100+ Best Long Girl Names With Meanings

Georgia Stone
Feb 16, 2024 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Nov 18, 2020
Beautiful girl wearing yellow dress and blue background

We understand all too well what you are going through as a parent who is stuck looking for a superb name for their perfect little princess.

The name of your little girl will tell the world a whole lot about her personality and uniqueness. If you want your girl's name to be as special as her, then why not give her a long one?

Fancy names for children are always in vogue. The amount of research that parents do to find long unique girl names for their child is simply mind-boggling.

The girls name will mostly define how your child will see herself when she grows up. People have started to give the first name the same amount of importance as the last name now.

The baby names can be based on many different aspects like historical places, monuments, celebrities, or even unique places.

It doesn't matter what kind of baby names you favor, there are ample options in every kind, be it elegant names or traditional baby names. It is a joy to watch your baby girl grow up taking baby steps, we're here to make choosing a name a joy as well.

Parents everywhere always take great pains to ensure that they find the best baby names for their children. One of the advantages of having a long name is that it garners a little bit of extra attention among people.

The moniker that parents end up picking for their child may form the child’s unique identity. Thankfully, great sounding names are not that hard to come by.

Just find one that suits your needs from this list. We have hand selected 105 long pretty girl names, that are perfect names for girls that will grow up to be as memorable as their moniker.

We think we've found the best baby girl names, especially for those who are looking to find a perfect complement for their last name. There's no need to worry about a long baby name, they'll grow into it!

You may also want to check out the articles elegant girl names and chic old lady names.

Modern Long Girl Names

Long names are surprisingly rare nowadays, especially for girls name.  But long baby girl names are not going out of trend anytime soon. Below are some interesting and modern names for girls.

1. Aaliyah (Arabic origin) meaning "sublime".

2. Adalynn (Greek origin) meaning "noble".

3. Addison (English origin) meaning "child of Adam".

4. Adeline (English origin) meaning "noble".

5. Adriana (Spanish origin) meaning "a person from Hadria".

6. Anastasia (Greek origin) meaning "resurrection".

7. Arabella (English origin) meaning "beautiful Lion".

8. Arianna (Greek origin) meaning "extremely holy".

9. Ariella (Hebrew origin) meaning "Lion of God".

10. Aurora (Latin origin) meaning "dawn".

11. Brianna (Irish origin) meaning "exalted".

12. Caroline (Latin origin) meaning "beautiful woman". One of the beautiful long girl names about the feminine form.

13. Catalina (Spanish origin) meaning "pure".

14. Cecilia (Latin origin) meaning "blind to own beauty".

15. Daniela (Hebrew origin) meaning "God is my judge".

16. Delilah (Hebrew origin) meaning "delicate".

17. Emilia (Latin origin) meaning "to excel".

18. Everleigh (English origin) meaning "from the Boar meadow".

19. Genesis (Greek origin) meaning "the origin".

20. Genevieve (French origin) meaning "woman of the family".

21. Georgianna (English origin) meaning "merciful".

22. Jocelyn (English origin) meaning "little goth".

23. Josephine (French origin) meaning "Jehovah shall grow".

24. Journee (American origin) meaning "a trip From one place to another".

25. Juliana (Latin origin) meaning "youthful".

26. Juliette (French origin) meaning "young".

27. Juniper (Latin origin) meaning "Juniper berry".

28. Kimberly (English origin) meaning "from the meadow of the royal military stronghold".

29. Mackenzie (Scottish origin) meaning "son Of Kenneth".

30. Madeline (English origin) meaning "of Magdela".

31. Madison (English origin) meaning "offspring of Mathew".

32. Makayla (American origin) meaning "who is like the Lord".

33. Natalie (French origin) meaning "born on Christmas".

34. Penelope (Greek origin) meaning ''having a web over face".

35. Rosalie (French origin) meaning "beautiful rose".

36. Serenity (English origin) meaning "peaceful disposition".

37. Valentina (Latin origin) meaning "healthy".

Long Girl Names With Nicknames

Are you on the lookout for long baby names for girls that offer cute nicknames as well? Nicknames are mostly based on first names. Here are some ideas to get you started but we think nicknames from your last name are adorable too.

38. Abigail (Hebrew origin), a name meaning "joy of the father". It can be shortened and used as Abby, Gael, or Gail.

39. Alexandra (Greek origin), a name meaning "defender of the people". It can be shortened and used as Alexia, Lexie, Alix, or Lexi.

40. Allison (German origin), a name meaning "son of the noble one". You can call your little girl Ali or Allie affectionately.

41. Angelina (Italian origin), a name meaning "messenger Of God". You can call your little girl Angie affectionately.

42.  Callista (Greek origin), a name meaning "most beautiful". You can call your little girl Calla, Kallie, Calli, or Cali affectionately.

43.  Cassandra (Greek origin), a name meaning "she who entangles men". You can call your little girl Cassie, Casey, Cassi or Kassie affectionately.

44. Charlene (English origin), a name meaning "free". You can call your lovely baby Charlee, Charly, Sharlene, Lotye, Lotta, Charli, or Lotte affectionately.

45. Christina (English origin), a name meaning "follower Of Christ". It can be shortened and used as Chrissy, Christi, Christa, or Tiphanie.

46. Christy (Greek origin), a name meaning the "most beautiful". You can call your lovely baby Calla, Kallie, Calli, or Cali affectionately.

47. Fernanda (Spanish origin), a name meaning "ready to travel". You can call your lovely baby Anda affectionately.

48. Francesca (Latin origin), a name meaning "free". You can call your lovely baby Fanny, Frankie, Fran, Fannie, Fanni, Franki, Fania, Fani or Fannia affectionately.

49. Isabella (Italian origin), a name meaning "God is my oath". You can call your lovely baby Bel, Chavela, Bella, or Belle affectionately.

50. Larissa (Greek origin), a name meaning "cheerful". You can call your lovely baby Lara affectionately.

51. Laurie (English origin), a name meaning "laurel". You can call your lovely baby Lori affectionately.

52. Leticia (Spanish origin), a name meaning "joy". You can call your lovely baby Latasha affectionately.

53. Lexann (English origin), a name meaning "defender of mankind". You can call your lovely baby Sashenka, Zanna, Shura, Sasha, Sandra, Lexie, Alexia, Sandrine, Alexi or Alix affectionately.

54. Lillian (English origin), a name meaning "Lily". You can call your lovely baby Lili, Lily, Lil or Lilly affectionately.

55. Linnea (Scandinavian origin), a name meaning "Lime tree". You can call your lovely girl Nea affectionately.

56. Lizbeth (English origin), a  name meaning "God is my oath". You can call your little girl Telsa, Lizbet, Lizette, Lise, Liezel, Libby, Liza, Liesl, Liz or Ilse affectionately.

57. Lorraine (French origin), a name meaning "from Lorraine, France". You can call your lovely baby Lora or Lori affectionately.

58. Lynette (French origin), a name meaning "pretty one". You can call your lovely baby Lyn or Lynn affectionately.

59. Magdalene (Latin origin), a name meaning "watchful". You can call your lovely baby Alena or Leena affectionately.

60. Mallory (French origin), a name meaning "ill-fated". You can call your little baby Lori affectionately.

61. Margaret (English origin), a name meaning "Pearl". You can call your little baby Pegeen, Meg,Rita, Peigi, Margosha, Margolo, Peggy, Maja, Maikki or Maj affectionately.

62. Melissa (Greek origin), a name meaning "Bee". You can call your little baby Lissa or Lyssa affectionately.

63. Michelle (French origin), meaning "who is like God". You can call your lovely baby Misha, Micah, Mychal, Shelly, Shelley, Mia, Michal or Mica affectionately.

64. Miranda (Latin origin), meaning "admirable". You can call your lovely baby Mirilla, Randi or Mireya affectionately.

65. Miriam (Hebrew origin), meaning "of the sea". You can call your lovely baby Mitzi affectionately.

66. Nadetta (German origin), meaning "bravery of a Bear". It can be used as Nadette.

67. Nadezda (Czech origin), meaning "hope". It can be used as Nadenka or Nadusha.

68. Nanelle (Hebrew origin), meaning "grace". It can be shortened and used as Nann or Nanny.

69. Nanette (French origin), meaning "grace". You can call your baby Nann or Nanny affectionately.

70. Nastasia (Russian origin), meaning "arisen". It can be shortened and used as Tazia, Stacie, Stacy, Stacey, Asya, or Nastia.

71. Natasha (Russian origin), meaning "born on Christmas day". It can be shortened and used as Tashia or Tassa.

72. Nathalia (English origin), meaning "bravery of a Bear". It can be used as Tashia or Tassa.

73. Nicanora (Spanish origin), meaning "victorious army". It can be shortened and used as Niki, Nikki or Nicci.

74. Nichole (French origin), meaning "victory of the people". It can be shortened and used as Niki, Nikki, or Nicci.

75. Nicolette (French origin), meaning "people's victory". It can be shortened and used as Nicci or Nikki.

76. Olivia (Latin origin), meaning "Olive tree". It can be shortened and used as Lyvia, Olivie, Livie or Livia.

77. Olympia (Greek origin), meaning "home to the Gods". It can be shortened and used as Pia.

Traditional Long Girl Names

Old English was commonplace in England from the 5th to 12th centuries. Traditional names were influenced by the Scandinavian and German invaders prior to the Norman Conquest.  They had some lovely long names for girls that are underused today. Here is our list of traditional and beautiful long girl names:

78. Agrona (English origin) meaning "Goddess of slaughter and strife".

79. Aislinn (English origin) meaning "dream".

80. Aldercy (English origin) meaning "Chief".

81. Arantxa (English origin) meaning "chornbush".

82. Audrey (English origin) meaning "noble strength".

83. Blossom (English origin) meaning "lovely".

84. Blythe (English origin) meaning "joyous".

85. Chelsea (English origin) meaning "port for Limestone".

86. Claiborne (English origin) meaning "born of the earth".

87. Clovis (English origin) meaning "clover".

88. Columbia (English origin) meaning "Dove".

89. Corliss (English origin) meaning "cheerful".

90. Daralis (English origin) meaning "beloved".

91. Demelza (English origin) meaning "fort on a hill".

92. Edolie (English origin) meaning "noble".

93. Goldie (English origin) meaning "Gold".

94. Harmony (English origin) meaning "soldier".

95. Haylee (English origin) meaning "from the hay meadow".

96. Hollace (English origin) meaning "near the holly bush".

97. Kaelyn (English origin) meaning "meadow".

98. Luella (English origin) meaning "Elfin".

99. Maitane (English origin) meaning "beloved".

100. Radella (English origin) meaning "Elfin adviser".

101. Roberta (English origin) meaning "famous".

102. Sacrifice (English origin) meaning "to make sacred".

103. Shirley (English origin) meaning "bright meadow".

104. Whitney (English origin) meaning "from the white island".

105. Wilona (English origin) meaning "desired".

Kidadl has many articles that inspire you to find the right names for babies. If you liked our suggestions for long names, then why not take a look at something different like english girl names, posh girls names or designer baby names.

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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