Are Whales Mammals? Learn Why Whales Are So Similar To Humans!

Aashita Dhingra
Oct 27, 2023 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Nov 24, 2021
Humpback whale jumping out of water.

Whales are marine mammals that are present in various different species across different deep water bodies.

Whales are known to be the largest animals on Earth and are the biggest creatures to have ever lived on our planet. Whales have brains that are extremely large, much larger than humans but this does not necessarily mean that they are anywhere near as smart as humans.

There are two suborders of whales known as baleen whales and toothed whales. There are eight extant families of whales that are known by humans.

The whales are completely aquatic and are creatures that are open to the ocean. They can feed, mate, and even give birth and raise their young ones in the water.

The blue whale is the whale that is known as the largest creature that has ever lived. The baleen whales do not have teeth and the toothed whales have teeth that are conical in shape.

The sperm whale is the largest toothed whale. Whales can also breathe air though they live in water.

These marine mammals are warm-blooded animals and just like humans who nurse the whale babies until they reach maturity level. The brain of the sperm whales is the largest when compared to any other whale. The blue whale is a whale that belongs to the suborder of baleen whales.

There are different types of whales present in various aquatic habitats including the sperm whale, humpback whale, killer whale, blue whale, and many others. Whales can also travel long distances in the ocean without feeding.

After understanding that are whales marine mammals or not, also read are dolphins whales and how long can whales hold their breath?

Evolution Of Whales As Mammals

The cetacean family which includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises is an order of mammals that are known to have originated millions of years ago.

The whales are the creatures that have evolved from a land-dwelling four-legged mammal Pakicetus who could breathe air through their lungs and can also remain underwater. It is believed to be a common ancestor between whales and hippos.

The first whale evolved after the dinosaurs went extinct but before the appearance of humans. The whales have evolved from four-legged, even-toed, and hoofed ancestors that lived almost 50 million years ago.

The whales were land-living mammals and then their ancestors moved to the sea and evolved into swimming. Therefore, the whales evolved as mammals and are of different types.

Different Types Of Whales

The mammals that are the largest creatures in the world are whales. There are many different types of whales that humans have identified.

The different types of whales are blue whales, humpback whales, killer whales, sperm whales, bowhead whales, fin whales, gray whales, and many others. Each whale is a different species that has a different appearance. The whale species: right, blue, sei, humpback, minke, fin, sperm, and killer are all found in the Antarctic waters.

The great whales are whales that are huge in size and it usually varies from species to species. There are different species of whales which includes both baleen and toothed whales that range from the largest size to the smallest size.

There are around 90 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises which as a group are known as cetaceans.

The different types of whales are the whales that are small or big in size and differ according to their body type. The body temperature of the whale is dependent on the place where the whale resides.

Why is a whale classified as a mammal?

The whales are classified as mammals which literally means that these marine mammals are like humans and other land mammals who have three inner ear bones and hair.

The whales can also breathe air just like humans do, and the female whales can also produce milk through the mammary glands to feed their baby whales. The whales are warm-blooded mammals just like human beings.

When the whale is ready to feed milk to the baby, the baby whales dive underneath and nudge into the glands and the milk is ejected into their mouths.

The whales are classified as mammals because they have all the qualities of a mammal and therefore it is easy to classify whales as mammals. The whales are considered mammals because they have evolved from land mammals. Whales are mammals and are often confused with sharks.

Why whales are mammals and not fish?

Whales are mammals as they are animals who are warm-blooded and feed milk to their young directly from their mammary glands.

Whales are known to meet all the criteria to be a mammal while fish cannot do all these things. The whales are warm-blooded animals whose high body temperature will not alter even in cold water. Fish cannot produce milk to feed their young ones. Therefore, whales are indeed mammals and not fish.

Why are whales more closely related to humans than fish?

Whales are more closely related to humans than to fish as they have all the characteristics that a human has. The whales are warm-blooded mammals just like human beings are.

The whales are known to do all the things that a human does and that is the reason why whales are more closely related to humans than to fish. The whales are the animals that breathe air, have minimal hair at birth, and also feed their babies milk just like human beings do.

They have a high body temperature and do not change even in cold water. Therefore, whales are more closely related to humans than to fish.

How are fish different from whales?

Whales are known as warm-blooded animals whereas fishes are known to be cold-blooded. The whales breathe air through their lungs whereas the fishes use their gills to get the air from the water.

Whales are mammals whereas fishes are aquatic animals. The whales live in ocean water only whereas fishes live in both fresh and saltwater. Whales are the largest creatures on Earth whereas fishes are the smallest creatures.

Whales have skin that is smooth and fishes have very little body fat. Fish is a member of a paraphyletic group whereas whales belong to the cetacean order. Whales are also used for the purpose of commercial whaling.

Did You Know...

Yes, whales are mammals that live in the ocean. Whales are known as mammals as they have the same characteristics as humans. Whales have lungs to breathe air, have hair, and feed milk to their young. They are warm-blooded and live in the ocean.

The whales use their lungs for the purpose of respiration and give birth to their young ones. They have hair on their skin and nurse their young ones. Therefore, whales are mammals. The marine life of whales is known to be at least 30 years but can extend to even 200 years for some species.

A whale is classified as a mammal as they have all the same qualities as humans and other mammals. The whales are classified as mammals because they are just like humans and other land mammals and have three inner ear bones and hair. They use their lungs for respiration.

Like any other mammal, they have mammary glands which produce milk to feed their young ones. The whales earlier evolved as land mammals and then went into the oceans. Therefore, whales are classified as mammals.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for are whales mammals then why not take a look at humpback whale breaching or sperm whale facts.

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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