Jersey Calf Coloring Page

Aashita Dhingra
Sep 16, 2022 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Mar 06, 2021

Kids who enjoy coloring will love this free printable Jersey calf coloring pages resource. Jersey calf goes by the scientific name ‘Bos taurus taurus’.

Jersey calves are the cutest babies and they weigh around 42-72 lb (19,050- 32,658 g) at birth. Compared to other breeds of cow, Jersey calves are unique and are extremely curious.

Jersey calves have stylish eyes and they like to play with their tongue. Male Jersey calves grow up to be the meanest bulls and they can even be the leaders of herds.

During their birth, Jersey calves hardly face any problems or diseases. Because of their higher ratio of body surface to body mass, body heat in Jersey calves dissipates faster, thus resulting in the calves being more prone to cold and dehydration.

They are also considered to be the first ones to brew up trouble and also love to hang out in groups. This helpful sheet can be used to help kids with their coloring skills and also learn some facts about the Jersey calf.

Did you know? The Jersey breed of cattle is the second largest breed of dairy cattle in the whole world.

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