11 Mind-Blowing Arctic Ocean Facts That You Should Know

Abhijeet Modi
Oct 05, 2023 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Dec 02, 2021
Global climate change is not only posing risk

The Arctic Ocean is rich in natural resources such as fossil fuels, natural gas, mineral ores, copper, zinc, nickel, phosphates, and diamonds.

Polar bears are the world's largest land scavengers and were discovered in the Arctic. Numerous experienced kayakers consider the Arctic to be the birthplace of modern kayaking.

The Arctic Circle contains the North Pole. The Arctic Ocean is covered in 3 kinds of ice: polar ice, fast ice, and pack ice. The Arctic Ocean is home to four species of whale.

The Arctic Ocean is home to six different seal species such as the bearded seal. Whenever the Arctic Ocean's glaciers melt, it discharges nutrients as well as life forms into the water, promoting algal growth. Algae pellets and zooplankton, further provide food for sea creatures.

The Arctic Ocean is one of the major oceans of the world. The other major oceans are the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.

It is the shallowest ocean and is home to polar bears and a wide range of exotic marine life. It is closest to the North pole but is now facing an enormous threat due to climate change.

The Arctic Ocean is bounded by Eurasia and North America, with the Bering Strait on the Pacific side and the Greenland Scotland Ridge on the Atlantic side forming the boundary.

Throughout the year, it is usually covered by arctic sea ice, and in the winter, it is almost totally covered.

Due to low evaporation, ocean currents of fresh water flowing in from rivers and streams, and limited connection and outflow to surrounding oceanic waters with higher salinities, the Arctic Ocean's surface temperature, and salinity vary seasonally as the ice cover melts and freezes (meaning that it does not have the same salinity).

Global climate change is not only posing risk to polar ice but also to the habitat of polar bears. Did you know the first person to complete the nautical crossing of the Atlantic Ocean was Fridtjof Nansen from Norway?

Some of the seas present in the region are the Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, White Sea, and Baffin Bay.

After reading facts about the Arctic region, marine life, its location on the world map, and how the ocean compares to other oceans, also check facts about Canada and facts about Cuba.

What is the Arctic Ocean famous for?

Throughout the wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic is among the chilliest and bleakest areas on the planet. Towards the June solstice, the Arctic has 24 hours of sunlight.

The Greenland Sea, as well as Bering Strait, link the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, combined. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest. The Arctic Ocean covers an estimated 5.4 million sq. mi.

(14 million sq. km). It is roughly 50% larger than the size of the United States and accounts for almost 4% of the total landmass of the world. In comparison to the other four oceans, the Arctic Ocean has the minimum salt concentration.

The Titanic began to sink when it collided with an iceberg made of Arctic Ocean glacial ice which caused damage to the vessel. The first ground passing of the Arctic Ocean with a dog sled took place in 1969.

Can you swim in the Arctic Ocean?

Swimming in the Arctic Ocean is plausible if you have a very elevated cold tolerance. The north of Norway, particularly the Schengen area, is an ideal location for swimming in the Arctic Ocean. 

The Lofoten Islands are a major tourist destination because they are located slightly within the Arctic Circle and have some of the most beautiful scenery and beaches.

The temperature in the Arctic Ocean has never been very hot in the springtime, although in the summer, you might die from hypothermia as well as freeze to death with no danger signs. The warm season lasts from mid-July to late August, with water temperatures ranging from 11 to 15 degrees Celsius and with air temperatures around the same.

Arctic Ocean Temperature

Northern Greenland has experienced temperatures in the range of –70°C (-94°F). The Arctic is teeming with biodiversities, such as polar bears, Arctic foxes, walruses, seals, and whales.

Often called the 'unicorn of the sea', the Narwhal is a captivating species that lives in the Arctic. The Arctic ice includes roughly 10% of the planet's freshwater resources. This massive, white, frozen reservoir keeps the area cool. It also plays a critical role in maintaining the stability of our entire climate system.

The average temp in this area is reasonably constant, hovering near the freezing point of saltwater. Since the Arctic Ocean is made up of salt water, the freezing temperature of saline water is 1.8°C (28.8 °F).

How deep is the Arctic ocean?

The Arctic Ocean is the planet's shallowest among the five oceans. Having a maximum depth of 17,985 ft (5450 m) the Arctic Ocean is still quite deep and fierce. The volume of the Arctic Ocean is 18,750,000 cu. km. (4,500,000 cu. mi).

Molloy Hole in the Fram Strait is recognized as the Arctic Ocean's deepest point, with a depth of at least 18,210 ft (5,550 m). Litke Deep in the Eurasian Basin is the deepest part of the ocean at 17,880 ft (5,450 m).

The Arctic Ocean is the world's farthest northbound body of oceanic waters (world's oceans). It flows beneath the Arctic Circle and encircles it. The majority of the Arctic Ocean remains covered in ice all year, but that is beginning to change as temperatures rise. The Arctic Ocean, despite its bleak appearance, is home to a diverse range of life.

Arctic Shelves

The Arctic shelf of the ocean is made up of several continental shelves, including the Canadian Arctic shelf, which lies beneath the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, and the Russian continental shelf, which is commonly referred to simply as the 'Arctic Shelf' due to its larger size.

The Russian continental shelf is divided into three sections: the Barents Shelf, the Chukchi Sea Shelf, and the Siberian Shelf.

The Siberian Shelf is the world's largest of these three, with significant oil and gas deposits due to Siberian rivers.

According to the USSR–USA Maritime Boundary Agreement, the Chukchi shelf marks the border between Russia and the United States. International territorial claims cover the entire region.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Arctic Ocean facts then why not take a look at England facts, or facts about Alaska.

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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