39 Rocky Marciano Quotes

Spandana Kantam
Mar 14, 2023 By Spandana Kantam
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Get motivated and bring out the best with these fantastic and uplifting Rocky Marciano quotes.

Rocky Marciano held the heavyweight crown from 1952-1956 and has motivated millions of individuals through his work.

He won 49 straight fights against top boxers, including Jersey Joe Walcott, Joe Frazier, and Don Cockell. He was the only person to have held his title undefeated.

Rocky Marciano was among the most inspirational boxers of the past. It is his words and work that made him popular among young people.

His greatness was depicted by the fictional character Rocky Balboa by Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky series. He and his fictional character represent the opportunities one encounters and symbolize the crucial decision one must make.

Through his life experiences, he exemplifies the guts it takes to win, succeed, and accomplish anything without fear. Rocky Marciano's quotes are truly inspirational and anyone would need these to uplift themselves in difficult times.

If you are at a stage in life where you need strength to rise as a champion, then these Rocky Marciano quotes can motivate you to take a step ahead and move with courage. Here, we are providing you with top Rocky Marciano quotes that will inspire you.

Rocky Marciano Quotes On Boxing

Did your love and admiration for Rocky Marciano, the professional boxer, get you interested in boxing? If so, then you may be looking for Rocky Marciano quotes on boxing to get you inspired through your boxing journey.

Below you will find exactly the type of Rocky Marciano quotes that will hype you up and motivate you to take your interest in boxing forward.

“What could be better than walking down any street in any city and knowing you're the heavyweight champion of the world.” 

"If this is something you wanna do, and if this is something you gotta do, then you do it. Fighters fight."

"I was on my face. I heard the count from one to 10. I kept telling myself that I had to get up, but I couldn't move. I couldn't make myself move. It was the strangest feeling."

"I have always adhered to two principles. The first one is to train hard and get in the best possible physical condition. The second is to forget all about the other fellow until you face him in the ring and the bell sounds for the fight."

"Why waltz with a guy for 10 rounds if you can knock him out in one?"

"In the ring, I never really knew fear."

"I don't want to be remembered as a beaten champion."

"There is no doubt that man is a competitive animal and there is no place where this fact is more obvious than in the ring. There is no second place. Either you win or you lose."

"When they call you a champion, it's because you don't lose."

“Liston is like most big bullies, if you can stay away and make him miss for a few rounds he'll get frustrated. Once you strip away that feeling if invincibility, he can be had.” 

"Roland La Starza was tough, but Ezzard Charles was the toughest man I ever fought. I learned what pain was all about when I fought him."

Rocky Marciano Quotes On Hard Work

Boxing is a very energetic sport that requires dedication and hard work. You may lose motivation sometimes and may not always want to put in that extra hard work into boxing or anything else for that matter.

However, these Rocky Marciano quotes can motivate you in such times. Below you will find some inspirational Rocky Marciano quotes on hard work that will help you push forward and continue your journey.

"To win takes a complete commitment of mind and body. When you can't make that commitment, they don't call you a champion anymore."

"I believe, in my prime, I could have fought with anybody alive."

Rocky Marciano Quotes On Life

Sometimes you might need the motivation to move ahead in life. Are you lacking that motivation? Then, these Rocky Marciano quotes may just be what you are looking for. Below you will find some exceptional quotes by Rocky Marciano on life that will motivate anyone to take a step ahead in life with courage and strength.

"Rocky is a poor Italian boy from a poor Italian family, and he appreciates the buck more than almost anybody. He's only got two halfway decent purses so far, and it was like a tiger tasting blood."

"I guess what I am trying to say is, if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change."

“I'd be conceited if I said I could, but I'd be lying if I said I couldn't.”

Famous Rocky Balboa Quotes

Let us also take a look at some of the famous quotes by the character Rocky Balboa from the Rocky franchise.

"Every champion was once a contender who refused to give up." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"The toughest opponent you're ever going to have to face (is in the mirror)." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"You know they always say, if you live in one place long enough, you are that place." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"A lot of people live with hurt. A lot of people don't have a choice. I do." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Time takes everybody out. Time is undefeated." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"You know the older I get, the more things I got to leave behind, that's life. The only thing I am asking you guys to leave on the table, is what is right." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"You can't learn when you're talking. That's a fact of life. As long as you're talking, you're not listening." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Every once in a while a person comes along who defies the odds, who defies logic, and fulfills an incredible dream." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Somewhere along the line you changed, you stopped being you." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"When things got hard you started looking for something to blame, like a shadow." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"You can't change anythin'. All we can do is go with what we are.' -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

'The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you got to be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Remember, the mind is your best muscle. Big arms can move rocks, but big words can move mountains." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Nothing is real if you don't believe in who you are." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"The only difference between the hero and the coward, is the hero is willing to go for it, alright, willing to take the shot." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Going in one more round when you don't think you can. That's what makes all the difference in your life." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world. But I succeed because I keep going and going and going." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"Because if you're willing to go through all the battling you got to go through to get where you want to get, who's got the right to stop you?" -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"I don't know if you're special. Only you're gonna know that." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

"It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't nobody's right to say no after you earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do." -'Rocky Balboa', 2006

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Written by Spandana Kantam

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

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Spandana KantamBachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

Spandana holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University. She has a passion for writing and enjoys reading crime and thriller novels while listening to RnB music in her free time.

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