Fun Thick-billed Raven Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 26, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao
Discover interesting thick-billed raven facts.

Are you fascinated by ravens like the white-necked raven? Then here we have all the information on the thick-billed raven.

The raven is an animal that is known as a scavenger. Ravens are excellent at hunting and intelligent enough to carry out hunts of large game in a group. The thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) is the same, but it is the largest among all the species.

These ravens can only be found around Ethiopia, Eritrea, northwest of Somalia, and southeast of Sudan. They live in open areas or forests of only highlands.

These birds have a distinctive large curved bill that can be enough on its own to scare away many other birds. Vultures move away from a carcass if they see these ravens approaching. However, their primary diet is not carcasses, but insects, lizards, snakes, small birds and mammals, and bird eggs. They eat some plant-based food as well.

Keep reading to know more about the thick-billed raven, and if you like this, then also check out the Australian raven and Himalayan vulture.

Thick-Billed Raven Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a thick-billed raven?

The thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) as evident from its name is a species of raven and is a type of bird.

What class of animal does a thick-billed raven belong to?

The thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) falls under the genus Corvus and class Aves of the Animalia Kingdom. This bird has no known subspecies.

How many thick-billed ravens are there in the world?

Ravens are very common and popular birds and are therefore found all across the globe. However, the thick-billed raven is a relatively new species that has been discovered recently. This means not much is known about the population of this species of bird. It is estimated that the population trend of this bird is relatively stable.

Where does a thick-billed raven live?

The thick-billed raven is endemic to a few African countries. It can primarily be found in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Some may be seen around the northwest of Somalia and southeast of Sudan.

What is a thick-billed raven's habitat?

Primarily, thick-billed ravens are only found living in highlands, at an elevation of about 4921-9842.5 ft (1500-3000 m). The birds prefer both forests and open lands, but mainly in highly elevated areas such as in mountainous cities, towns, or countries, but with the availability of large trees.

They are also seen around steep cliffs of plateaus, banks of small to medium water bodies, or agricultural fields.

Who do thick-billed ravens live with?

Thick-billed ravens are not very social. They are known to live in pairs or in family groups. They mostly forage alone and very rarely can they be seen in groups of more than 10 birds.

How long does a thick-billed raven live?

The exact lifespan of the long thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) is not known. However, ravens, in general, live for 10-15 years in the wild and 30-40 years in captivity.

How do they reproduce?

The breeding season of thick-billed ravens has been noticed to arrive around the months of December to April in Ethiopia. These birds are known to be monogamous. Not much is known about the courtship behavior of these birds.

The female lays about three to five eggs on average. It is not known how long the incubation or fledging period lasts. However, the chicks are known to stay with their parents even long after they become independent.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of the thick-billed raven according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature is listed as Least Concern.

Thick-Billed Raven Fun Facts

What do thick-billed ravens look like?

The thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) is a large-sized bird. The most distinguishable feature of these birds is their very large bills compared to the body. This bill has a heavily curved shape on the top which gives it a look similar to hornbills when the bird is flying.

This bird also has a wedged tail. The plumage is entirely black with a bluish-purple to blue gloss on the dorsal side, and the black becomes a bit dull on the ventral side.

They also have a tint of brown on the side of their neck and on the throat. On the nape, they have a big white-colored patch. They also have a white tip on their bill.

How cute are they?

These birds may not seem appealing to everyone due to their resemblance to big-sized crows, like the carrion crow. They also become aggressive if they feel threatened.

How do they communicate?

Thick-billed ravens communicate visually and vocally. Their calls are usually high-pitched, sometimes a low-pitched guttural sound resembling croaking can also be heard. They also make sounds like 'harr-harr', 'grrarrr', or 'urrrk'.

How big is a thick-billed raven?

Thick-billed ravens are usually 23.6-27.6 in (60-70 cm) in terms of length. They are similar in size to a common raven. A common raven is about 22-30.7 in (56-78 cm) in length.

How fast can a thick-billed raven fly?

The exact speed at which a thick-billed raven can fly is unknown. However, ravens, in general, if trained, can fly at a maximum speed of 48 mph (77 kph).

How much does a thick-billed raven weigh?

On average, an adult thick-billed raven can weigh about 2.5-3.3 lb (1.15-1.5 kg).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Males of this species are called cocks and females of this species are called hens.

What would you call a baby thick-billed raven?

A baby thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) is called a chick, nestling, or hatchling.

What do they eat?

These birds are omnivorous in nature, with an animal-based diet being their primary choice. They prey on insects, caterpillars, locusts, snakes, beetle larvae, small mammals and birds, bird eggs, and lizards. Their plant-based diet includes grains and berries. They can sometimes be seen alongside vultures feeding on carcasses.

Are they dangerous?

They are not dangerous other than to the animals they prey on. They might become aggressive and attack humans if they feel threatened by them, but there are no known records of these birds harming or killing any human to date.

Would they make a good pet?

Ravens, in general, can make good pets, but we would not recommend it.. A raven is an intelligent bird and is capable of adapting to its environment if taken in as a chick. There are no records of thick-billed ravens being kept as pets, but we can assume that they can be trained.

These ravens are aggressive birds and should not be kept in a cage in your house.

Did you know...

The thick-billed raven (Corvus crassirostris) makes nests at an elevation of about 49-66 ft (15-20 m) at the crossing of large and strong branches of big trees, often at the ledges of cliffs. They make big nests out of sticks and branches.

The upper portion of the nest is usually hollow and lined with grass, rags, strings, coarse hair, or wool.

What is the difference between crows and ravens?

The main differences between a crow and a raven are the size and calls. The raven is always the larger bird of the two. In terms of calls, a crow makes a 'caw caw' sound, whereas, the calls of a raven are rather heavier, deeper, like a croaking sound.

What is the biggest raven in the world?

The thick-billed raven, endemic to Africa, is known to be the biggest or largest among all species of ravens in the world. It shares this title with the common raven.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our vulture facts and American kestrel facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable bird outline coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

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Pradhanya RaoBachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

With a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Christ University, Bangalore, Pradhanya's passion for the English language and literature led her to explore the field of content writing, where she has gained extensive experience in writing, reviewing, editing, and fact-checking. She has also earned certifications in Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, and Social Media Marketing, showcasing her proficiency in digital marketing.

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