Fun Tawitawi Brown-dove Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Oct 20, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 19, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Read these thrilling and interesting Tawaitawi brown-dove facts.

Tawitawi brown-doves are endemic to the Philippines. They were once threatened with extinction, but their numbers have increased in recent years and they fall in the endangered list thanks to conservation efforts and protection laws passed by Philippines lawmakers.

These birds have dark plumage with tawny shading on their heads and breast feathers. Males also sport striking blue wing patches while females lack these highlights altogether.

They do share some similar features like numerous white spots along the chest area which makes females look lighter than their male counterparts when flying together to create mating pairs or parade lines during courtship displays near nesting sites.

They have beautiful feathers and live alongside other animals like monkeys, lemurs, lizards, and snakes. These doves eat grasses, grains, fruits, and nuts from plants no more than 5 ft (1.52 m) high.

They also eat insects such as ants and termites while perched up at eye level with other animals like goats for company who make enough noise for them when predators come close.

The Tawitawi brown dove bird species has one of the most fascinating nesting behaviors on earth as they lay their eggs atop other nests. The reasoning for this behavior has not yet been discovered but it provides a great opportunity for parasitism.

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Tawitawi Brown-Dove Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Tawitawi brown-dove?

The Tawitawi brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) bird is a type of threatened bird species endemic to the Philippines.

What class of animal does a Tawitawi brown-dove belong to?

The eared brown dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) bird species belongs to the class Aves just like many other birds, including a dove. The Tawaitawi brown-dove bird belongs to the Columbidae family, genus Phapiteron, and kingdom Animalia.

How many Tawitawi brown-doves are there in the world?

You would be surprised to know that the Tawitawi brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) bird species is not abundant throughout the world. They have become threatened due to hunting and farming practices such as deforestation in their habitats. Their numbers are not known.

Where does a Tawitawi brown-dove live?

The fascinating yet elusive brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) species likes living deep within forests as well as remote island habitats far away from human influence.

What is a Tawitawi brown-dove's habitat?

A Tawitawi brown-dove bird is an endemic species that resides on the Philippine Islands and in forests. These birds are considered an endangered animal species as their population has dropped considerably.

Who do Tawitawi brown-doves live with?

The Tawitawi brown dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) bird species is usually found living alone or with a few other birds. However, they do not live in large flocks like other species as many bird watchers might expect. They also live alongside other animals like monkeys, ring-tailed lemurs, lizards, and snakes.

How long does a Tawitawi brown-dove live?

In the wild, a Tawitawi brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) bird can live for up to 15 years. This is a long time considering how tiny this birds species is.

How do they reproduce?

The Tawitawi brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) engages in a courtship ritual, often producing different sounds with their wings as they flutter. They build nests from twigs and leaves on top of low bushes near water sources where it is easy to find food.

The female lays an average of one egg at a time that takes about 14 days for incubation until hatching occurs.

What is their conservation status?

The eared brown dove species of the Philippines has the conservation status of Endangered.

Tawitawi Brown-Dove Fun Facts

What do Tawitawi brown-doves look like?

Tawitawi brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) birds are small birds that live in the Philippines, east of Malaysia. They have a light brown body with black feathers and six white spots on their wings.

They have a dark gray head, throat, chestnut collar around their neck, and bright red eyes which they use to attract mates during the breeding season They also puff up their brownish-colored feathers under their necks which is called 'luster'.

* Please note that this is an image of an African mourning dove. If you have an image of a Tawitawi brown-dove please let us know at

How cute are they?

The tawny-colored doves of Tawitawi were already a popular tourist attraction, but this species cuteness is what has made them truly special. They have wide black eyes which helps them with identification of food. Their eyes make them seem to be always smiling as they sit on branches in the shade or fly around searching for food.

How do they communicate?

The species of Tawitawi brown-dove (Phapitreron cinereiceps) birds has mastered the art of communication in its quest for love. They are able to speak volumes through chirping, clucking, or crowing that often leads them into an exciting mating ritual.

How big is a Tawitawi brown-dove?

The eared brown dove species of the genus Phapiteron, and family Columbidae can range up to 10-11 in (27-30 cm) in length.

How fast can a Tawitawi brown-dove fly?

In the past, this birds species was commonly observed flying at speeds up to 60 mph (90 kph). In recent years, they have been seen flying in the range of 40 mph (65 kph) during flight time due to increased predation and loss of habitat sites in their natural range.

How much does a Tawitawi brown-dove weigh?

This bird species's weight range is between 0.2-0.3 lb (110-180 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Both female and male birds of this species of the family Columbidae go by the name brown doves.  Identification of the sex can be difficult due to their many similarities.

What would you call a baby Tawitawi brown-dove?

The baby brown dove species are popularly known as baby doves or dove chicks.

What do they eat?

This bird species of the family Coulbidae are known to feed on plant seeds and corn. They fly around the forests in search of food.

Are they dangerous?

Tawitawi brown-doves are not dangerous in fact, they are very passive. Their muted colors of gray and white feathers combined with a dark eye patch on the backside of their head make their identification hard due to camouflaging.

Would they make a good pet?

They definitely would! As they are endangered it is next to impossible to find this species in their habitat range site and keep them as your pet back home. Also, as they are Endangered, these doves should be allowed to live freely in their natural habitat site.

Did you know...

This species of doves does not migrate in search of food but instead, they prefer staying at their habitat site throughout the year.

How many eggs do Tawitawi brown-dove lay?

This dove species of the family Columbidae are known to lay two eggs.

What sounds do Tawitawi brown-doves make?

The Tawitawi brown-dove is a beautiful species of the family Columbidae that has the ability to communicate through sound with other members of its own kind as well as humans. They have varied chirping patterns which range from soft 'tweets' all the way up to loud 'caws', similar to that of little crows.

These sounds are very peculiar and help in their identification.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these little crow facts and military macaw facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Tawitawi brown dove coloring pages.

* Please note that the main image is a laughing dove. If you have an image of a Tawitawi brown-dove please let us know at

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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