Fun Aracari Bird Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Jan 04, 2023 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
A few arcari bird facts that won't stop fascinating you.

The aracari toucan species of the family Ramphastidae is a small toucanet that lives in the Amazonian area.

They are known to be one of the only birds who can eat fruit from green trees as high up as 50 yd (150 ft)! The aracari toucans are really cool to look at, but the truth is they're pretty much just small toucans.

They have a few extended tails folded over their backs and stubby little wings that don't let them fly very far or for too long before needing rest.

The Aracari yellow toucanet can be found in Central America and the northern parts of South America. They have a relatively large head, short neck, big mouth that is surrounded by bright lavender or blue feathers on both sides as well as their nape which make it easy for them to attract prey from afar!

These amazing toucans also use their long tongue with barbs along with their large bill much like an elephant's trunk when they reach into holes and cracks looking for bugs.

And if you've ever seen one up close before, then chances are these guys were not too far away either because they tend to stand still while waiting patiently until something gets within striking distance.

The Aracari eats insects, the fruit of green trees at heights uncommon for most other animals, and even human scraps if necessary. The word "Aracari" comes from Portuguese and means large parrot or monkey with long hair.

This genus has about 15 known species worldwide including at least one member native to North America!

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Aracari Bird Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an aracari bird?

The aracari toucan is a type of tropical bird native to Central and South America.

What class of animal does an aracari bird belong to?

The elegant yellow aracari toucan belongs to the class Aves and order, family, genus of Piciformes, Ramphastidae, and Pteroglossus respectively. The Aves include other species such as eagles and hawks!

How many aracari birds are there in the world?

According to one study, there are about 4.8 million aracari toucans in the world! It is possible the number could be slightly different!

Where does an aracari bird live?

After the aracari toucanet species is born, it spends its first year of life in one particular tree. Once they mature and have learned all about their habitat's language, they will move to another similar type of rainforest as a show-off for prospective mates!

What is an aracari bird's habitat?

These beautiful yellow toucans species live in the Amazon rainforest, one of Earth's most biodiverse habitats. They are usually found on green trees and eating fruit from plants like Marmalade Trees.

In fact, they're so skilled at climbing that it would be impossible for you to catch them! They are found in Southern Mexico, Panama, also Ecuador, Colombia. Even tinamou are common in these areas!

Who do aracari birds live with?

The aracari toucan lives with its family in groups of up to twenty.

How long does an aracari bird live?

The aracari toucan is a member of the toucan family, which typically lives between 20 and 25 years in captivity.

How do they reproduce?

The fiery-billed aracari male will keep watch for predators while his mate incubates her clutch of two shiny white and green eggs submerged in water inside an oval nest floating high above him.

What is their conservation status?

The yellow fiery-billed aracari toucan has a conservation status of Least Concern. If you are looking for one, try looking at a tree. The aracaris love hanging out there!

Aracari Bird Fun Facts

What do aracari birds look like?

Aracaris are brightly colored toucans that have long tails and distinctive heads with an upturned bill. Their wingspan is pretty great, which makes them perfect for catching insects from the sky or ground.

The aracari toucans are colorful and easy to spot in Southern Mexico and the Amazonian rainforest.

The fiery-billed aracaris have a yellow, and green back, bright red large bill, black throat patch on their chest, white belly with orange stripes around its edges as well as lines running down from the wingtips along each side of their body. Their feathers have a beautiful golden sheen to them that makes these toucans eye-catching from afar!

How cute are they?

Aracari birds are known for their long tails and bright colors. Brightly colored feathers on the tail make them a beautiful addition to any garden!

How do they communicate?

The way that aracari birds communicate with each other is through head cocking. The toucan aracaris will often do this to show interest in a new object, and it also helps them coordinate mating rituals.

How big is an aracari bird?

The aracari toucan pteroglossus frantzii is native to the Amazon and can grow up to 15-18 in (40-45 cm) long and weighs 0.5-0.6 lb (230-250 g). These green birds have a large head, plump body, short tail feathers with white tips on their wings that are always fanned out as if in flight.

How fast can an aracari bird fly?

Aracari birds are very fast and agile. The toucan aracaris pteroglossus frantzii can fly up to speeds of 60 mph (90 kph), but they average at around 30 mph (45 kph) in the air.

How much does an aracari bird weigh?

The aracari is a beautiful creature of flight that weighs about 0.5-0.6 pounds (230-250 grams). The toucan aracaris have bright, vivid colors for their wings and tails making them very noticeable in the sky when flying against other birds!

What are the male and female names of the species?

Though males and females don't have many different names, the collared aracari pteroglossus torquatus have their set of differences! Males are smaller than females because they molt more often due to their higher level of activity throughout mating season. Both species are referred to as aracari.

What would you call a baby aracari bird?

They're called chicks! The collared Aracari pteroglossus torquatus has a special way of caring for their young.

What do they eat?

The toucan aracaris require vast amounts of diverse fruits like mangoes, bananas, papayas; but also rely heavily on invertebrates such as green grass spiders which live at ground level rather than higher up in trees.

Are they dangerous?

Mostly the toucan aracaris will not attack unless provoked. However, the toucanet aracaris are very dangerous on provocation, as their sharp claws will tear your face off in no time flat if given half a chance to get near enough for them to do so!

Would they make a good pet?

The collared aracari pet is great for people who are looking to fill their homes with lots of noise. The toucanet aracaris tend to be very noisy and will sing constantly, often at the top of their lungs.

Did you know...

The aracari toucan goes through a coloring change at the beginning of every breeding season where they turn into brighter colors such as golds and yellows which helps them stand out among other birds.

How many species of aracari are there?

Around 15 species are known collared aracari pteroglossus torquatus, green aracari, curl-crested aracari, fiery-billed, chestnut-eared, saffron toucanet, ivory-billed, lettered, many-banded, red-necked, black-necked, stripe-billed, brown-mandibled and pale-mandibled.

The aracari bird's beak

The aracari bird's bill is a marvel of evolution. The weirdly curved shape has the effect of channeling water to its tongue, which it uses for catching insects in flight with this bill and drinking from wet leaves during rainstorms.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these sea eagle facts and harpy eagle facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable aracari bird coloring pages.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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