Fun Seychellois Cat Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Oct 20, 2022 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Come join us and read amazing Seychellois cat Facts!

In need of a companion who would always play with you, roll around, explore and be with you all the time? Meow, meow.

The slender Seychellois cats are here for the rescue! The first few characteristics you will point out on this rare little feline are its large ears and mesmerizing, crystal blue eyes. This little one is among the rarest breeds of cat within the oriental group.

You must be wondering if the history of this breed of the feline is linked to the Seychelles Islands? The origin of this comes from a British breeder Patricia Turner had come across travel journals where explorers of the Seychelles Islands spoke about coming across a breed of cat which had a white pattern on its fur coat.

Patricia then set out to recreate a cat breed with the characteristics as described in those journals. She decided to breed the bicolored Tortie Persian and the Siamese breeds.

The breeder Patricia Turner was successful in her attempts, and thus this people-oriented breed was created. FiFe has approved this newly created breed.

Having a fun time reading about the Seychellois cats? You can also enjoy our pages on the Siberian cat and the Burmese cat!

Seychellois Cat Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Seychellois cat?

Seychellois cats are a type of cats.

What class of animal does a Seychellois cat belong to?

Seychellois cats belong to the class of mammals.

How many Seychellois cats are there in the world?

We do not have an exact count on the total number of individuals of this breed.

Where do Seychellois cats live?

These white-black cats are usually adopted as pets and are found in breeder shops or pet homes.

What is a Seychellois cat's habitat?

These cats are specially bred. However, they suit well to any area with good availability of food.

Who do Seychellois cats live with?

The Seychellois Cat breed live comfortably with their human companions.

How long does a Seychellois cat live?

These cats are known to have a lifespan of about 12-16 years.

How do they reproduce?

We are not aware of any specific reproductive rituals followed in this people-oriented breed.

In general, the female cat can begin breeding from as early as four months old. The breeding season is usually between the months of February all the way till October in areas of the northern hemisphere. The female would invite the male by yowling loudly, rolling around or rubbing against other objects.

The pregnancy lasts for about two long months. The average kittens in the litter will be about four. The female cat can actually be bred by multiple male cats.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of this feline is unknown.

Seychellois Cat Fun Facts

What do Seychellois cats look like?

The head has a long, tapering  wedged structure. This triangular face has the wedge starting at the tip of the nose, flaring out till the ear tips. The head is of medium size.

There is a long line running straight from the nose till the top of its head. The face is complemented with pointed, triangular, large ears. The eyes have a beautiful almond shape, being slant towards the tip of the nose.

These eyes are of striking blue color. The head continues down to a long, slender neck . Next comes the body, which has a medium body. The anatomy is sleek, long and graceful, with the hips being narrower than their shoulders.

Their legs are slim and long, with the forelimbs being slightly shorter than the hind ones. This body has a long, tapering tail trailing behind. They do not have much long hair on their bodies.

Upon seeing them first, you would definitely find the similarity with Siamese cats, though with white patches. This degree of the white pattern varies and gives two (or three) types of Seychellois fur coats.

How cute are they?

These little ones and their blue eyes are absolutely cute!

How do they communicate?

Seychellois cats communicate just like any other feline, but are comparatively quieter than other breeds. They mainly communicate visually or vocally.

The posture of a cat mainly conveys how they feel. If they point their tails to the sky while walking, they are confident.

If they lie on their backs, exposing their bellies, they have a lot of trust in you. In fearful situations, the cat pulls in their body and tries making itself as compact as possible. If they are aggressive, their rumps are raised and they show their sharp claws and teeth.

Meows are usually done to get the attention of their mothers/owners. A cat purr is used to indicate a positive connection/emotional state. A deep growl often conveys aggression or unhappiness.

How big is a Seychellois cat?

We are unaware of how big this feline is. However, with the Siamese cats being one of the parent breed, the height of this cat can be about 8-10 in (20-25.4 cm), and their body lengths can be 11.5-14 in (29-36 cm).

This makes their lengths about three times as long as a golden hamster, and the heights being about two times that of the hamster's length.

How fast can Seychellois cats move?

Unfortunately, we are not aware of how fast this medium-sized at can move.

How much does a Seychellois cat weigh?

The weight of this breed of cat is about 4.4-11.02 lb (2-5 kg).

What are the male and female names of the species?

A male cat is generally called a 'tom', whereas the female one is known as the 'queen'.

What would you call a baby Seychellois cat?

A baby cat in general is called a kitten.

What do they eat?

Nutritious food in the right amounts is necessary for a healthy Seychellois cat. As most of the cat breeds feed on meat, cat foods must contain a large amount of protein. Fishes are a top favourite. Clean, fresh water also must be given to these cats. Remember not to give them raw meat, else this would make them sick!

Are they poisonous?

Nope! This cat breed is not poisonous at all!

Would they make a good pet?

Absolutely yes! They make amazing pets to people of all ages.

Did you know...

The piebald gene decides the degree of white patches in these cats. The presence of this piebald gene happens to be graded from the rank 1 - stating an almost black boy- to the highest of 10 - being almost entirely white.

Common degrees of the white colour present in the Seychellois cats are 8 and 9, though 7 is also sometimes considered.

Degree 8 refers to Huitiéme, with the largest presence of white patches. These patches are not present on the legs, tail, ears as well as the head.

Huitiéme means 8th in French. Degree 9 refers to Neuviéme, with the least  presence of white patches with a different color on the head and tail only. Neuvieme refers to the 9th value in French.

There also exists a third variant, Degree 7, called the Septième. Under this, the white gene is considerably smaller, with color being present on the body, head, tail as well as the slender legs.

Though named the Seychellois cats, these little ones are not quite found in Seychelles.

It was only in the year of 2015 when the Fédération Internationale Féline, also known as FiFe, recognized the Seychellois breed and awarded it with a championship status. FiFe is the one and only major cat registry of the world to have recognised the Seychellois breed.  No other major cat registry has approved this new breed.

Nowadays, any cats of the Siamese or the Balinese cat breed which are bicolored are considered to be one of the Seychellois ones. Thus, there are now two different type: the Seychellois longhair as well as the Seychellois shorthair.  Thus, the Seychellois does not have an independent breed of its own.

Are they friendly?

These blue-eyed intelligent creatures love company and build strong bonds with their owners. They do not like a solitary lifestyle. These are absolutely good pets for a big family or community.

Mind you, these little felines are hungry for attention! These animals are also extremely curious and quite intelligent too. They are also easy to carry as they have no much body weight.

Are they hypoallergenic?

We are not sure if these intelligent felines are hypoallergenic or not. However, the breed from which the Seychellois Cats were created, the Siamese cats, are a hypoallergenic family. The short hair on their bodies does not shed much, thus making grooming easier.

Learn more about some other mammals on our pages, such as the Asian golden cat interesting facts and  leopard cat amazing facts.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring on one of our free printable Seychellois cat coloring pages.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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