100 Best Momentum Quotes To Push Forward

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Dec 12, 2023 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Mar 13, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
People Never giving up, strength and power.

Momentum is the positive energy that you create when your efforts are rewarded.

This strives you to work harder and never give up. Momentum brings about better results and motivates you like nothing ever did.

Momentum is very infectious in a way that it can transcend to other people as well. Positive momentum fuels a change in mindset thus creating a path towards success. Here are some of the best building momentum quotes to share with every person you know.

If you like this check out keep going quotes and speed quotes.

Positive Momentum Quotes

Here you will find momentum quotes to reach the top.

1. "The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum.”

— Tony Robbins.

2. “Commitment is the ignitor of momentum.”

- Peggy Wood.

3.“If it’s what you want to do and it’s within yourself, then try to get momentum out of it to do it for the rest of your life.”

– Jake Gyllenhaal.

4. "Most of life is routine - dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going.”

- Ben Nicholas.

5. “Develop and maintain momentum by working continuously toward your sales goals every day.”

– Brian Tracy.

6. “Momentum begets momentum, and the best way to start is to start.”

- Gil Penchina.

7. “When you're that successful, things have a momentum, and at a certain point you can't really tell whether you have created the momentum or it's creating you.”

–  Annie Lennox.

8. “For any movement to gain momentum, one must start with a small action.”

- Adam Braun.

9. “One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.”

- Michael Korda.

10. " Success is like a snowball, it takes momentum to build and the more you get in the right direction the bigger it gets."

- Steve Ferrante.

11. “Momentum solves 80% of your problems.”

— John C. Maxwell.

12. "The rate of change of momentum of a body over time is directly proportional to the force applied, and occurs in the same direction as the applied force."

- Sir Isaac Newton.

13. "Momentum? Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher."

- Earl Weaver.

14. “What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?”

— Tony Robbins.

15. "Choose to believe something good can happen. Expecting it to happen energizes your goal and actually gives it momentum."

- Nikita Koloff.

16. "Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired."

- Joe Rogan.

17. "All you have to do is bring the momentum and initiate."

- John C. Maxwell

18. “Success requires first expending 10 units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce 10 units of results with each unit of effort.”

– Charles J. Givens.

19. "Improvising things is always changing. A lot of momentum."

- Ikue Mori.

20. "More women speaking up and seizing the helm of power can create its own momentum. It can change the culture that helps perpetuate those external forces."

- Nancy Birdsall.

21. "While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it."

- John C. Maxwell.

22. "One positive step can put an end to negative momentum. Now is when you can take it."

- Ralph Marston.

23. "Start moving, a step at a time, step after step. The positive momentum will take you from there."

- Sarah Ban Breathnach.

24. "I value the momentum of making the list and the drive to tick."

- Sara Genn.

25. "Our power is motivating, and gives momentum and ownership of changes to those who dream of failure.”

― Lisa McMann.

26. "Momentum was momentum, whether you found it in music or on the street or in the beat of your own heart."

- Michael Connelly.

27. "For me, every sound has its own minute form - is composed of small flashing rhythms, shifting tones, has momentum, comes, vanishes, lives out its own structure."

- Annea Lockwood.

Keep The Momentum Going Quotes

Here you will find moving forward quotes and keep pushing quotes along with quotations about moving on in life.

28. “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving.”

– Conrad Hilton.

29. "People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed."

— Tony Robbins.

30. "Don't get bogged down with all the details of how it's going to come together. Just do the dishes. And watch the momentum build."

- Brian J. White.

31. “Keep moving ahead because action creates momentum, which in turn creates unanticipated opportunities.”

– Nick Vujicic.

32. "There is something about the momentum and travel that makes you want to just keep moving, to never stop."

- Bill Bryson.

33. "To get momentum, you must first focus on a specific goal with passion and intensity."

-Donald Trump.

34. “We have got to keep the momentum going in order to achieve all of our objectives.”

— Bill Vaughan.

35. “The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum."

- Frances Willard.

36. “Forward momentum. That’s my new motto. No regrets. And no going back.”

— Gayle Forman.

37. “When you turn 60, the key is to not stop moving. Once you start to stop moving, you rust. You got to just keep going.”

– Christie Brinkley.

38. “Things aren’t always easy, but you just have to keep going and don’t let the small stuff bog you down.”

– Stella Maeve.

39. "I'm pretty disciplined to keep the momentum of a story going by writing everyday, even if it's only a couple paragraphs or a page or two."

- James Rollins.

40. "The momentum of continuous action fuels motivation, while procrastination kills motivation."

- Steve Pavlina.

41. "Prose should have a flow, the forward momentum of a certain energized weight; it should feel like a voice tumbling in your ear."

- John Updike.

42. “It takes a leader to create the momentum, it takes a vision to direct the momentum, it takes a massive action to build on the momentum, and it takes self-discipline to sustain the momentum."

― Farshad Asl.

43. “When you find yourself in the thickness of pursuing a goal or dream, stop only to rest. Momentum builds success.”

- Suzy Kassem.

44. "Success is like a lightning bolt. It'll strike you when you least expect it, and you just have to keep the momentum going."

- Michelle Phan.

45. "I've got forward momentum. There's no virtue in it. It's just a balancing act. I don't dare stop."

- Lois McMaster Bujold.

46. "Actions kills procrastination and creates momentum to keep yourself motivated to keep moving ahead.”

- Dani Johnson.

47. "Courage is a self-inflicted quality that gains momentum step by step every time you try it."

- Jeffrey Gitomer.

Motivational Momentum Quotes

Here you will find momentum motivational quotes and inspirational quotes to keep going.

48. “A bird does not give up flying because it failed on its first attempt.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo.

49. "The first time you do anything, people always take a minute to try to figure it out, but once you witness it in person, the word starts to spread and it gains momentum year after year."

- Darren Criss.

50. "Never surrender to the momentum of mediocrity."

- Marlon Brando.

51. “When you focus your attention on your intention you gain momentum.”

- David Shoup.

52. “Sometimes being pushed to the wall gives you the momentum necessary to get over it!”

- Peter de Jager.

53. “The only thing to bring momentum that overcomes hard luck is hard work.”

— Harry Golden.

54. "People who use time wisely spend it on activities that build momentum advance their overall purpose in life."

- John C. Maxwell.

55. “As the arrow endures the string, and in the gathering momentum becomes more than itself. Because to stay is to be nowhere.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke.

56. “Always work hard.  Intensity clarifies.  It creates not only momentum but also the pressure you need to feel either friction or fulfillment.”

- Marcus Buckingham.

57. "Inertia and depression are linked. They tend to stick together. Blast them both with positive momentum.”

- LeAura Alderson.

58. “The rhythm of daily action aligned with your goals creates the momentum that separates dreamers from super-achievers .”

- Darren Hardy.

59. “A deadline combined with goal-oriented action creates momentum.”

-  Devani Anjali Alderson.

60. "Knowing that things are going to slow down in the future, no matter what, that allows me to work hard now, make hay while the sun is shining and knowing that - while momentum is rolling - we have to hit it hard."

- Granger Smith.

61. "Just give it a go and momentum will take you the rest of the way."

- Joe Wicks.

62. "You do your best, and you move forward. The key is to see the forward momentum and not beat yourself up about how it could have been better."

- Jane Park.

63. “Whatever beginning goals you set for yourself, following through on them will build momentum and a sense of achievement and those small success will point the way to bigger ones.”  

- Pamela Glass Kelly.

64. "To have no heroes is to have no aspiration, to live on the momentum of the past, to be thrown back upon routine, sensuality, and the narrow self."

- Charles Horton Cooley.

65. "Belief in oneself is incredibly infectious. It generates momentum."

- Aimee Mullins.

66. “A year from now you may wish you had the momentum of starting today.”

— Karen Lamb.

67. "When your momentum's going, that's when people really want to get to know about you."

- David Ortiz.

68. "To stay present in everyday life, it helps to be deeply rooted within yourself; otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum, will drag you along like a wild river."

- Eckhart Tolle.

Quotes About Momentum In Sports

Here you will inspirational momentum quotes and sayings about sports which are old but you may find inspirational.

69. "Momentum is a whole lot in the game of basketball. People dwell on momentum."

- John Wall.

70. "Peyton Royce and Billie Kay are two phenomenal workers. A bit of momentum, and we're going to see amazing things from them."

- Becky Lynch.

71. "I sat down with my trainers to check my past seasons and to see what could be done to keep me motivated and in good shape. I had to find a new motivation, a new momentum."

- Hermann Maier.

72. "One person can control the tempo of a game, can completely alter the momentum of a series."

- Kobe Bryant.

73. "It's the same with success and failure. There's always the momentum thing, but you just have to put whatever happened in the past behind you."

- Ben Stokes.

74. "Sliding headfirst is the safest way to get to the next base. You don't lose your momentum."

- Pete Rose.

75. "We got that momentum going, got in a rhythm, and you saw once we get into it, we can do pretty much anything we want to. We've got to get into that rhythm every game."

- Brian Brohm.

76. “You have to believe in yourself and keep up the momentum when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there.”

— Venus Williams.

77. "There are times when you're not in control, but that is tennis and you have momentum changing in every single match."

- Samantha Stosur.

78. "When I put Fight together, I wanted to maintain the momentum."

- Rob Halford.

Political Momentum Quotes

Here you will find political and historical quotes on momentum.

79. "The momentum of freedom in our world is unmistakable - and it is not carried forward by our power alone."

- Goerge W. Bush.

80. "The smallest gaffe when the momentum is against you is a disaster."

- Ed Miliband.

81. "As economic globalization gathers momentum, China and the United States have become highly interdependent economically."

- Xi Jinping.

82. "Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself."

- Hannah Arendt.

83. "I put forward a budget of what I called middle-class economics that continues to be fiscally prudent but makes necessary investments for us to continue the economic momentum and job growth."

- Barack Obama.

84. "It is human nature to be shortsighted and to lose momentum to always make changes once the story is out of the headlines."

- Sheri Fink.

85. "There is no leash on power anymore and Americans face the situation that this power is getting momentum with each passing year with each presidency."

- James Bovard.

86. "There is a certain amount of momentum that is achieved when one country after another reopens their borders."

- Mike Johanns.

87. "It's hard for the White House to regain momentum if the Congress is in disarray."

- Calvin Jillson.

88. "A certain momentum develops in constitutional theory and it can be a 'downhill thrust' easily set in motion but difficult to retard or stop."

- Warren E. Burger.

89. "The debate was a chance for senator Sanders to have a game-changing moment to recapture the news cycle and build momentum going into 2016."

- Melissa Harris-Perry.

90. "The danger is that the compromises and special interests inherent in Kyoto-style targets and cap-and-trade will be accepted because of bureaucratic momentum."

- James Hansen.

91. "The one great element in continuing the success of an offensive is maintaining the momentum."

- George C. Marshall.

92. "Nasty rumors like that must be squashed before they gain momentum."

- Rachel Vincent.

Business Momentum Quotes

Here you will find quotes about momentum in business.

93. "Most companies fritter away their momentum and their valuable resources while attempting to make a decision."

- Andy Grove.

94. "In an economy that already has lost some momentum, one must remain alert to the possibility of weakening asset values in financial markets."

- Alan Greenspan.

95. "The words carry their own momentum. A confession in motion tends to stay in motion."

- Erica Jong.

96. "The perception of a resurgence in crime can be enough to paralyze business momentum and destroy the sense of security that a vibrant and progressive city requires."

- Alan Autry.

97. "Always keep momentum, it's this prime directive for managing a startup."

- Sam Altman.

98. “It’s fine to celebrate momentum of success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

— Bill Gates.

99. “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision gives you momentum.”

— Steve Jobs.

100. "Knock out a small debt first so you get a quick win. Momentum is key."

- Dave Ramsey.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the article on momentum quotes then why not take a look at you got this quotes, or trust the process quotes?

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

Rajnandini Roychoudhury picture

Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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