35 Freaky Friday Quotes

John Akinrinade
Mar 14, 2023 By John Akinrinade
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Edited by Anupama Ghosh
Freaky friday quote by Anna Coleman.

Freaky Friday is an American fantasy-comedy movie that premiered on August 6, 2003.

The movie centers around Anna Coleman (Lindsay Lohan) living with her Mom, Tess Coleman (Jamie Lee Curtis), and brother Harry Coleman (Ryan Malgarini). A high point in the movie is the decision of Tess Coleman to Marry Ryan.

The decision to marry Ryan leads to a constant conflict of interest. The peak of it at a Chinese restaurant, leading to a switch of bodies. Freaky Friday quotes are timeless depictions of human interaction and relationships.

Best Freaky Friday Quotes

Here are some remarkable Freaky Friday quote lines that would redefine your inner circle relationships.

"Anna, Tess: A journey soon begins...

Tess Coleman: ...its prize reflected in the other's eyes.

Anna Coleman: When what you see is what you lack...

Anna, Tess: ...then selfless love will change you back."

"Like cooking: I mean, have you never heard of takeout? And cleaning: let's don't and say we did. Quality time with your kids: You know what? Quit bugging 'em. Leave 'em alone. They like it!" - Anna Coleman (in Tess's body)

"Dottie Robertson: Loved your book; I actually read this one.

Anna (in Tess's body): That makes one of us."

"Anna (in Tess's body): So, let's do this thingy.

Ryan: You mean our wedding rehearsal?

Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, whatever."

"You have always put the kids first. That's exactly how it should be, that's how I want it. I never pushed Anna, because I want her to like me on her own terms, in her own way." - Ryan

"Tess (in Anna's body): Honey. Look, I think something's happened to us.

Anna (in Tess's body): What are you?

Tess (in Anna's body): It's me, Mom.

Anna (in Tess's body): You're not my mother!

Tess (in Anna's body): Yes, I am.

Anna (in Tess's body): Get away, you clone freak!

Tess (in Anna's body): Don't you use that tone with me!

Anna (in Tess's body): Oh my God, you are my mother!"

"Anna: You couldn't last one day in my high school.

Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without getting a detention."

"I was singing in the shower again, not well, I may add, but I was still worried about my kids Anna and Harry, whether or not they would be able to accept a new man in their life and now I know how Anna feels" - Anna (in Tess's body)

Funniest Freaky Friday Quotes

These Freaky Friday quotes will provide some comic relief while keeping you in touch with life's reality.

"Anna (in Tess's body): It's easy to be you. I'll just suck the fun out of everything.

Tess (in Anna's body): I do not suck the fun out of everything.

Anna (in Tess's body): Fun-sucker."

"Root canal? That's not fair; they're not my teeth." - Anna Coleman (in Tess's body)

"Anna (in Tess's body): I'm old!

Tess (in Anna's body): I beg your pardon!

Anna (in Tess's body): Oh, I'm like the Cryptkeeper!"

"Tess (in Anna's body): And what are you doing with this? [grabs a box of french fries]

Anna (in Tess's body): I'm eating.

Tess (in Anna's body): You cannot eat fast food.

Anna (in Tess's body): Why not?

Tess (in Anna's body): Because it will go down your throat and drop instantly to my thighs!"

"Tess (in Anna's body): I look like Stevie Nicks.

Anna (in Tess's body): Who's he?"

"Pei-Pei: Oh, she's crazy.

Pei-Pei's Mom: Like a fox."

"Grandpa: Stop groveling, man. Let her come to YOU.

Ryan: She'd come with a hatchet."

"Ryan: You know what, I'm not really a prying kind of guy, but just for the heck of it, I was wondering what you were doing on the eve of our wedding straddling some guy on the back of a big black Harley?

Tess Coleman: Hello, it was a Ducati!"

"Halibut? Eww! That's disgusting! What kind of caterer ARE you?" - Anna (in Tess's body)

"Anna (in Tess' body): Mom, maybe we should go to the emergency room.

Tess (in Anna's body): Oh no! All that will get us is a 72-hour lockdown in a psych ward and a Thorazine drip. No, we're not going anywhere."

"Jake: You know, it's just... Yesterday was freaky, and I mean, I see your mom... And I like her. I mean, not "like her" like her, but, you know, I mean... Like her as your mom. Listen, do you think we could just rewind this whole thing and start again?

Anna: [smiles] I'd like that."

"Tess (in Anna's body): You pierced your navel?

Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, I... meant to talk to you about that.

Tess (in Anna's body): When did you do this?

Anna (in Tess's body): At Maddie's cousin's sweet 16.

Tess (in Anna's body): Well, when you get your body back, it's grounded."

"She is dead, worse than dead. She will spend the next year in a phoneless, dateless, Amish existence." - Tess (in Anna's body).

"Anna (in Tess's body): So you're in my body, and I'm in your body. Why don't we, like...

Tess (in Anna's body): Yes, yes, I see what you're saying. A jolt! Okay, you go over there, and I go over here. Okay, when I say go. Ready? Go!"

Memorable Freaky Friday Quotes

These Freaky Friday quotes will leave a lasting impression, accurately depicting human nature.

"Tess Coleman: Hello, Dr. Coleman. Yes, Elizabeth. Yes, Elizabeth, I'll be at the appointment tomorrow. Ok, good. And Elizabeth, remember, you are a smart, strong, beautiful, independent woman and you don't need a man to complete you.

Butcher Woman: Thank you.

Tess Coleman: Goodbye."

"Privacy is a privilege, Anna." - Tess Coleman.

"Ryan: OK, where are we going next, Harry's school?

Anna (in Tess's body): Oh, he can walk from here.

Harry Coleman: It's 20 blocks!

Anna (in Tess's body): Fresh air will do you good.

Harry Coleman: But what about bullies?

Anna (in Tess's body): Run fast."

"Anna Coleman (in her mom's body, pointing at Pei-Pei): I think she knows exactly what we're talking about!

Tess Coleman (in Anna's body): Let's hit her!"

"Darling. Could you, like, chill for a sec?" - Anna Coleman (in Tess's body)

"Tess Coleman: I am beyond cutting you slack, Anna, but you are not going to the audition!

Anna Coleman: Yes, I am!

Tess Coleman: No, you're not!

Anna Coleman: Why not?!

Tess Coleman: Because I said so!

Pei-Pei's Mom: Cookie?"

"How can you say I don't care? I'm not that guy, Tess, and if that's who you think I am, then this is never gonna work." - Ryan

"...but somebody could be part of a new family it's own kind of cool, new little unit and that for someone as special as Ryan that we would all just make a little room Anna really wanted her mom to know that." - Anna (in Tess's body)

Sad Freaky Friday Quotes

These Freaky Friday quotes will make you realize that life is not a bed of roses. Thus, the need to constantly balance both sides of life's reality.

"Three years ago we had a really bad thing happen we lost a father and a husband and I didn't think we'd ever get over it but then this guy next to me" - Anna (in Tess's body)

"Anna (in Tess's body): and what she feels is that...

[Tess starts to get emotional]

Anna (in Tess's body): No-one could ever take the place of her Dad"

"Anna (in Tess's body): Are you mad?

Ryan: No.

Anna (in Tess's body): Do you, like, not want to get married now?

Ryan: No. No I don't. Not if you're gonna put me in this role."

"Anna Coleman (in Tess's body): You read her diary? Gross! Bad! Bad mom award!"

"Ryan: One more day.

Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, it's great we're getting married, isn't it? Even though my husband died. How quickly I've been able to get over it."

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Written by John Akinrinade

Bachelor of Science specializing in Public Administration

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John AkinrinadeBachelor of Science specializing in Public Administration

John is a highly qualified professional, holding a degree in Public Administration and a Diploma in Local Government Studies from Obafemi Awolowo University. He is also a qualified Chartered Accountant. With a diverse background in finance and writing, John has been producing high-quality copy as a content producer and copywriter for several years, both in the UK and Nigeria. John's unique combination of financial expertise and writing prowess allows him to produce compelling, well-researched content that is both informative and engaging. 

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