101+ 'Teen Wolf' Quotes For All Werewolves-In-The-Making

Moumita Dutta
Dec 12, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Feb 04, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Image of werewolf

'Teen Wolf' is a popular supernatural drama series starring Tyler Posey as the main character named Scott McCall, who is a young werewolf defending a fictional town in California called Beacon Hills from supernatural menaces.

The show is mainly about Scott who becomes a werewolf after he is bitten by an alpha before starting his second year in high school and the events that follow in his life when he decides to protect Beacon Hills after that day.

The show amassed millions of fans and positive reviews garnering three Saturn Awards and thirteen Teen Choice Awards.

The show stars Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brian, Holland Roden, Linden Ashby, Melissa Ponzio, JR Bourne, and many others.

With many talented actors starring in this series, it has been recognized worldwide as one of the most watched TV series for teenagers. If you're a fan of this fascinating TV series, you should check out this great list of some of the choicest quotes from 'Teen Wolf'.

The series ran for six seasons, with a 100 episodes. It is one of the best in the supernatural-based shows and you are definitely gonna love it.

If you like our content, you can also check out other great articles like supernatural quotes and werewolf quotes.

Scott McCall Quotes From 'Teen Wolf'

Here is a list of some of the most memorable 'Teen Wolf' quotes by our favorite werewolf characters, Scott McCall.

1. "Scared people will do things that you wouldn't believe."

-Scott McCall.

2. "What's going on with me? You really wanna know? Well, so would I!"

-Scott McCall.

3. "People that I thought would be with me forever are the ones that I lost. People that I thought I could never trust ended up saving my life, more than once."

-Scott McCall.

4. "You might be an alpha, but you're not mine."

-Scott McCall.

5. "We can try. We can always try."

-Scott McCall.

6. "Life can’t ever be all bad or all good. You know, eventually, things have to come back to the middle."

-Scott McCall.

7. "I healed when we were all together again, when we were a pack."

-Scott McCall.

8. "Now we have allies who used to be enemies. Now we have protectors. We have friends willing to fight for us."

-Scott McCall.

9. "We don’t go out in the middle of the night murdering people, do we?"

-Scott McCall.

10. "No more peace summits. No more running. No more half measures."

-Scott McCall.

11. "We can do this guys. No one dies tonight."

-Scott McCall.

12. "Liam, look man, it's okay to be afraid. Just don't let it stop you, okay?"

-Scott McCall.

13. "Stop the war."

-Scott McCall.

14. "Stiles, if you have it, we’ll do something. I’ll do something."

-Scott McCall.

15. "We fight back."

-Scott McCall.

16. "They ran that night. Gerard put guns into people's hands, but a lot less than he thought were willing to use them. More people know our secret now, but more of them are on our side."

-Scott McCall.

17. "Scott: We'll figure it out. We always do.

Derek: Well, it's nice to see that someone hasn't lost their optimism."

-'Teen Wolf'.

18. "We have to learn to fight without our eyes."

-Scott McCall.

'Teen Wolf' Stiles Quotes

Stiles is Scott's childhood friend who alongside Scott find out the evil supernatural perils that lurk in their fictional California town of Beacon Hills. He is not only Scott's best friend but also acts as a voice of reason as well as a comic relief all throughout the series. Here is a list of the best quotes by Stiles.

19. "You called the police before you called me?"

-Stiles Stilinski.

20. "So literally day one of my internship and up comes this slide about this guy they have been chasing in the woods in North America."

-Stiles Stilinski.

21. "I think there’s a pretty good chance that things are never going back to normal."

-Stiles Stilinski.

22. "You wanna play catwoman, I’ll be your batman..."

-Stiles Stilinski.

23. "Can someone please say it with words that have less than three syllables?"

-Stiles Stilinski.

24. "I don’t know how to help you help me tell you something that would help you if I don’t know it!"

-Stiles Stilinski.

25. "I’m 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones; sarcasm is my only defense."

-Stiles Stilinski.

26. "You just don’t believe; mom would have believed me."

-Stiles Stilinski.

27. "You're killing people. To death."

-Stiles Stilinski.

28. "I’m a fan of ignoring a problem until it just goes away!"

-Stiles Stilinski.

29. "It happens to everyone around you, to all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're going to now live the rest of their lives without you in it."

-Stiles Stilinski.

30. "I'm not a hero."

-Stiles Stilinski.

31. "Don't be such a sourwolf."

-Stiles Stilinski.

32. "Some of us have to make mistakes; some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes; some of us are human!"

-Stiles Stilinski.

33. "You didn’t think you were doing this without me, did you?"

-Stiles Stilinski.

34. "Please shut up and let me save your life!"

-Stiles Stilinski.

35. "You’re my brother; so if you’re gonna do this, then I think you’re just gonna have to take me with you."

-Stiles Stilinski.

36. "If you think getting rid of contractions in all of your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, then you are wrong."

-Stiles Stilinski.

37. "Stiles: Okay, so you're telling me we have to go up against this thing blind and face our deepest fears?

Scott: Yeah, why? What do you fear most?

Stiles: Blindness."

-'Teen Wolf'.

38. "This is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck."

-Stiles Stilinski.

39. "They shot my toe! You want to see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated."

-Stiles Stilinski.

40. "I can’t take this waiting around like this, you know? It’s nerve wracking. My nerves are wracked, they’re severly wracked."

-Stiles Stilinski.

41. "Yeah, it’s called heartbreak. About two billion songs written about it."

-Stiles Stilinski.

Teen Wolf Quotes

'Teen Wolf' has some great actors starring as great characters who got viewers glued to your screen. Here is a list of quotes from the series which also includes 'Teen Wolf' funny quotes.  

42. "There's no such thing as fate."

-Allison Argent.

43. "Ever feel like you have the best intentions but you’re just making one mistake after another?"

-Allison Argent.

44. "I know the sign on the door says we're closed, but you could have at least tried knocking."

-Dr. Deaton.

45. "You've made it this far without getting your hands dirty, Scott. No one makes it through a war with clean hands. If you won't start killing, better find someone who will."

-Peter Hale.

46. "It's not that easy to kill a hellhound. You know that's what he's called, right? If you're going to wander into this world, might as well have all the information."

-Noah Stilinski.

47. "Maybe you haven't noticed, but lately I've been having trouble controlling my anger. When things happen to my friends, I just can't seem to help it!"

-Liam Dunbar.

48. "He's going to get himself killed. Don't fall in love with a dead man."

-Peter Hale.

49. "Peter: Do you ever see anything remotely optimistic?

Lydia: It's optimistic if you can prevent it."

-'Teen Wolf.'

50. "It's their turn to be afraid."

-Tamora Monroe.

51. "Maybe you should learn to bend before someone breaks."

-Melissa McCall.

52. "What the hell is a stiles?"

-Lydia Martin.

53. "Be your own anchor."

-Melissa McCall.

54. "Even when a leader thinks they have nothing left to give, there’s still one thing: hope. Give them hope."

-Melissa McCall.

55. "We protect those who cannot protect themselves."

-Argent Family Motto.

56. "I would destroy every piece of evidence to protect you. I would burn the whole sheriff’s station to the ground."

-Noah Stilinski.

57. "It's a bad day for finding bodies."

-Malia Tate.

58. "You fall in love more than once."

-Melissa McCall.

59. "In preparation of some big changes, I’ve decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life, and you’re just about the deadest."

-Jackson Whittemore.

60. "The bigger they are, the bigger they are."

-Coach Finstock.

61. "You hate me now, but you’ll get over it eventually."

-Theo Raeken.

62. "Find another way to stand and fight."

-Derek Hale.

63. "Malia: I'm here for moral support.

Peter: For him or for me?

Malia: You'd need to have morals."

-'Teen Wolf'.

64. "You have known about the supernatural for five minutes, and we have been doing this for a lot longer, so trust me when I tell you these kids can handle it."

-Melissa McCall.

65. "You convinced the FBI to bring an intern onto an extremely dangerous field operation?"

-Lydia Martin.

66. "Please! I have to tell them. They’re all going to die. My friends, they’re all going to die."

-Lydia Martin.

67. "You better make it a perfect shot, Sheriff, because I don’t go down easy."

-Peter Hale.

68. "Scott, promise me you will do everything you can to save her. Scott, promise."

-Liam Dunbar.

69. "Not all monsters do monstrous things."

-Lydia Martin.

70. "You know how every family has its little secrets? Ours is a little different."

-Kate Argent.

71. "Let me help. Let me do something. Just tell me what I can do."

-Liam Dunbar.

72. "Finstock: Co-captains? You want to be co-captains now?

Nolan: We've gotten past our differences.

Finstock: That doesn't sound very competitive. Who taught you that crap?

Liam: You did because you're a great coach.

Finstock: You're right. I am a great coach."

-'Teen Wolf'.

73. "How do we fight something we can't look at?"

-Liam Dunbar.

74. "People like me need people like you to save."

-Mason Hewitt.

75. "You think Gerard turned you into a pariah? Your powers did that. You'll always be an outsider because of your abilities."


76. "We don't like you. Now shut up and help us."

-Peter Hale.

77. "I never said Gerard wouldn't beat me. I said he wouldn't beat Scott."

-Noah Stilinski.

78. "You might be able to kill him with a look, but you'd be surprised at how resourceful he can be."

-Gerard Argent.

79. "This is how you wage war, Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs, which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can, and you might even save a few, but your limited resources will be spread thin, and ultimately, you will fail."

-Gerard Argent.

80. "Yes, he's shooting at us. If you can't even kill him, how do you expect to win this war?"

-Peter Hale.

81. "Humans are friends, not food."

-Malia Tate.

82. "Do you have any concept of what the bond between an alpha and his beta is like? I would say it's as strong if not stronger than the bond between parent and child. Imagine what would happen to the parent if I snapped his child's neck and dropped it at his feet."

-Gerard Argent.

83. "If I’m going to watch an entire lacrosse game, you’d better not suck."

-Malia Tate.

84. "You'll forgive me for not looking you in the eye while talking. I've heard the stories of how lethal it can be. I know what you want. You want your freedom and that means getting rid of people like Scott McCall."

-Gerard Argent.

85. "Well I kinda hate Greenberg but you know, that’s different, it’s Greenberg."

-Coach Finstock.

86. "Isn’t the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team? Or even good?"

-Kira Yukimura.

87. "Life is energy, energy doesn’t just disappear."

-Dr. Deaton.

88. "That is disturbing on multiple levels. What else? Lydia! Don't hold back on me, I never hold back on you."

-Peter Hale.

89. "And find me a lacrosse player. Because, statistically speaking, someone on your team has gotta be on my team. Right?"

-Mason Hewitt.

90. "I'm not asking him to give up. I just want him to survive.

-Chris Argent.

91. "Malia: How dead are we now?

Deucalion: Quite."

-'Teen Wolf.'

92. "There's more than you think, and it's not just hunters. It's anyone and everyone who is willing to pick up a gun."

-Nolan Holloway.

93. "Deucalion: So why aren't you all running for your lives?

Scott: Because we don't run.

Deucalion: Now that sounds like an alpha."

-'Teen Wolf'.

94. "My dreams aren’t like yours Lydia. I’m not the harbinger of death. I’m the cause of it."

-Jordan Parrish.

95. "So if you found him, what were you going to do? Beat him up with your AP Calculus book?"

-Theo Raeken.

96. "Deputy: Stay out of the way. We're not coming for you.

Noah Stilinski: If you're coming for my friends, you're coming for me."

-'Teen Wolf'.

97. "I've never told Scott to run and hide and I'm not going to start now."

-Melissa McCall.

98. "Can't let my GPA go down just because I got beat up in class."

-Liam Dunbar.

99. "Do you think you could move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

-Coach Finstock.

100. "The legend is that you need silver to kill a werewolf. The truth? You need an Argent."

-Gerard Argent.

101. "Deputy: Stilinski.

Noah Stilinski: Sheriff. you refer to me by my proper title, deputy.

Deputy: What are you like 60?"

-'Teen Wolf'.

102. "I didn't think it was possible, but I'm actually starting to wish I was blind again."


Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'Teen Wolf' quotes then why not take a look at [twilight quotes], or 'Gossip Girl' quotes.

Second Image Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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