-like tip at the end, secreting toxic nematocytes from it.
How cute are they?
Being vibrantly colorful, these corals are extremely attractive to look at. Its cute and adorable size and appearance make them find a home in people's aquariums.
How do they communicate?
As they do not have any specific organs, they are not good at communication. Although to ward off predators or to catch prey they release chemical toxins towards them.
Three sets of nerves are present in their body, one is to send signals to their entire body, another is to sense the environment around and the last one is used to release toxins to keep predators at bay.
How big is a magnificent sea anemone?
The magnificent sea anemone is one of the largest among other anemone species. It has a diameter of 0.4-2 in (1-5 cm) and a body length between 0.4-2 in (1-5 cm). It is two times bigger than a goldfish and six times smaller than an octopus.
How fast can a magnificent sea anemone move?
Although the exact walking speed of the magnificent anemone is not known, it can be said that they are slow walkers. It moves with its sticky foot attached towards the base of the pedal column.
In the sea, they move around from one place to another in search of food or light or to escape from predators. In an aquarium, it may move around by sticking its foot and tentacles to its walls and slowly moving over it.
How much does a magnificent sea anemone weigh?
Their exact body weight is not known.
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no separate names assigned to the male and female anemones.
What would you call a baby magnificent sea anemone?
A baby magnificent anemone doesn't have a specific name.
What do they eat?
The sea anemones have a carnivorous diet comprising of a range of animals like amphipods, arthropods, sea urchins, shrimps, mussels, planktons, small fish.
Are they poisonous?
Although they are not too poisonous to humans, except a bit of stinging sensation, the magnificent anemone can be poisonous and dangerous for their prey. The toxic stinging cells or nematocytes found in their tentacles, if injected into their predators or prey, can kill them within 2 hours.
Hence, these tentacles serve as a defense mechanism to kill prey and predators alike.
Would they make a good pet?
The magnificent sea anemone is often kept in the aquarium as pets. They are known to share the aquarium with other fish species.
A magnificent sea anemone price starts from $49 USD and can go up according to the type of color and size. The aquarium tank should be well lit with good water flow to make it adaptive to the artificial environment.
It takes around three months to acclimatize to the aquarium life, thereafter it will be welcoming to host other fish species like a clownfish. If two or more anemones are kept in the same tank, it should be big enough for them to spread their tentacles and crawl across the tank.
Did you know...
If two or more anemones are kept in close proximity in a small aquarium, chemical warfare may take place between them. This may lead to the starvation, shrinking, and finally death of the weaker anemone.
The protein properties found on the tentacles of these anemones are similar to the green fluorescent protein (GFPs) showing possibilities of using those for biotechnological researches.
Due to lower water temperatures, asexual reproduction occurs in winters in oceans. Also if one anemone is kept in an aquarium, it will reproduce asexually.
What is the lifecycle of the magnificent sea anemone?
The lifecycle of a magnificent sea anemone begins either as planula larvae formed out of sexual reproduction or an anemone formed through fission from the parent anemone through asexual reproduction. Over time, it increases in size as it matures and becomes capable of adjusting to the marine or aquarium environment, surviving for up to 80 years.
Can a sea anemone kill a human?
These marine creatures are not capable of killing humans. But with the help of their tentacles, producing stinging cells, they can easily sting humans that can cause temporary skin irritations and infections.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these brain coral interesting facts and mini carpet anemone facts pages!
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