33 Peppa Pig Quotes

Martha Martins
Sep 27, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Oct 21, 2022
Find what Kidadl has to say about the Peppa Pig quotes.


Peppa Pig is an adorable family of four - Mommy Pig, Daddy Pig, baby brother pig George.

Did you know Peppa Pig's real name is Pepperius? No, well, we are here to tell all about this pretty sweet little pink face piggy.

Peppa Pig has gained quite a hype in the past few years. She is Twitter's new meme star, as the platform is flooded with several meme templates. This happened when a snap of Google went viral, which was about the height of Peppa Pig. It said it was seven in.

Sounds funny, doesn't it? Out of everything else in the world, she loves muddy puddles. She also loves her little brother, George. Her cuteness is portrayed by the words - messy mommy and silly daddy.

Her best friend is Suzy Sheep, and their friendship is the sweetest in the world. They give out a great lesson on friendship as well.

Peppa's little fans will love this charming and humor-filled gift, packed with fun extras. To justify Peppa and her desirable attributes, we have come up with this Peppa Pig quotes list that you'll enjoy reading. These quotes have valuable life lessons despite being sassy and savage.

Peppa Pig Funny Quotes

Peppa Pig is a loved and bossy little pig. She loves going on adventures and likes to bring her favorite teddy everywhere. However, the fun part starts when she is brutally honest towards Daddy Pig, Suzy Sheep, and others. Let's find out more about her funny side.

"You have to say the secret words."

"Silly daddy, your tummy is so big."

"Ooh, look at me, I'm Suzy Sheep, and you say this - Micky, macky, boo, baa, boo."

"But Daddy, you are too big to go down the slide."

"Mummy, why does Polly copy everything granny says?"

Peppa Pig Cute Quotes

Let us look at some interesting quotes from Peppa Pig that have touched millions of hearts. She's adorable and a favorite of Daddy Pig.

"I am a wiggly worm; I am a wiggly worm! How do you do? I love you. I am a wiggly worm."

"Mommy, now you have made the cars all muddy again.

"Naughty, messy mommy."

"Hello, Suzy Sheep! My mommy is in the blackberry bush and will be there for 100 years."

"Stop George! I must check if it is safe for you."

"George, there are two kinds of balloons in this world - the up balloons and the down balloons.

Look, those are up balloons."

Peppa Pig Inspirational Quotes

Peppa is an outgoing preschool who is energetic and loves participating in activities. She loves to learn something new every day.

"Before I go in my tree house, I must take off my muddy boots."

"If you are jumping up and down in the muddy puddles you must wear rain boots."

"Daddy! It's stopped raining. Can we go out to play?"

"Sorry mummy. I was just showing George what not to do."

"Mummy? Would you like to have a nice walk in the garden?"

Peppa Pig Savage Quotes

Peppa is a widely popular show that has been broadcasted in over 180 countries and is one of the most preferred choices of kids learning TV shows. Though this show is an entertainment package, it is also a master class of sass and humor. Let's find out!

"Well, I am a fairy princess. I can turn you into a frog."

"That's because you're very, very old, Daddy!"

"Where's your big tummy gone, Daddy?

"It's hard to choose one talent. I am good at so many things."

"Blah, blah, blah! That's how daddies talk.

"That's because I am so interesting."

"I would have won if you hadn't been talking to me, Suzy!"

Peppa Pig Love Quotes

Like all the family, Peppa pig and his family share an extraordinary loving bond - from making cards and planning birthday surprises for Daddy Pig to making a going away card for her best friend Suzy Sheep. The thing that she loves the most is - jumping in muddy puddles.

"I made you a going away card. Also, you can have this. It's my most favorite plastic crown, because you are so special, and so you don't forget me. So, you can keep it forever."

"I am sorry I said you cheated. Even though you did."

"I can still see the crack, Daddy!"

"Ice-cream! The ice cream is the best in the world."

"George, you've done it all wrong."

Peppa Pig Adventurous Quotes

When it comes to adventure, Peppa is always up for it. Also, she wants Daddy Pig, Mommy Pig, little piggy George, and even Suzy Sheep, to join her. Here are some more amusing quotes from Peppa Pig that shows off her adventurous self.

"If I were a fairy princess, I would live in a tree house."

"Let's play in my room. I'll be the princess and this is my plastic crown."

"Granny, granny, mummy had an adventure. She fell in the bush and she looked quite silly, and she was going AHHHHH! Help me! Help me! Then, daddy came and rescued her."

“Everything is on a hill around here. My house is on a hill, the supermarket is on a hill. Rebecca Rabbit lives inside a hill. It's all hills, hills, hills!”

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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