100 Simone Biles Quotes From The Record-Breaking Olympic Gymnast

Moumita Dutta
Dec 12, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Feb 18, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Gymnast hands with grips on gymnastic rings

Simone Biles is arguably the greatest gymnast to grace the world of sports who is miles away from the rest of the competition the sports has to offer.

Discovered at six years old while on a field trip to a local gym, everything in the world would change for little Simone as she started her gym sports lessons. Now, she is a multiple-time champion with 25 medals in the World Championships and has four Olympic gold medals from the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

This living legend from Texas even has a routine associated with her called the Biles and in the 2019 World Championship, she stunned the competition by landing the triple-double routine successfully for the first time in sports history.

So, without much delay, let's go through this list of Simone Biles quotes, as the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games set the stage for another Simone Biles masterclass. Simone Biles quotes are truly something to look forward to for anyone interested in sports or building a team.

These quotes can really up your game.

For more such quotes like Simone Biles quotes, take a look at Gabby Douglas quotes and [gymnastics quotes].

Awesome Simone Biles Inspirational Quotes

Take a look at these Simone Biles quotes that are sure to inspire.

1. "I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles."

- Simone Biles.

2. "It's not always winning. People, I think, mistake that it's just winning. Sometimes it could be, but for me, it's hitting the best sets I can, gaining confidence, and having a good time and having fun."

- Simone Biles.

3. "I'd rather regret the risk that didn't work out than the chances I didn't take at all."

- Simone Biles.

4. "I was built this way for a reason, so I'm going to use it."

- Simone Biles.

5. "I take things one step at a time."

- Simone Biles.

6. "It feels amazing to inspire little kids to want to do gymnastics and have fun with it."

- Simone Biles.

7. "I would say to always follow your dream.  And dream big because my whole career, including any of the things that I’ve accomplished, I never thought in a million years that I would be here."

- Simone Biles.

8. "Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal."

9. "Everything I do is in the gym so I'm always in gym clothes."

- Simone Biles.

10. "It's inspiring to young athletes that there are more records that can still be broken."

- Simone Biles.

11. "We can push ourselves further. We always have more to give."

- Simone Biles.

12. "You can't get too caught up in yourself."

- Simone Biles.

13. "Today, do what others won't so tomorrow you can accomplish what others can't."

- Simone Biles.

14. "Practise creates confidence. Confidence empowers you."

- Simone Biles.

15. "Smiling doesn't win you gold medals."

- Simone Biles.

16. "You have to make your own luck. You make it in practice and with training and conditioning."

- Simone Biles.

17. "The reaction of the public plays a very important role. It gives us an adrenaline boost, especially when people start to shout and clap their hands in time with the music. That really helps us to go on."

- Simone Biles

18. "I feel this year gave me a voice. I tried to find my voice this year and use that to the better potential in positive manners."

- Simone Biles.

19. "To me, I go out there, and I do what I trained. We prepare so long for that moment, so it's just kind of exciting."

- Simone Biles.

20. "I don't fear what will happen, but you just get ahead of yourself, like, 'Oh my gosh, I wish it would happen now.'"

- Simone Biles.

21. "Stay healthy, have fun with it, and embrace all the moments. Because anything can happen."

- Simone Biles.

22. "If you're having fun, that's when the best memories are built."

- Simone Biles.

23. "I always say my biggest competitor is myself because, whenever I step out there on the mat, I’m competing against myself to prove that I can do this and that I am very well trained, prepared for it."

- Simone Biles.

24. "A successful competition for me is always going out there and putting 100 percent into whatever I'm doing."

- Simone Biles.

25. "Always work hard and have fun in what you do because I think that’s when you’re more successful. You have to choose to do it."

– Simone Biles.

Simone Biles Famous Quotes

These are some well-known Simone Biles quotes.

26. "I was missing out on public school and going to the football games, prom or homecomings. But I've been to three World Championships... so I think it's like a win-win."

- Simone Biles.

27. "Sometimes I hear the crowd cheering, and most of the time your body’s on autopilot, so sometimes even after I do a floor routine, I'm like, 'Did I really just do that?'"

- Simone Biles.

28. "Before a big event, I usually go to church and light a candle for St. Sebastian, who is the patron saint of athletes."

- Simone Biles.

29. "It's not easy, but the people surrounding me are some of the best, so it makes it a little easier."

- Simone Biles.

30. "To go out there and prove what I can do has taught me a lot about who I am."

- Simone Biles.

31. "Overthinking at night is one of my best talents."

- Simone Biles.

32. "The Bachelorette never fails to irritate me but I can’t stop watching it."

- Simone Biles.

33. "I wasn't born earlier, so I had no say in that!"

- Simone Biles.

34. "At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day."

- Simone Biles.

35. "At the end of the day, they don't know who I really am, rather than looks and what I've achieved."

- Simone Biles.

36. "If they said, 'Do five pull-ups,' I would always want to do ten."

- Simone Biles.

37. "I'm only 19. It's kinda crazy if you're older and putting expectations on a poor 19-year-old."

- Simone Biles.

38. "When we had free time in the Olympic Village, we got massages and rested while watching Netflix."

- Simone Biles.

39. "In the beginning, I would go look through the comments, and I would cry, or maybe I would comment back to some..."

- Simone Biles.

40. "It doesn't matter where you come from, it just matters where you go with it."

- Simone Biles.

41. "Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today, let it be enough."

- Simone Biles.

42. "The team comes first."

- Simone Biles.

43. "Thank you guys for believing in my ability and supporting me in my Olympic journey."

- Simone Biles.

44. "Gymnastics chose me, and I've loved it ever since!"

- Simone Biles.

45. "My biggest flaw is not being able to function without a nap."

- Simone Biles.

46. "I didn't get the high school opportunity, but it always worked out."

- Simone Biles.

47. "I plan on doing things that I can't do because of gym right now. ... Things like going swimming with sharks or jumping off a cliff into the water."

- Simone Biles.

48. "The sport is called artistic gymnastics. So you do have to be a little bit of an actress."

- Simone Biles.

49. "I feel like there were a lot of points in this year that made me who I am today."

- Simone Biles.

50. "I have practice from 9 am to 12 pm, and then I drive home and eat lunch, which is either chicken or fish so I get the protein."

- Simone Biles.

'Courage To Soar: A Body In Motion, A Life In Balance' Quotes From Simone Biles

These Simone Biles quotes from her book talk about her team, her competition, and herself.

51. "I turned without another word and raced back up the stairs. In my room, I flopped backward onto my bed and let out a happy sigh."

- Simone Biles.

52. "I needed to learn how to carry those expectations lightly—like a turtle carries its shell."

- Simone Biles.

53. "I still had moments when my nerves got to me, but whenever I’d start to get anxious, Kyla Ross would remind me, 'Simone, just do what you do in practice.'"

- Simone Biles.

54.  "But if there’s one thing everyone knows about me, it’s that I love a challenge."

- Simone Biles.

55. "But now I was riding a wave of excitement and fear. I’d be one of five girls carrying the banner for my country. Could I handle the pressure?"

- Simone Biles.

56. "As I walked onto the mat to do my floor exercise, I held on to that phrase like it was a lifeline..."

- Simone Biles.

57. "That’s because when a completely new skill is executed successfully at a season-ending championship like Worlds or the Olympics, the move will forever after be known by the name of the gymnast who first performed it."

- Simone Biles.

58. "The only problem is, when I see another gymnast perform the move now, I pray they don’t get hurt. I know it’s not logical, but because the move is named after me, I’d feel as if it was my fault."

- Simone Biles.

59. "I’d say the same thing to her when it was her turn to go up. 'Just like practice' became our catchphrase."

- Simone Biles.

60. "Being chosen to compete had been a jaw-dropping moment for me."

- Simone Biles.

61.  "I'd have to find a way to manage everyone's expectations in order to keep them from making me feel overwhelmed."

- Simone Biles.

62. "I’ll cut to the chase: I nailed the move, which is how it came to be known as the Biles. How awesome is that!"

- Simone Biles.

63. "I wanted them to know that following your dreams—not just in gymnastics, but in everything—shouldn’t have anything to do with the color of your skin. It should only be about finding the discipline and the courage to do the hard work."

- Simone Biles.

64.  "In church every Sunday, with my younger sister, Adria, at my side, I’d kneel with my eyes tightly shut and pray for my family and my teammates."

- Simone Biles.

65. "Tears were bubbling up inside me, but I refused to let the other girls or the coaches see me cry."

- Simone Biles.

66.  "Competitive gymnastics can be a dangerous sport, and I understood just how important it was to be well-prepared."

- Simone Biles.

67. "At the time, I was fourteen and small for my age. A four-feet-eight-inch ball of nonstop energy, I liked to say I was four feet nine just so I could feel taller."

- Simone Biles.

68. "I wasn’t born a Texas girl. In fact, before I called my parents Momma and Poppa Biles, I knew them as Grandma and Grandpa."

- Simone Biles.

69. "I would hope I would inspire kids everywhere to know that you can do anything you put your mind to."

- Simone Biles.

70. "The best you can do is forgive yourself, take a deep breath, and get to work on the next challenge."

- Simone Biles.

71. "That’s how my journey as an elite gymnast began—with a defeat that put an ache in my heart and doubts in my mind."

- Simone Biles.

72. "You will not always be strong, but you can always be brave."

- Simone Biles.

73. "But the same thing that’s true in gymnastics is also true in life: You can’t go back."

- Simone Biles.

74. "Maybe it’s good we don’t know what will happen next in our stories, because if we did, we might not turn the page. Or we might skip ahead and never experience the good that comes out of the hard moment we’re living through."

- Simone Biles.

75. "I was glad to put the whole thing behind me, because I wanted every child, regardless of race, to be able to look at my Worlds win and say, I can dream big too."

- Simone Biles.

76. "I’d imagined having medals around my neck, chalk dust on my legs, and a bright smile on my face."

- Simone Biles.

77. "I’d missed making the junior national team by one spot. One."

- Simone Biles.

78. "I’d then visualize making the national team, imagining it like a movie."

- Simone Biles.

79. "More than anything in the world, I wanted to be chosen for the team."

- Simone Biles.

80. "No one is more surprised than I am that the little girl with the big muscles ended up on a path from foster care to an Olympic stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil."

- Simone Biles.

Awesome Simone Biles Quotes From The Olympics Champ

Take a look at some more Simone Biles quotes from various interviews.

81. "No matter how good you are in your sport, in life, in work, the number one thing people talk about is how you look."

- Simone Biles.

82. "It doesn't matter what you look like. You can strive for greatness, and you can be great."

- Simone Biles.

83. "My favorite event is floor because we get to show off a little bit of our personality."

- Simone Biles.

84. "If you’re not having a good time, it’s okay—you don’t have to hide that from people."

- Simone Biles.

85. "I hope everyone feels comfortable and confident going to therapy and speaking out."

- Simone Biles.

86. "I kind of blow my own mind!"

- Simone Biles.

87. "I almost think you forget how much work you have to put into it until you’re there."

- Simone Biles.

88. "It's been kind of crazy, but going in every day knowing and hoping that 2021 is on the horizon keeps me going."

- Simone Biles.

89. "You don’t have to be a robot all the time, and you don’t always have to seem happy out there."

- Simone Biles.

90. "I remember watching Gabby Douglas win the 2012 Olympics, and I was like, If she can do it, I can do it."

- Simone Biles.

91. "Whenever I get to wear normal clothes, I get so excited. I feel so weird."

- Simone Biles.

92. "...I think everybody inside is a champion themselves depending on how you handle your failures and your successes."

- Simone Biles.

93. "Sometimes I wonder how I do it. I feel like it’s just, like, not me."

- Simone Biles.

94. "In the beginning, I thought maybe I had a problem, but now I kind of look forward to therapy because it's a safe outlet for me."

- Simone Biles.

95. "I think everyone puts those expectations on us just because we are on higher platform so they expect us to speak out."

- Simone Biles.

96. "Some days I'm like, why am I here? But in the end, it's all worth it!"

- Simone Biles.

97. "As a kid, I saw the Olympics and all the girls in college gymnastics but I never thought that I would be here and get the opportunity to compete at the Olympics."

- Simone Biles.

98. "Being committed meant you kept a straight face."

- Simone Biles.

99. "Racism and injustice have existed for years with the Black community."

- Simone Biles.

100. "You’re still going to thrive. You’re going to become somebody amazing and great. You guys are all beautiful, inside and out."

- Simone Biles.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Simone Biles Quotes then why not take a look at Mia Hamm quotes, or Wilma Rudolph quotes.

‍Article image credit: DFree / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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