100 Super Siberian Names For Your Precious Pups

Akinwalere Olaleye
Feb 16, 2024 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Jun 16, 2022
Edited by Ashima Jain
Fact-checked by Naman Khanna
Siberian names will give you some unique husky's name ideas for determining your new Husky dog name.

Planning to conduct a search on famous husky's names for your Alaskan dogs?

Some of the famous name ideas for huskies from Siberia are Yukon, Hunter, Ace, Suka, Rain, Jack, Grey, Max, and Winter. Did you know that husky dog names have some interesting name meanings like Suka (fast), Siku (ice), Sakari (sweet), and Nanuk (polar bear)!

Read on for some interesting female dog and male husky names to identify the best dog name for Siberian huskies.

Siberian Dog Names

Dogs are indeed the best buddies, partners, and constant companions. Want to name your Siberian dog in the coolest way?

Ace (Latin origin), meaning 'first', is one of the lovely husky dog names.

Akira (Japanese origin), meaning 'bright', is the best name for huskies.

Atlas (Greek origin), meaning 'enduring', is a great name for your pup.

Aurora (Greek origin), meaning 'dawn', is one of the famous husky names.

Bailey (Old English origin), meaning 'fortification', is the symbol of strength and hope for a family.

Balto (Babylonian origin), meaning 'protector', is one of the great names that will get owners some great comments.

Bella (French origin), meaning 'beautiful', is an awe-inspiring name to call. It is among the best female husky names.

Blaze (Latin origin), meaning 'fire', is a suitable name for dogs that are enthusiastic, proactive, and energetic.

Comet (Greek origin), meaning 'long-haired', is a lovely name for husky dog breeds.

Cooper (English origin), meaning 'container', is one of the gender-neutral husky dog names.

Finn (Irish origin), meaning 'white', is the perfect name for Siberian dogs whose fur is completely white in color.

Hunter (English origin), meaning 'chaser', denotes the alert and intelligent temperament of huskies.

Jack (Celtic origin), meaning 'health', is the symbol of fitness to wish for your husky to be active and healthy.

Jax (Hebrew origin), meaning 'mercy of god', is a holy name for your pup.

Koda (Japanese origin), meaning 'friend', is the most suitable name for huskies.

Kona (Italian origin), meaning 'lady', is a lovely name for female huskies.

Loki (Norse origin), meaning 'flame', is a cool name for huskies.

Maverick (English origin), meaning 'independent', is a popular name for male dogs.

Molly (Irish origin), meaning 'bitter', is an ironic name for the sweet and pleasing actions of husky breeds.

Nova (Latin origin), meaning 'new', is the most suitable name that a husky could be called by the family.

Sasha (Slavic origin), meaning 'defender', is the perfect name for your lovely companion.

Scout (Old French origin), meaning 'explore', is a name that shows the outgoing and friendly nature of huskies the best.

Stella (American origin), meaning 'star', denotes the glittery star-like blue eyes of your gorgeous female Siberian husky.

Siberian Husky Puppy Names

Puppies are adorable, they love to play, and they will never let you be sad. Here are some adorable Siberian husky puppy names listed for you.

Archer (English origin), meaning 'bowman', is a cool name for a vigilant and observant husky breed of dogs.

Ares (Greek origin), meaning 'ruin', is a suitable name for your pup.

Ari (Old Norse origin), meaning 'eagle', perfectly describes the alert and cautious nature of sharp huskies.

Axel (Scandinavian origin), meaning 'peace', is a suitable name for gentle beings like huskies.

Blake (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning 'dark', is a cool name for huskies.

Blue (American origin), meaning 'sorrow', denotes the shimmery and magical blue eyes of your husky pup.

Buzz (American origin), meaning 'forest', is a lovely name for huskies.

Chase (Old French origin), meaning 'to seize', is an adorable name for huskies who like to play.

Denali (American origin), meaning 'great', perfectly describes the greatness of friendship.

Jake (Hebrew origin), meaning 'supplanter', is a lovely name for your husky pup.

Lamp (English origin), meaning 'light', is the symbol of hope and the perfect name for the light-bringer in your life.

Polar bear (Latin origin), meaning 'end', is a rather cute name for huskies who are chubby.

Puff (German origin), meaning 'push', is an adorable name for puffy huskies.

Pup (Old French origin), meaning 'doll', is a cute name for your cute little puppy that symbolizes its innocence.

River (Latin origin), meaning 'stream', describes the calmness and gentleness of your husky.

Saber (French origin), meaning 'sword', is rather an ironic name for your husky.

Sky (Norse origin), meaning 'cloud', is another appropriate name for Siberian huskies.

Storm (English origin), meaning 'fast wind', describes the speed and efficiency of the sled dogs.

Willow (English origin), meaning 'freedom', denotes the social and outgoing nature of the friendly huskies.

Wolf (Old German origin), meaning 'battle', is a suitable name for your husky puppy if it likes to fight a lot.

Yukon (American origin), meaning 'great river', is a calm name symbolizing the sober temperament of your dog.

Siberian Husky Female Names

If you have a gorgeous female Siberian husky and you are looking for a pretty name that suits her, your search absolutely ends here. A number of ideas of female husky names are given below.

Athena (Greek origin), meaning 'from Athens', is the symbol of wisdom and courage, just like your brave and courageous husky puppy.

Bea (Latin origin), meaning 'blessings', is an adorable name that symbolizes the existence of your husky as a blessing in life.

Blaire (Scottish origin), meaning 'field', is the symbol of freedom, a name for those huskies who embrace and enjoy freedom.

Daisy (Old English origin), meaning 'day's eye', is a beautiful name for female Siberian huskies describing their core importance in your life.

Dakota (American origin), meaning 'friend', symbolizes your constant companion, no matter where you go.

Echo (Latin origin), meaning 'sound', refers to the sweet barks of your husky puppy while cuddling.

Elsa (Hebrew origin), meaning 'god is my oath', is another cool name for your female husky who has become an integral part of your journey.

Eve (Hebrew origin), meaning 'living', is a sweet and simple name that describes the importance of having a bosom friend in life.

Faith (English origin), meaning 'wish', is a strong name for your husky puppy, which is infused with courage and belief in herself.

Fiona (Gaelic origin), meaning 'fair', is an adorable name for female huskies that are gorgeous and have pure white fur.

Harley (Old English origin), meaning 'meadow', describes the freshness and cheer while your husky is around.

Joy (Latin origin), meaning 'happiness', is a great name for your female pet husky whose presence in your life is a symbol of great joy and happiness.

Luna (Latin origin), meaning 'moon', is a sweet and pure name to show both the moon-like eyes and charismatic fur of your husky baby.

May (Hebrew origin), meaning 'rebellious', is a good name for female huskies that are a little disobedient but still love you.

Maya (Hebrew origin), meaning 'water', is a famous name for your husky puppy, symbolizing the coolness of water like the cold temperature of Siberia.

Sierra (Irish origin), meaning 'dark', is the perfect name for your female husky with brown and black spots.

White Siberian Husky Names

White huskies look purely majestic and beautiful, so they definitely deserve a charismatic name to suit their personality. Keeping this in mind, here are some names for you.

Angel (Greek origin), meaning 'messenger', is a divine name for your angelic and innocent husky baby.

Arctic (Greek origin), meaning 'bear', is a suitable name for your husky if it is huge in size.

Ash (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning 'cinders', is a short and simple name for your Siberian husky.

Cirrus (Latin origin), meaning 'hair', symbolizes the beautiful and smooth fur of your husky.

Cotton (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning 'squishy', is all about the soft and smushy fur of your husky.

Cream (Irish origin), meaning 'heart', is a peculiar name to show that you adore your husky wholeheartedly.

Diamond (Greek origin), meaning 'shining rock', perfectly talks about the shining blue eyes and glittery fur of your loving husky.

Frost (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning 'snow', symbolizes the snow-like appearance of huskies.

Gray (Germanic origin), meaning 'dirty white', is a perfect name for those husky puppies who love playing and dirtying their white fur.

Hail (Old Norse origin), meaning 'healthy', is the perfect name to bless your husky puppy with utmost health and care.

Jasper (Persian origin), meaning 'treasurer', as a name, says all about your Husky being the most precious treasure to you.

Kira (Japanese origin), meaning 'shining', is a lovely name that perfectly describes the glazing skin and fur of your white Siberian husky.

Latte (Italian origin), meaning 'coffee-milk', is the symbol of sweetness, just like your sugary husky.

Lily (Latin origin), meaning 'flower', is a lovely female husky name to describe its innocence and gentleness.

Marshmallow (African origin), meaning 'soft', defines the tenderness and kind heart of your gentle husky.

Misty (American origin), meaning 'dew', signifies the beauty of dew drops, just like the beauty your husky has brought into your life.

Pearl (English origin), meaning 'shiny ball', is the symbol of purity, pure as the shiny blue eyes of your husky.

Snow (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning 'cold', perfectly designates the adaptive capability of the husky to tolerate cold weather.

Swift (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning 'fast', is a lovely name that highlights the speed of huskies while running on snow.

Vanilla (American origin), meaning 'sweet', symbolizes the tender and pleasant nature of your pet dog.

Winter (Irish origin), meaning 'cold', is a name for husky breeds who can easily tolerate the low temperatures of Siberia.

Alaskan Siberian Husky Names

Naming your pets sometimes can really be the most tedious process of expressing love, but we are here to ease your confusion with infinite ideas and ways of naming. So just sit back, chill, and go through the names.

Bandit (American origin), meaning 'thief', is an adorable name for the sweet crimes of your husky when it steals food.

Blizzard (Thai origin), meaning 'storm of snow', is another good name that designates the habitat of huskies.

Cedara (English origin), meaning 'aromatic', is a great name for your gorgeous and majestic female husky puppy.

Flurry (Latin origin), meaning 'goddess of flower', is the symbol of kindness and tenderness, just like your little pup.

Fritz (German origin), meaning 'peaceful ruler', is a name for somewhat domineering and dominating husky gods.

Ghost (Old English origin), meaning 'spirit', symbolizes the strong spirit and willpower of huskies.

Glacier (Latin origin), meaning 'ice', signifies the icy environment in which huskies love to live.

Gus (Latin origin), meaning 'majestic', describes the charismatic and awesome personality of huskies to draw anyone close to them.

Ice (German origin), meaning 'sharp', is a name for husky dogs who live in icy environments.

Igloo (Alaskan origin), meaning 'house', perfectly talks about the home of huskies in ice.

Jewel (English origin), meaning 'precious stone', symbolizes the precious place of your husky pet in your life.

Mink (Dutch origin), meaning 'infirmity', shows how much you adore your husky, since its smile is your definite weakness.

Nala (African origin), meaning 'beloved', perfectly symbolizes all the love you have for your husky pet.

Rain (Estonian origin), meaning 'advice', is another adorable name for your husky if it loves playing with the snow.

Riley (Irish origin), meaning 'clearing', is a great name for huskies if they are clean-freak.

Rocky (Germanic origin), meaning 'rock', is the symbol of determination and courage, just like the adamant nature of huskies.

Shadow (English origin), meaning 'shade', is a good name to describe the shade and cold-loving husky breeds.

Togo (Russian origin), meaning 'river', describes the calm flow of the river just like the gentle nature of huskies.

Zeus (Norse origin), meaning 'god of thunder', is the perfect name for rather aggressive and mischievous huskies.

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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Fact-checked by Naman Khanna

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Naman KhannaBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

An English literature graduate from Delhi University, Naman's broad interests include mathematics, science, and social science. With his knowledge and expertise in multiple subjects, he is an asset to our fact-checking team. Naman is set to pursue his postgraduate degree in English literature soon.

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