Monarch Chrysalis Stages: Everything You Need To Know

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Oct 24, 2022 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Nov 23, 2021
Edited by Sarah Nyamekye
Fact-checked by Vikhaash Sundararaj
The monarch chrysalis stages turn into a beautiful adult butterfly with a short life cycle.

Long before reaching maturity, the monarch butterfly, like some other bugs, has various living things and phases.

The monarch butterfly goes through four stages of development - egg, larva or caterpillar, pupa chrysalis or pupa stage, and adulthood. Monarchs live for two to six weeks during the summertime mating process, and during that time, they bond and release the eggs that will form the next generation.

The final population of the year is considered to be in productive diapause since it does not become reproductive. These would be the butterflies that travel to Mexico to spend the winter. A few of these butterflies have a lifespan of up to nine months.

Among the most important functions, the milkweed plant plays in monarch preservation is that the female lays eggs solely on it. Before laying eggs, female monarchs will taste the leaves to ensure it is good milkweed leaf.

Throughout their life cycle, monarch butterflies travel through four phases and four generations per year. The four generations are really four separate butterflies that go through all four phases over the course of a year before starting anew with phase one and the first generation.

The final generation of resting monarch butterflies emerges in February and March in search of a mate. They then move east and north in search of a suitable nesting site. For the monarch, this is the beginning of phase one and generation one of the fresh years.

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How long does it take for a monarch chrysalis to hatch?

A famished caterpillar transforms into a pupa, and for 8-15 days, a monarch butterfly is inside of it. The magnificent orange and black wings of the butterfly emerge just before it is hatched.

When a monarch's cocoon is just about to break, it will become translucent, displaying the lovely butterfly within. You will know it will surface that day once it's entirely translucent.

During their lives, female monarchs deposit from 400 and 1200 eggs. A four-day period is required for an egg to develop. The monarch hatchling will first consume its own eggshell, which is rich in nutrition, followed by the milkweed plants.

A chrysalis is not that similar to a cocoon. It is only a butterfly caterpillar that spins cocoons, and only a moth caterpillar can develop chrysalises. Apart from a cocoon, which is made from a moth caterpillar's threads, chrysalises are found inside a butterfly caterpillar and emerge after the transformation process is initiated.

A monarch caterpillar does not require silk to build its pupa. Rather, it dangles invertedly on a plant or any other robust structure and loses its skin's exterior covering. A completely constructed pupa lies beneath, hardening like a thick outer skin. The caterpillar's body parts melt and reconfigure within the chrysalis to produce an adult butterfly.

How long does a monarch chrysalis stay black?

The exterior of a monarch pupa is light green with a sequence of dazzling gold spots. This chrysalis seems like a glossy, under-ripe apple from afar, but the monarch cocoon will not really stay green for an extended time. Its green tint disappears after 10 to 14 days, and the cocoon turns clear.

The butterfly is poised to emerge from the chrysalis when it becomes black or transparent. The species-specific time varies for this. Once the pupa darkens, monarch butterflies usually leave in 48 hours. The magnificent black and orange wings of the butterfly emerge just before it is hatched.

Monarch Chrysalis Stages Timeline

For three to eight days, monarchs are an egg. Then for 7-17 days, the butterfly is a caterpillar. The larval stage of a monarch butterfly's life is spent feeding and developing. When the monarch is a caterpillar, it expands 2,000 times its original size. It then transforms into a cocoon.

For 8-15 days, a monarch butterfly is in the pupal stage. A lovely butterfly emerges from this—the adult males and females pair in days. The life cycle starts anew when the females release their small eggs.

The majority of monarchs are conceived during the spring and early summer. They only survive for two to six weeks. Monarch butterflies hatched in the late summer are unique. These are the monarchs that spend the winters in central Mexico. They might survive for up to eight months.

Monarch Caterpillar Stages

The monarch butterfly has four stages in its life cycle. These are the monarch butterfly eggs, the larval stage, the chrysalis phase, and the adult monarch stage. The monarchs lay their eggs, and before the eggs hatch, and up till they become adult monarchs, they go through each of these phases.

The caterpillar progresses through five phases of development. Each of the levels is called instars. A caterpillar molts five times before becoming a chrysalis as it matures. The caterpillar advances towards the next monarch instars every time it molts.

The caterpillar is so little right after it hatches that it can scarcely be noticed. A Monarch caterpillar will normally eat its eggshell before eating its first mouthful of milkweed. A caterpillar's vision is weak, and it can't tell the difference between day and nighttime.

In their life cycle, after they hatch from the eggs, they turn into monarch caterpillars, and after this, they enter the pupal stage. From this, they turn into adult butterflies.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the article on monarch chrysalis stages, then why not take a look at cockroach larvae or monarch butterfly facts?

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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Fact-checked by Vikhaash Sundararaj

Bachelor of Fine Arts specializing in International Business

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Vikhaash SundararajBachelor of Fine Arts specializing in International Business

With a background in International Business Management, having completed his degree at the University of Hull. Vikhaash has volunteered with 'Teach For India' to help students create a monthly newsletter. In his free time, he enjoys sports and was the assistant captain of his school's hockey team. He has also gained marketing experience through an internship at Decathlon Sports India.

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