Are you a fan of hummingbirds? Then you may find the frilled coquette interesting.
The frilled coquette is a kind of hummingbird endemic to Brazil. This bird is monotypic with no subspecies! The order, family, genus, and specific name of this bird are Apodiformes, Trochilidae, Lophornis, and magnificus, respectively.
Frilled coquettes are particularly known for their appearance, which is quite striking in the male birds of this species. They have a prominent orange crest, that they can move according to their mood. The females are comparatively duller to look at.
This bird feeds on nectar and small arthropods. They constantly hover over the flowers to collect nectar, using special flight modifications. Their breeding season starts in August and continues until March.
The females participate in making the nests and taking care of the young alone. These hummingbirds are non-migratory but might disperse seasonally. Though the population of this bird is spread over a wide area and is not decreasing, loss of habitat can affect their numbers.
To learn more about frilled coquette, keep reading! You can also check out laughing kookaburra facts and frigatebird facts.
Frilled Coquette Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a frilled coquette?
The frilled coquette is a kind of hummingbird.
What class of animal does a frilled coquette belong to?
Frilled coquettes belong to the class Aves. Their order, family, genus, and specific name are Apodiformes, Trochilidae, Lophornis, and magnificus, respectively. This bird is monotypic and has no subspecies.
How many frilled coquettes are there in the world?
The exact population of the frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) is not known, and their population trend has been marked as unknown by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN. However, this bird is considered to be uncommon.
Where does a frilled coquette live?
Frilled coquettes are endemic to Brazil. The frilled coquette range is quite large and covers a wide range in Brazil from Alagoas to the Rio Grande do Sul, and from Goiás to Mato Grosso. These birds are non-migratory, but seasonal dispersal is noted following breeding or flowering seasons.
What is a frilled coquette's habitat?
The frilled coquette habitat mainly consists of forests, cerrado, and coffee plantations. They can be found in any humid forest or secondary forest in their natural range. The cerrado habitat in Brazil is characterized by different kinds of savannas.
Who do frilled coquettes live with?
Generally, hummingbird species are solitary and come in contact with each other only during breeding. Hence, it can be inferred that frilled coquettes also follow the same pattern, as Lophornis magnificus is a species of hummingbird.
How long does a frilled coquette live?
The exact lifespan of a frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) bird is not known. Most hummingbirds can live for up to 12 years.
How do they reproduce?
The breeding season in frilled coquettes lasts from August to March. The male bird goes after the female to pursue them, till they slow down their flight.
The male frilled coquettes are known to show off their plumage and crest to the females as part of the mating display. Once breeding has been carried out successfully, the female lays two eggs, which are incubated for 12-13 days by the female.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) is listed as of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN. These birds cover a vast area and do not seem to be at any significant risk of endangerment. However, habitat loss can pose a threat to their population.
Frilled Coquette Fun Facts
What do frilled coquettes look like?

The frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) is one of the most colorful and beautiful bird species in the world (though not as colorful as a roller). The male and female birds differ quite a lot in appearance, with some common features.
The common features include a copper green back with a single white band on the rump. Both their underparts have a greenish-whitish tinge. Their bill is short and straight.
Some of the major differences between the males and females of this species are: the male bird has a prominent orange crest, and they also stand out due to their green and white cheek feathers, which are fan-shaped. The female birds lack these features and appear quite duller in comparison.
How cute are they?
The frilled coquette is not only cute but also very attractive. Especially the male birds of this species are exceptionally beautiful and vibrant.
How do they communicate?
The frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) bird mostly communicates through different calls and vocalizations. However, these hummingbirds are noted to be silent most of the time. The frilled coquette song includes short 'tsip' calls when they are feeding. In general, hummingbirds also have calls to attract mates and signify any danger.
How big is a frilled coquette?
A frilled coquette is one of the smallest kinds of hummingbirds. Their body has a length between 2.5-2.7 in (6.35-6.85 cm). Frilled Coquette hummingbirds are slightly bigger than the tufted coquette hummingbird, which are 2.6 in (6.6 cm) long. Compared to the rufous hummingbird, standing at length 2.8-3.6 in (7.1-9.1 cm), this bird is slightly smaller.
How fast can a frilled coquette fly?
The exact flight speed of the frilled coquette hummingbirds is not known. Generally, several species in the hummingbird family, Trochilidae, can achieve a speed of 20-30 mph (32.1-48.2 kph) during flight.
How much does a frilled coquette weigh?
The weight of a frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) is 0.07 oz (1.98 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
The male and female birds of this species are known as male-frilled coquettes and female-frilled coquettes, respectively.
What would you call a baby frilled coquette?
A baby frilled coquette bird is known as a nestling or chick.
What do they eat?
Frilled coquettes have an omnivorous diet. They mainly feed on small arthropods and the nectar of small flowers. This bird has special flight adaptations that enable them to hover over the flowers, while they are collecting the nectar. They also have a long tongue, that aids in the process.
Are they dangerous?
The frilled coquette bird is not considered to be dangerous to humans.
Would they make a good pet?
The frilled coquette or any other species of hummingbird will not be ideal pets. These birds have never been domesticated, and they would not be able to live well in enclosed settings.
Did you know...
The frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) is the smallest bird in Brazil. However, among the hummingbirds, the bee hummingbird is the smallest.
Are frilled coquette male birds more beautiful than female frilled coquette?
Yes, the male frilled coquette (Lophornis magnificus) certainly appears more beautiful than the females due to their plumage. The male bird has a characteristic orange crest and fan-shaped cheek feathers, which appear green or white.
The top of their head and throat possesses a beautiful tone of iridescent green.
The female birds lack both the cheek feathers and the crest. However, both males and females share the presence of a white band on the rump and overall coloration of the back and underparts which are copper green and whitish-greenish, respectively.
Is the frilled coquette a species of hummingbird?
The frilled coquette is a species of hummingbird. These birds belong to the family Trochilidae, which is the hummingbird family. They are part of the genus Lophornis, which has several other small hummingbirds.
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You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable frilled coquette coloring pages.