35 Best Bugs Bunny Quotes From The Looney Tunes

Anusuya Mukherjee
Dec 12, 2023 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Feb 05, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
 Girl's hand holding Looney Tunes tazo.

Who doesn't remember Bugs Bunny, that rascally rabbit with a quick wit? As a kid, so many of us would huddle in front of the TV, a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to laugh along with Bugs' antics on 'Looney Tunes'.

That timeless line, "Ehhh, What’s up Doc? ", still brings smiles to our faces. Leon Schlesinger Productions gifted us this carrot-chomping character, brought to life by Warner Bros. and the unique voice of Mel Blanc.

Can you believe Bugs first hopped onto the scene way back in the '30s? And yet, his popularity hasn't waned a bit! Get ready to reminisce and chuckle as we revisit some of Bugs' most memorable quotes.

Best Quotes From Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny is one of the most famous cartoon characters of all time and has made a mark on all of us with his slapstick humor, witty quotes, and sayings. Let’s take a look at some of the best quotes from Bugs Bunny to light up your day.

1. “Do you happen to know what the penalty is for shooting a fricaseeing rabbit without a fricaseeing rabbit license?”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Duck! Rabbit, Duck!'.

2. “It just goes to show ya that a one-eyed jackrabbit can beat a king.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Shishkabugs'.

3. “I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque!”

- Bugs Bunny.

4. “Here I go with the timid little woodland creature bit again. It’s shameful, but...eh, it’s a living.”

- Bugs Bunny.

5. "Of course you realize, this means war."

- Bugs Bunny.

6. “Oh you’re mistaken Mac, you see I’m not 777174, I’m only three and a half.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Big House Bunny'.

7. “Hurry, hurry, get your free cigars, every cigar’s a vote for Bugs Bunny.”

- Bugs Bunny.

8. “I'll be scared later. Right now I'm too mad.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Lumber Jack-Rabbit'.

9. “Well, what do you know? There's the little Wiener Schnitzel now.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Dumb Patrol'.

10. “Jumpin' without a parachute? Kinda dangerous, ain't it?”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'.

Classic Bugs Bunny Quotes

Bugs Bunny has been an iconic animated cartoon character that has been a part of movies, short films, compilations, and television series. Let’s take a look at some of the funniest bugs bunny quotes and 'Looney Tunes' quotes to make you roll on the ground.

11. “If an interesting monster can’t have an interesting hairdo I don’t know what this world is coming to.”

- Bugs Bunny.

12. “Okay Okay I'm shuttin' up. Why should I continue to keep yappin' when I'm told to shut up? I'm not the kind that don't know when to stop.”

- Bugs Bunny.

13. “Don’t think it hasn’t been a little slice of heaven…’cause it hasn’t!”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Hair-Raising Hare'.

14. “Ha! You have insult the great lover, the marquess of Queensbury Rules, take this!”

- Bugs Bunny.

15. “I wonder what the poor bunnies are doing this season?”

- Bugs Bunny.

16. “You know, sometimes me conscience bothers me… but not this time.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Bugs Bunny Rides Again'.

Best Bugs Bunny Quotes

Bugs Bunny is renowned around the world for his cracking remarks, and sayings, and has made a lasting impression on people of all ages. Let’s take a look at some of the best Bugs Bunny quotes to crack you up.

17. “For shame, doc. Hunting rabbits with an elephant gun. Why don’t you shoot yourself an elephant?”

- Bugs Bunny.

18. “So you call yourself a mounty. Heh heh heh heh, you can't catch me...Why, you couldn't even catch a cold. Ya know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna punch you right square in the nose.”

- Bugs Bunny.

19. “And remember, 'mud' spelled backwards is 'dum'.”

- Bugs Bunny.

20. “Well, what did you expect in an opera? A happy ending?”

- Bugs Bunny.

21. “Eeeeeeh, watch me paste that pathetic palooka with a powerful, pachydermous, percussion pitch.”

- Bugs Bunny.

22. “Now just a minute Red, ain’t you got that wrong? You mean, dead men tell no tales”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Buccaneer Bunny'.

23. “I know this defies the law of gravity, but I never studied law!”

- Bugs Bunny.

Famous Bugs Bunny Quotes

Bugs Bunny today is as famous as it was ever even in the present times. He still is famous due to his movies and the other characters he appeared on screen with, including his girlfriend, Lola Bunny.

24. “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive!”

- Bugs Bunny.

25. “Later I found myself in the Sahara desert, where I met the stupidest character of them all, Yosemite Sam.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Hare-abian Nights'.

26. “I’ve heard of Hell’s Angels, but I never thought I’d see one.”

- Bugs Bunny.

27. “Come on, come on, step on it, we’ve still gotta make Rio De Janeiro.”

- Bugs Bunny, 'Mutiny On The Bunny'.

28. “The way I run this thing you'd think I knew something about it.”

- Bugs Bunny.

29. “Ha ha ha ha, can ya imagine old doc think that stuff would make anyone turn into a gruesome monster? Ha ha ha ha, eeeeh! ooooh!”

- Bugs Bunny.

30. “Carrots are divine… You get a dozen for a dime, It’s maaaa-gic!”

- Bugs Bunny.

31. "I bet you say that to all the rabbits."

- Bugs Bunny.

32. "I don't ask questions, I just have fun."

- Bugs Bunny.

33. "What’s the hassle, Schmasel?"

- Bugs Bunny.

34. "Ooh, look a four-legged airplane."

- Bugs Bunny.

35. "Well, it's 5 o'clock somewhere."

- Bugs Bunny.

Well, there you have it, folks! A trip down memory lane with 35 of the most chuckle-worthy Bugs Bunny quotes.

If there's one thing to learn from this carrot-loving rabbit, it's his ability to find humor in every situation. Why not bring a little of Bugs' playful spirit into your own day? Maybe share a quote or two with your kids or friends!

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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